

Our Target is a wrapper around In short, it’s a device communication abstraction library that gives us a simple Python interface for playing around with a device (shell, file transfer…).

If you want to execute some command on a target, it’s as simple as this:

out = target.execute("ls -al .")

Have a look at the devlib documentation for more details. Our wrapper brings additionnal features which are documented below.

As a rule of thumb, if you want to add a feature to Target, chances are this should be contributed to devlib instead.

Connecting to a target

Connecting to a target means creating a Target instance. This can be as a simple as this:

target = Target(kind="linux", host="", username="root", password="root")

For more convenience, you can also save the relevant connection information for a given target in a configuration file, which would let you create a Target like so:

target = Target.from_one_conf("path/to/my/conf.yml")

See also

See the documentation of Target and TargetConf more details.

Platform data

The main source of information for tests come from Trace and PlatformInfo. The latter gives access to information autodetected from the or filled in by the user.

This information ranges from the current kernel version to the available platform frequencies.

See also

See the documentation of PlatformInfo for more details.



class, help, classinfo, newtype=None, deepcopy_val=True)[source]

Bases: KeyDesc


Format the value for pretty printing.


v (object) – Value of the key that is being printed


A string

class, src='user', add_default_src=True)[source]

Bases: SimpleMultiSrcConf, HideExekallID

Target connection settings.

Only keys defined below are allowed, with the given meaning and type:

  • target-conf: target connection settings

  • name (str): Board name, free-form value only used to embelish logs.

  • kind (Literal): Target kind. Can be “linux” (ssh) or “android” (adb).

  • host (str or None): Hostname or IP address of the SSH or ADB server.

  • username (str or None): SSH username. On ADB connections, “root” username will root adb upon target connection.

  • password (str or None): SSH password.

  • port (int or None): SSH or ADB server port.

  • device (str or None): ADB device.

  • keyfile (str or None): SSH private key file.

  • strict-host-check (bool or None): Equivalent to StrictHostKeyChecking option of OpenSSH.

  • workdir (str): Remote target workdir.

  • tools (Sequence): List of tools to install on the target.

  • lazy-platinfo (bool): Lazily autodect the platform information to speed up the connection.

  • kernel: kernel information

  • src (str or None): Path to kernel source tree matching the kernel running on the target used to build modules.

  • modules: Kernel module build environment

  • build-env (Literal): Environment used to build modules. Can be any of “alpine” (Alpine Linux chroot, recommended) or “host” (command ran directly on host system).

  • build-env-settings: build-env settings

  • host: Settings for host build-env

  • toolchain-path (str): Folder to prepend to PATH when executing toolchain command in the host build env.

  • alpine: Settings for Alpine linux build-env

  • version (None or str): Alpine linux version, e.g. 3.18.0.

  • packages (None or Sequence): List of Alpine linux packages to install. If that is provided, then errors while installing the package list provided by LISA will not raise an exception, so that the user can provide their own replacement for them. This allows future-proofing hardcoded package names in LISA, as Alpine package names might evolve between versions..

  • overlay-backend (str): Backend to use for overlaying folders while building modules. Can be “overlayfs” (overlayfs filesystem, recommended and fastest) or “copy (plain folder copy).

  • make-variables (Dict): Extra variables to pass to “make” command, such as “CC”.

  • modules: modules settings

  • <module-name>: For each module. The module shipped by LISA is “lisa”

  • overlays (Dict): Overlays to apply to the sources of the given module.

  • wait-boot: Wait for the target to finish booting

  • enable (bool): Enable the boot check.

  • timeout (int): Timeout of the boot check.

  • devlib: devlib configuration

  • platform: devlib.platform.Platform subclass specification

  • class (str): Name of the class to use.

  • args (Mapping): Keyword arguments to build the Platform object.

  • excluded-modules (Sequence): List of devlib modules to not load.

  • file-xfer (Sequence): File transfer method. Can be “sftp” (default) or “scp”. (Only valid for linux targets).

  • max-async (int or None): Maximum number of asynchronous commands in flight at any time.

An instance can be created by calling TargetConf with a dictionary. The top-level target-conf key is not needed here:

    'name': 'myboard',
    'kind': 'linux',
    'username': 'foo',
    'password': 'bar',

Or alternatively, from a YAML configuration file:

Content of target_conf.yml:

# LISA Target configuration required by devlib to connect to a target.
# See the doc for available keys:

    # Kind of platform
    # - linux   : accessed via SSH connection
    # - android : accessed via ADB connection
    # - host    : run on the local host
    # kind : android

    # Board
    # Optional board name used for better prettier logs
    # name: myboard

    # Target IP or domain name
    # host:

    # Target Android device ID
    # device: 00b1346f0878ccb1

    # Login username (has to be sudo enabled)
    # username: root

    # Login credentials
    # You can specify either a password or keyfile
    # password: "mypassword"
    # keyfile: /complete/path/of/your/keyfile

    # Optional kernel module configuration
    # kernel:
        # Path to the kernel sources. If left out, a tarball will be
        # used (with varying degree of success)
        # src: /path/to/kernel/src/tree

        # Module compiling options
        # modules:
            # Variables passed to make command line while building modules.
            # make-variables:
                # Setting "LLVM: 1" is a good idea as clang is a cross
                # compiler by default. Just using "CC: clang" will still use
                # parts of the GNU toolchain.
                # LLVM: 1

            # Either "host" or "alpine". If "alpine" is used, an Alpine chroot
            # will be used to build the kernel module in. Works best with
            # "LLVM: 1" for reproducible builds regardless of the build-env.
            # build-env: host
            # It is possible to specify some parameters to build-env, such as
            # Alpine version:
            # build-env:
            #     build-env: alpine
            #     build-env-settings:
            #         alpine:
            #              version: 3.18
            #              packages:
            #                  - foobar

            # Usually not needed: "overlayfs" will overlay folders using
            # overlayfs. "copy" will use plain slow copies.
            # overlay-backend: overlayfs

    # Optional devlib configuration
    # devlib:
        # Devlib modules names to enable/disbale for all the experiment
        # excluded-modules: []
        # devlib Platform sublcass to use, with the keyword arguments to use it
        # platform:
            # Defaults to devlib.platform.Platform
            # class: devlib.platform.Platform
            # args:
                # arg1: foo
                # arg2: bar

    # Optional additional binary tools to install by default for all experiments
    # Currently available tools:
    # - binaries under ./tools/<ARCH>/
    #   where <ARCH> is one of the supported target
    #   architectures
    # - shell scripts under './tools/scripts/
    # tools: []

# Ftrace collector configuration
    # Additional ftrace events and functions collected regardless of the
    # test configuration
    # events: []
    # functions: []
    # ftrace buffer size
    # buffer-size: 42

# Platform information
# Various bits of information about the platform used by LISA
    # Include a preset platform-info file, instead of defining the keys directly here.
    # Note that you cannot use !include and define keys at the same time.
    # !include $LISA_HOME/lisa/platforms/juno_r0.yml
    # conf:
        # rtapp:
            # # Calibration mapping of CPU numbers to calibration value for rtapp
            # calib: {}

The following special YAML tags can be used in the configuration file:

    # "!env:<type> ENV_VAR_NAME" can be used to reference an
    # environment variable.
    name: !env:str BOARD_NAME
    port: !env:int PORT


Only load trusted YAML files as it can lead to abritrary code execution.


That structure in a YAML file is allowed and will work:

  • file foo.yml:

        name: myboard
  • file bar.yml:

        !include foo.yml

This will result in that structure which would normally be invalid, but is handled as a special case:

        name: myboard


Arbitrary code can be executed while loading an instance from a YAML or Pickle file. To include untrusted data in YAML, use the !untrusted tag along with a string

STRUCTURE = <lisa.conf.TopLevelKeyDesc object>
DEFAULT_SRC = {'devlib': {'excluded-modules': [], 'platform': {'class': 'devlib.platform.Platform'}}, 'kernel': {'modules': {'build-env-settings': {'alpine': {}, 'host': {}}, 'modules': {'<module-name>': {}}}}, 'lazy-platinfo': False, 'name': '<noname>', 'tools': [], 'wait-boot': {'enable': True, 'timeout': 10}}

