
Starting the server

The LISA shell can simplify starting an Jupyter notebook server:

[LISAShell lisa] \> lisa-jupyter start

Starting Jupyter Notebooks...

Notebook server configuration:
  URL        :
  Folder     :  /data/work/lisa/ipynb
  Logfile    :  /data/work/lisa/ipynb/server.log

Notebook server task: [4] 30177

Note that the lisa-jupyter command allows you to specify interface and port in case you have several network interfaces on your host:

lisa-jupyter start [interface [port]]

The URL of the main folder served by the server is printed on the screen. By default it is

Once the server is started you can have a look at the provided tutorial notebooks are accessible by following this link. This initial tutorial can be seen (but not executed) also on github.

Notebooks as development environment


To avoid having to restart the kernel and re-import LISA modules that you have changed (e.g. you’re coding some new feature and testing it out in a notebook), you can add this in the first cell of your notebook:

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Note that this can cause a few type checking issues, but you should get an explicit error in that case.

Notebook examples

Typical experiment

Basic experiment running a workload and analysing the trace:

Analysis examples

Analysis plots on a trace:

Synthetic test example

Example showing how to run one of the synthetic tests based on lisa.tests.base.TestBundle: