Man page


bisector is a git bisect run [1] compatible tool used in LISA. Its goal is to sequence commands to be repeated an arbitrary number of times and generates a report.

For example, bisector can be used to compile a kernel, flash a board, reboot it and run test suite. To achieve that, bisector runs a sequence of steps, and saves a report file containing the result of each step. This step sequence is run for a number of iterations, or for a given duration. That allows tracking fluctuating bugs by repeating a test process many times.

The steps class can implement any run or report behavior, with the ability to take parameters. They also decide what data is saved into the report, and their contribution to the overall git bisect result:

  • good: the test steps passed

  • bad: the test steps failed

  • untestable: the build or flash step failed

  • abort: the reboot step failed, and the board is now unusable and requires manual intervention

  • NA: the step will not impact the overall result

It is important to note that bisector step classes usually only invoke a user-specified command line tool and will use the return code to decide what git bisect result to return. They can also implement more specific result reporting, and additional run behaviors.



usage: bisector [-h] [--cli-options CLI_OPTIONS]
                {step-help,run,report,edit,monitor-server,monitor} ...

    Git-bisect-compatible command sequencer.

    bisector allows to run commands with timeout handling in predefined
    sequences (steps). The output is saved in a report that can be later
    analyzed. The exit status of all steps is merged to obtain a git bisect
    compatible value which is returned. The error code 254 is used
    when bisector itself encounters an error.


    The script can be stopped with SIGINT (Ctrl-C) or SIGTERM (kill or timeout
    commands) or SIGHUP (when the terminal dies) and will save the completed
    iterations to the report. The execution can later be resumed with --resume.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cli-options CLI_OPTIONS
                        YAML file containing command line option string in a
                        "cmd-line" toplevel key. Therefore, the same file can be used
                        for --steps.  The options are inserted at the location of
                        --cli-options in the command line. That can be used to control what
                        can be overriden by configuration file and what is forced by the
                        command line


bisector run

usage: bisector run [-h] [--cli-options CLI_OPTIONS] [-o OPTION] [--debug]
                    [--steps STEPS] [--allowed-bad ALLOWED_BAD] [--skip SKIP]
                    [--only ONLY] [--git-clean] [--inline CLASS NAME]
                    [-n ITERATIONS] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--log LOG]
                    [--report REPORT] [--overwrite] [--resume] [--desc DESC]
                    [--early-bailout] [--upload-report] [--dbus | --no-dbus]

Run the given steps in a loop and record the result in a report file. The
report file can be inspected using the "report" subcommand. The exit status is
suitable for git bisect.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cli-options CLI_OPTIONS
                        YAML file containing command line option string in a
                        "cmd-line" toplevel key. Therefore, the same file can
                        be used for --steps. The options are inserted at the
                        location of --cli-options in the command line. That
                        can be used to control what can be overriden by
                        configuration file and what is forced by the command
  -o OPTION, --option OPTION
                        Step-specific options. Can be repeated. The format is
                        <step category or name pattern>.<option>=<value>. If
                        the step name or category is omitted, it will be
                        passed to all steps. See "step-help" subcommand for
                        the available options. Options specified this way
                        override the steps definition file, and can be used to
                        modify the report when used with run --resume or edit
  --debug               Show Python traceback to help debugging this script.
  --steps STEPS         YAML configuration of steps to run. The steps
                        definitions lives under a "step" toplevel key.
  --allowed-bad ALLOWED_BAD
                        Percentage of bad iterations that still result in a
                        good overall result.
  --skip SKIP           Step name or category to skip. Can be repeated.
  --only ONLY           Step name or category to execute. Can be repeated.
  --git-clean           Run git reset --hard and git clean -fdx before and
                        after the steps are executed. It is useful for
                        automated bisect to avoid checkout failure that leads
                        to bisect abortion. WARNING: this will erase all
                        changes and untracked files from the worktree.
  --inline CLASS NAME, -s CLASS NAME
                        Class and name of inline step. Can be repeated to
                        build a list of steps in the order of appearance.
  -n ITERATIONS, --iterations ITERATIONS
                        Number of iterations. "inf" means an infinite number
                        of iterations.
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Timeout after which no more itertions will be started.
                        "inf" means infinite timeout (i.e. no timeout).
  --log LOG             Log all events to the log file. By default, a log file
                        is created as <report file>.log .
  --report REPORT       Execution report containing output and return values
                        for all steps. Can be displayed using the "report"
                        subcommand. The {commit} placeholder is replaced with
                        the truncated sha1 of HEAD in current directory, and
                        {date} by a string built from the current date and
                        time. If the file name ends with .pickle or
                        .pickle.gz, a Pickle file is created, otherwise YAML
                        format is used. YAML is good for archiving but slow to
                        generate and load, Pickle format cannot expected to be
                        backward compatible with different versions of the
                        tool but can be faster to read and write. CAVEAT:
                        Pickle format will not handle references to modules
                        that are not in sys.path.
  --overwrite           Overwrite existing report files.
  --resume              Resume execution from the report specified with
                        --report. The steps will be extracted from the report
                        instead of from the command line. The number of
                        completed iterations will be deducted from the
                        specified number of iterations.
  --desc DESC           Report description. Can use {commit} and {date}
  --early-bailout       Restart a new iteration if a step marked the commit as
                        bad or non-testable. Bisect abortion will still take
                        place even without this option.
  --upload-report       Continuously upload the report to an artifacts service
                        after every iteration. This relies on the following
                        environment variables: ARTIFACTORY_FOLDER or
                        ARTIFACTORIAL_FOLDER set to the folder's URL and
                        ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN or ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN set to the
                        token. Remember to use the right step option to upload
                        the results as they are computed if desired.
  --dbus                Try enable DBus API if the necessary dependencies are
  --no-dbus             Disable DBus even when pydbus module is available.

bisector report

usage: bisector report [-h] [--cli-options CLI_OPTIONS] [-o OPTION] [--debug]
                       [--steps STEPS] [--allowed-bad ALLOWED_BAD]
                       [--skip SKIP] [--only ONLY] [--export EXPORT] [--cache]

Analyze a report generated by run command. The exit status is suitable for git
bisect. In most cases, step options (``-o``) will act as filters to ignore
parts of the data before computing the overall bisect result.

positional arguments:
  report                Read back a previous session saved using --report
                        option of run subcommand.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cli-options CLI_OPTIONS
                        YAML file containing command line option string in a
                        "cmd-line" toplevel key. Therefore, the same file can
                        be used for --steps. The options are inserted at the
                        location of --cli-options in the command line. That
                        can be used to control what can be overriden by
                        configuration file and what is forced by the command
  -o OPTION, --option OPTION
                        Step-specific options. Can be repeated. The format is
                        <step category or name pattern>.<option>=<value>. If
                        the step name or category is omitted, it will be
                        passed to all steps. See "step-help" subcommand for
                        the available options. Options specified this way
                        override the steps definition file, and can be used to
                        modify the report when used with run --resume or edit
  --debug               Show Python traceback to help debugging this script.
  --steps STEPS         YAML configuration of steps to run. The steps
                        definitions lives under a "step" toplevel key.
  --allowed-bad ALLOWED_BAD
                        Percentage of bad iterations that still result in a
                        good overall result.
  --skip SKIP           Step name or category to skip. Can be repeated.
  --only ONLY           Step name or category to execute. Can be repeated.
  --export EXPORT       Export the report as a Pickle or YAML file. File
                        format is infered from the filename. If it ends with
                        .pickle, a Pickle file is created, otherwise YAML
                        format is used.
  --cache               When loading a report, create a cache file named
                        "{report_filename}.cache.pickle" using the fastest
                        format available. It is the reused until the original
                        file is modified. This is mostly useful when working
                        with big YAML files that are long to load.

bisector step-help

Steps-specific options to be used with bisector run -o and bisector report -o.

LISA-test (test)
Inherits from: shell

    Execute an exekall LISA test command and collect
    :class:`exekall.engine.ValueDB`. Also compress the result directory and
    record its path. It will also define some environment variables that are
    expected to be used by the command to be able to locate resources to

      -o bail-out= (bool) 
            start a new iteration if the command fails, without executing
            remaining steps for this iteration

      -o cmd= (non-empty str) 
            shell command to be executed

      -o compress-artifact= (bool) 
            compress the exekall artifact directory in an archive

      -o delete-artifact= (bool) 
            delete the exekall artifact directory to Artifactorial as the
            execution goes.

      -o delete-artifact-hidden= (bool) 
            Remove hidden files and folders inside the artifacts

      -o env= (env var list) 
            environment variables with a list of values that will be used for
            each iterations, wrapping around. The string format is:
            VAR1=val1%val2%...%%VAR2=val1%val2%.... In YAML, it is a map of var
            names to list of values. A single string can be supplied instead of
            a list of values.

      -o kill-timeout= (int or "inf") 
            time to wait before sending SIGKILL after having sent SIGTERM

      -o prune-db= (bool) 
            Prune exekall's ValueDB so that only roots values are preserved.
            That allows smaller reports that are faster to load

      -o shell= (non-empty str) 
            shell to execute the command in

      -o timeout= (int or "inf") 
            timeout in seconds before sending SIGTERM to the command, or "inf"
            for infinite timeout

      -o upload-artifact= (bool) 
            upload the exekall artifact directory to Artifactorial as the
            execution goes, and delete the local archive.

      -o use-systemd-run= (bool) 
            use systemd-run to run the command. This allows cleanup of daemons
            spawned by the command (using cgroups), and using a private /tmp
            that is also cleaned up automatically

      -o download= (bool) 
            Download the exekall artifact archives if necessary

      -o dump-artifact-dirs= (non-empty str) 
            write the list of exekall artifact directories to a file. Useful to
            implement garbage collection of unreferenced artifact archives

      -o export-db= (non-empty str) 
            export a merged exekall ValueDB, merging it with existing ValueDB if
            the file exists

      -o export-logs= (non-empty str) 
            export the logs and artifact directory symlink to the given

      -o ignore-excep= (comma-separated list) 
            ignore the given comma-separated list of exceptions class name
            patterns that caused tests error. This will also match on base
            classes of the exception.

      -o ignore-non-error= (bool) 
            consider only tests that had an error

      -o ignore-non-issue= (bool) 
            consider only tests that failed or had an error

      -o ignore-testcase= (comma-separated list) 
            completely ignore untagged test cases matching one of the patterns
            in the comma-separated list. * can be used to match any part of the

      -o iterations= (comma-separated list of integer ranges) 
            comma-separated list of iterations to consider. Inclusive ranges can
            be specified with <first>-<last>

      -o result-uuid= (comma-separated list) 
            show only the test results with a UUID in the comma-separated list.

      -o show-artifact-dirs= (bool) 
            show exekall artifact directory for all iterations

      -o show-basic= (bool) 
            show command exit status for all iterations

      -o show-details= ("msg" or bool) 
            show details of results. Use "msg" for only a brief message

      -o show-dist= (bool) 
            show graphical distribution of issues among iterations with a one
            letter code: passed=".", failed="F", error="#", skipped="s",

      -o show-pass-rate= (bool) 
            always show the pass rate of tests, even when there are failures or
            errors as well

      -o show-rates= (bool) 
            show percentages of failure, error, skipped, undecided and passed

      -o testcase= (comma-separated list) 
            show only the untagged test cases matching one of the patterns in
            the comma-separated list. * can be used to match any part of the

      -o upload-artifact= (bool) 
            upload the artifact directory to an artifacts service and update the
            in-memory report. Following env var are needed: ARTIFACTORY_FOLDER
            or ARTIFACTORIAL_FOLDER set to the folder URL, and ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN
            or ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN. Note: --export should be used to save the
            report with updated paths

      -o verbose= (bool) 
            increase verbosity

build (build)
Inherits from: shell

    Similar to :class:`ShellStep` .
    Non-zero exit status of the command will be interpreted as a bisect
    untestable status, and zero exit status as bisect good.

      -o bail-out= (bool) 
            start a new iteration if the command fails, without executing
            remaining steps for this iteration

      -o cmd= (non-empty str) 
            shell command to be executed

      -o env= (env var list) 
            environment variables with a list of values that will be used for
            each iterations, wrapping around. The string format is:
            VAR1=val1%val2%...%%VAR2=val1%val2%.... In YAML, it is a map of var
            names to list of values. A single string can be supplied instead of
            a list of values.