Source added automatically using add_src() under the name ‘default’ when instances are built.

class Device

Bases: HideExekallID

ADB device

class DevlibExcludedModules

Bases: HideExekallID

List of devlib modules to not load

class DevlibFileXfer

Bases: HideExekallID

File transfer method. Can be “sftp” (default) or “scp”. (Only valid for linux targets)

class DevlibMaxAsync

Bases: HideExekallID

Maximum number of asynchronous commands in flight at any time

class DevlibPlatformArgs

Bases: HideExekallID

Keyword arguments to build the Platform object

class DevlibPlatformClass

Bases: HideExekallID

Name of the class to use

class Host

Bases: HideExekallID

Hostname or IP address of the SSH or ADB server

class KernelModulesBuildEnv

Bases: HideExekallID

Environment used to build modules. Can be any of “alpine” (Alpine Linux chroot, recommended) or “host” (command ran directly on host system)

class KernelModulesBuildEnvSettingsAlpinePackages

Bases: HideExekallID

List of Alpine linux packages to install. If that is provided, then errors while installing the package list provided by LISA will not raise an exception, so that the user can provide their own replacement for them. This allows future-proofing hardcoded package names in LISA, as Alpine package names might evolve between versions.

class KernelModulesBuildEnvSettingsAlpineVersion

Bases: HideExekallID

Alpine linux version, e.g. 3.18.0

class KernelModulesBuildEnvSettingsHostToolchainPath

Bases: HideExekallID

Folder to prepend to PATH when executing toolchain command in the host build env

class KernelModulesMakeVariables

Bases: HideExekallID

Extra variables to pass to “make” command, such as “CC”

class KernelModulesModulesModuleNameOverlays

Bases: HideExekallID

Overlays to apply to the sources of the given module

class KernelModulesOverlayBackend

Bases: HideExekallID

Backend to use for overlaying folders while building modules. Can be “overlayfs” (overlayfs filesystem, recommended and fastest) or “copy (plain folder copy)

class KernelSrc

Bases: HideExekallID

Path to kernel source tree matching the kernel running on the target used to build modules

class Keyfile

Bases: HideExekallID

SSH private key file

class Kind

Bases: HideExekallID

Target kind. Can be “linux” (ssh) or “android” (adb)

class LazyPlatinfo

Bases: HideExekallID

Lazily autodect the platform information to speed up the connection

class Name

Bases: HideExekallID

Board name, free-form value only used to embelish logs

class Password

Bases: HideExekallID

SSH password

class Port

Bases: HideExekallID

SSH or ADB server port

class StrictHostCheck

Bases: HideExekallID

Equivalent to StrictHostKeyChecking option of OpenSSH

class Tools

Bases: HideExekallID

List of tools to install on the target

class Username

Bases: HideExekallID

SSH username. On ADB connections, “root” username will root adb upon target connection

class WaitBootEnable

Bases: HideExekallID

Enable the boot check

class WaitBootTimeout

Bases: HideExekallID

Timeout of the boot check

class Workdir

Bases: HideExekallID

Remote target workdir

class, name='<noname>', tools=[], res_dir=None, plat_info=None, lazy_platinfo=False, workdir=None, device=None, host=None, port=None, username=None, password=None, keyfile=None, strict_host_check=None, devlib_platform=None, devlib_excluded_modules=[], devlib_file_xfer=None, wait_boot=True, wait_boot_timeout=10, kernel_src=None, kmod_build_env=None, kmod_make_vars=None, kmod_overlay_backend=None, devlib_max_async=None)[source]

Bases: Loggable, HideExekallID, ExekallTaggable, Configurable

Wrap to provide additional features on top of it.

  • kind (Literal) – Target kind. Can be “linux” (ssh) or “android” (adb)

  • name (str) – Board name, free-form value only used to embelish logs

  • tools (Sequence) – List of tools to install on the target

  • lazy_platinfo (bool) – Lazily autodect the platform information to speed up the connection

  • workdir (str) – Remote target workdir

  • device (str or None) – ADB device

  • host (str or None) – Hostname or IP address of the SSH or ADB server

  • port (int or None) – SSH or ADB server port

  • username (str or None) – SSH username. On ADB connections, “root” username will root adb upon target connection

  • password (str or None) – SSH password

  • keyfile (str or None) – SSH private key file

  • strict_host_check (bool or None) – Equivalent to StrictHostKeyChecking option of OpenSSH

  • wait_boot (bool) – Enable the boot check

  • devlib_excluded_modules (Sequence) – List of devlib modules to not load

  • devlib_file_xfer (Sequence) – File transfer method. Can be “sftp” (default) or “scp”. (Only valid for linux targets)

  • devlib_max_async (int or None) – Maximum number of asynchronous commands in flight at any time

  • wait_boot_timeout (int) – Timeout of the boot check

  • kernel_src (str or None) – Path to kernel source tree matching the kernel running on the target used to build modules

  • kmod_build_env ( – Kernel module build environment

  • devlib_platform (devlib.platform.Platform) – Instance of devlib.platform.Platform to use to build the

  • plat_info (lisa.platforms.platinfo.PlatformInfo) – Platform information attached to this target, for the benefits of user code.

You need to provide the information needed to connect to the target. For SSH targets that means “host”, “username” and either “password” or “keyfile”. All other fields are optional if the relevant features aren’t needed.


The wrapping of is done using composition, as opposed to inheritance. This allows swapping the exact class used under the hood, and avoids messing up with devlib internal members.

CRITICAL_TASKS = {'android': ['sh', 'adbd', 'usb', 'transport', 'thermal-engine', 'watchdogd', ''], 'linux': ['init', 'systemd[^-]', 'dbus', 'sh', 'ssh', 'rsyslogd', 'jbd2']}

Dictionary mapping OS name to list of task names that we can’t afford to freeze when using freeze_userspace().


alias of TargetConf

INIT_KWARGS_KEY_MAP = {'device': ['device'], 'devlib_excluded_modules': ['devlib', 'excluded-modules'], 'devlib_file_xfer': ['devlib', 'file-xfer'], 'devlib_max_async': ['devlib', 'max-async'], 'host': ['host'], 'kernel_src': ['kernel', 'src'], 'keyfile': ['keyfile'], 'kind': ['kind'], 'kmod_build_env': ['kernel', 'modules'], 'lazy_platinfo': ['lazy-platinfo'], 'name': ['name'], 'password': ['password'], 'port': ['port'], 'strict_host_check': ['strict-host-check'], 'tools': ['tools'], 'username': ['username'], 'wait_boot': ['wait-boot', 'enable'], 'wait_boot_timeout': ['wait-boot', 'timeout'], 'workdir': ['workdir']}

Helper for pickle.

get_kmod(mod_cls=<class 'lisa._kmod.DynamicKmod'>, **kwargs)[source]

Build a lisa._kmod.DynamicKmod instance of the given subclass.


mod_cls (type) – Subclass of lisa._kmod.DynamicKmod used to build the module.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to the from_target class method of mod_cls.

cached_pull(src, dst, **kwargs)[source]

Same as but will cache the file in the target.res_dir folder, based on the source path.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to Target.pull.


Check if the given devlib module is available.


True if module is available, False otherwise.


module (str) – Devlib module to check.


This will attempt to load the module if it’s not loaded already, and bail out if it fails to load.


Forward all non-overriden attributes/method accesses to the underlying


That will not forward special methods like __str__, since the interpreter bypasses __getattr__ when looking them up.


Devlib modules are loaded on demand when accessed.


List our attributes plus the ones from the underlying target, and the devlib modules that could be loaded on-demand.

classmethod from_conf(conf: TargetConf, res_dir: ArtifactPath = None, plat_info: PlatformInfo = None, **kwargs) Target[source]
classmethod from_default_conf()[source]

Create a Target from the YAML configuration file pointed by LISA_CONF environment variable.


Only load trusted YAML files as it can lead to abritrary code execution.

classmethod from_one_conf(path)[source]

Create a Target from a single YAML configuration file.

This file will be used to provide a TargetConf and lisa.platforms.platinfo.PlatformInfo instances.


Only load trusted YAML files as it can lead to abritrary code execution.

classmethod from_cli(argv=None, params=None) Target[source]

Same as from_custom_cli() without the custom parameters capabilities.


A connected Target

classmethod from_custom_cli(argv=None, params=None, description=None)[source]

Create a Target from command line arguments.

  • argv (list(str)) – The list of arguments. sys.argv[1:] will be used if this is None.

  • params (dict(str, dict)) – Dictionary of custom parameters to add to the parser. It is in the form of {param_name: {dict of ArgumentParser.add_argument() options}}.

  • description (str or None) – Description passed to the argument parser. If None, a default one is provided.


A tuple (args, target)


This method should not be relied upon to implement long-term scripts, it’s more designed for quick scripting.

get_res_dir(name=None, append_time=True, symlink=True)[source]

Returns a directory managed by LISA to store results.

Usage of that function is reserved to interactive use or simple scripts. Tests should not rely on that as the created folder will not be tracked by any external entity, which means the results will be lost in some automated environment.

  • name (str) – Name of the results directory

  • append_time (bool) – If True, the current datetime will be appended to the given name. If name is None, the directory name will be the current datetime.

  • symlink (bool) – Create a symlink named results_latest to the newly created results directory


Install tools additional to those specified in the test config ‘tools’ field


tools (list(str)) – The list of names of tools to install


Context manager that lets you freeze the userspace.


A number of situations prevent from freezing anything. When that happens, a warning is logged but no exception is raised, so it’s a best-effort approach.


Context manager that lets you disable all idle states


Dictionary of tags and tag values

Return type:

dict(str, object)

execute_python(f, args, kwargs, **execute_kwargs)[source]

Executes the given Python function f with the provided positional and keyword arguments.

The return value or any exception is pickled back and is returned/raised in the host caller.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to execute() that will spawn the Python interpreter on the target


Closure variables are supported, but mutating them will not be reflected in the caller’s context. Also, functions that are referred to will be:

  • bundled in the script if it is defined in the same module

  • referred to by name, assuming it comes from a module that is installed on the target and that this module is in scope. If that is not the case, a NameError will be raised.


Decorators are ignored and not applied.


Decorates a given function to execute remotely using execute_python():

target = Target(...)

def foo(x, y):
    return x + y

# Execute the function on the target transparently
val = foo(1, y=2)
Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to execute() that will spawn the Python interpreter on the target


Returns a context manager that will disconnect the target automatically.

class, simulator, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Gem5SimulationPlatform

Platform Info


Derive the platform’s capacity classes from the given conf

This is intended for the creation of the capacity-classes key of PlatformInfo.


Compute the capacities that will be used for rtapp.

If the CPU capacities are not writeable on the target, the orig capacities will be used, otherwise the capacities adjusted with rtapp calibration will be used.

class lisa.platforms.platinfo.KernelConfigKeyDesc(name, help, classinfo, newtype=None, deepcopy_val=True)[source]

Bases: KeyDesc


Format the value for pretty printing.


v (object) – Value of the key that is being printed


A string

class lisa.platforms.platinfo.KernelSymbolsAddress(name, help, classinfo, newtype=None, deepcopy_val=True)[source]

Bases: KeyDesc


Format the value for pretty printing.


v (object) – Value of the key that is being printed


A string

class lisa.platforms.platinfo.PlatformInfo(conf=None, src='user', add_default_src=True)[source]

Bases: MultiSrcConf, HideExekallID

Platform-specific information made available to tests.

  • platform-info: Platform-specific information

  • rtapp: RTapp configuration

  • calib (Dict): RTapp calibration dictionary.

  • kernel: Kernel-related information

  • nrg-model (EnergyModel): Energy model object.

  • cpu-capacities: Dictionaries of CPU ID to capacity value

  • writeable (bool): Whether the CPU capacities can be updated by writing in sysfs on this platform.

  • orig (Dict): Default capacity value as exposed by the kernel.

  • rtapp (Dict): (derived from platform-info/cpu-capacities/orig, platform- info/cpu-capacities/writeable, platform-info/rtapp/calib) CPU capacities adjusted with rtapp calibration values, for accurate duty cycle reproduction.

  • abi (str): ABI, e.g. “arm64”.

  • os (str): OS being used, e.g. “linux”.

  • name (str): Free-form name of the board.

  • cpus-count (int): Number of CPUs.

  • numa-nodes-count (int): Number of NUMA nodes.

  • freq-domains (Sequence): Frequency domains modeled by a list of CPU IDs for each domain.

  • freqs (Dict): Dictionnary of CPU ID to list of frequencies.

  • capacity-classes (Sequence): (derived from platform-info/cpu-capacities/orig) Capacity classes modeled by a list of CPU IDs for each capacity, sorted by capacity.

Example YAML:

        cpu-capacities: {}
        kernel: {}
        rtapp: {}


Arbitrary code can be executed while loading an instance from a YAML or Pickle file. To include untrusted data in YAML, use the !untrusted tag along with a string

STRUCTURE = <lisa.conf.TopLevelKeyDesc object>

Some keys have a reserved meaning with an associated type.

add_target_src(target, rta_calib_res_dir, src='target', only_missing=True, **kwargs)[source]

Add source from a live

  • target ( – Target to inspect.

  • rta_calib_res_dir (str) – Result directory for rt-app calibrations.

  • src (str) – Named of the added source.

  • only_missing (bool) – If True, only add values for the keys that are not already provided by another source. This allows speeding up the connection to target, at the expense of not being able to spot inconsistencies between user-provided values and autodetected values.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to lisa.conf.MultiSrcConf.add_src.

add_trace_src(trace, src='trace', only_reliable=True, only_missing=True, deferred=True, **kwargs)[source]

Add source from an instance of lisa.trace.Trace.

  • trace – Trace to exploit.

  • src (str) – Named of the added source.

  • only_missing (bool) – If True, only add values for the keys that are not already provided by another source.

  • only_reliable (bool) – Only add the reliable information, and avoid using heuristics.

  • deferred (bool) – If True, lisa.conf.DeferredValue will be used so that no expensive parsing will be immediately triggered, but only when needed.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to lisa.conf.MultiSrcConf.add_src.

class Abi

Bases: HideExekallID

ABI, e.g. “arm64”

class CapacityClasses

Bases: HideExekallID

(derived from platform-info/cpu-capacities/orig) Capacity classes modeled by a list of CPU IDs for each capacity, sorted by capacity

class CpuCapacitiesOrig

Bases: HideExekallID

Default capacity value as exposed by the kernel

class CpuCapacitiesRtapp

Bases: HideExekallID

(derived from platform-info/cpu-capacities/orig, platform-info/cpu-capacities/writeable, platform-info/rtapp/calib) CPU capacities adjusted with rtapp calibration values, for accurate duty cycle reproduction

class CpuCapacitiesWriteable

Bases: HideExekallID

Whether the CPU capacities can be updated by writing in sysfs on this platform

class CpusCount

Bases: HideExekallID

Number of CPUs

class FreqDomains

Bases: HideExekallID

Frequency domains modeled by a list of CPU IDs for each domain

class Freqs

Bases: HideExekallID

Dictionnary of CPU ID to list of frequencies

class KernelConfig

Bases: HideExekallID

class KernelSymbolsAddress

Bases: HideExekallID

Dictionary of addresses to symbol names extracted from /proc/kallsyms

class KernelVersion

Bases: HideExekallID

class Name

Bases: HideExekallID

Free-form name of the board

class NrgModel

Bases: HideExekallID

Energy model object

class NumaNodesCount

Bases: HideExekallID

Number of NUMA nodes

class Os

Bases: HideExekallID

OS being used, e.g. “linux”

class RtappCalib

Bases: HideExekallID

RTapp calibration dictionary