      -o kill-timeout= (int or "inf") 
            time to wait before sending SIGKILL after having sent SIGTERM

      -o shell= (non-empty str) 
            shell to execute the command in

      -o timeout= (int or "inf") 
            timeout in seconds before sending SIGTERM to the command, or "inf"
            for infinite timeout

      -o trials= (int) 
            number of times the command will be retried if it does not return 0

      -o use-systemd-run= (bool) 
            use systemd-run to run the command. This allows cleanup of daemons
            spawned by the command (using cgroups), and using a private /tmp
            that is also cleaned up automatically

      -o export-logs= (non-empty str) 
            export the logs to the given directory

      -o ignore-non-issue= (bool) 
            consider only iteration with non-zero command exit status

      -o iterations= (comma-separated list of integer ranges) 
            comma-separated list of iterations to consider. Inclusive ranges can
            be specified with <first>-<last>

      -o show-basic= (bool) 
            show command exit status for all iterations

      -o verbose= (bool) 
            increase verbosity

flash (flash)
Inherits from: shell

    Similar to :class:`ShellStep` .
    Non-zero exit status of the command will be interpreted as a bisect
    abort, and zero exit status ignored.

      -o bail-out= (bool) 
            start a new iteration if the command fails, without executing
            remaining steps for this iteration

      -o cmd= (non-empty str) 
            shell command to be executed

      -o env= (env var list) 
            environment variables with a list of values that will be used for
            each iterations, wrapping around. The string format is:
            VAR1=val1%val2%...%%VAR2=val1%val2%.... In YAML, it is a map of var
            names to list of values. A single string can be supplied instead of
            a list of values.

      -o kill-timeout= (int or "inf") 
            time to wait before sending SIGKILL after having sent SIGTERM

      -o shell= (non-empty str) 
            shell to execute the command in

      -o timeout= (int or "inf") 
            timeout in seconds before sending SIGTERM to the command, or "inf"
            for infinite timeout

      -o trials= (int) 
            number of times the command will be retried if it does not return 0

      -o use-systemd-run= (bool) 
            use systemd-run to run the command. This allows cleanup of daemons
            spawned by the command (using cgroups), and using a private /tmp
            that is also cleaned up automatically

      -o export-logs= (non-empty str) 
            export the logs to the given directory

      -o ignore-non-issue= (bool) 
            consider only iteration with non-zero command exit status

      -o iterations= (comma-separated list of integer ranges) 
            comma-separated list of iterations to consider. Inclusive ranges can
            be specified with <first>-<last>

      -o show-basic= (bool) 
            show command exit status for all iterations

      -o verbose= (bool) 
            increase verbosity

macro (macro)
    Provide a loop-like construct to the steps definitions.
    All sub-steps will be executed in order. This sequence will be repeated
    for the given number of iterations or until it times out. The steps
    definition YAML configuration file is interpreted assuming an implicit
    toplevel :class:`MacroStep` that is parameterized using command line options.

      -o bail-out-early= (bool) 
            start a new iteration when a step returned bisect status bad or
            untestable and skip all remaining steps

      -o iterations= (int or "inf") 
            number of iterations

      -o timeout= (int or "inf") 
            time after which no new iteration will be started

reboot (boot)
Inherits from: shell

    Similar to :class:`ShellStep` .
    Non-zero exit status of the command will be interpreted as a bisect
    abort, and zero exit status as bisect good.

      -o bail-out= (bool) 
            start a new iteration if the command fails, without executing
            remaining steps for this iteration

      -o cmd= (non-empty str) 
            shell command to be executed

      -o env= (env var list) 
            environment variables with a list of values that will be used for
            each iterations, wrapping around. The string format is:
            VAR1=val1%val2%...%%VAR2=val1%val2%.... In YAML, it is a map of var
            names to list of values. A single string can be supplied instead of
            a list of values.

      -o kill-timeout= (int or "inf") 
            time to wait before sending SIGKILL after having sent SIGTERM

      -o shell= (non-empty str) 
            shell to execute the command in

      -o timeout= (int or "inf") 
            timeout in seconds before sending SIGTERM to the command, or "inf"
            for infinite timeout

      -o trials= (int) 
            number of times the command will be retried if it does not return 0

      -o use-systemd-run= (bool) 
            use systemd-run to run the command. This allows cleanup of daemons
            spawned by the command (using cgroups), and using a private /tmp
            that is also cleaned up automatically

      -o export-logs= (non-empty str) 
            export the logs to the given directory

      -o ignore-non-issue= (bool) 
            consider only iteration with non-zero command exit status

      -o iterations= (comma-separated list of integer ranges) 
            comma-separated list of iterations to consider. Inclusive ranges can
            be specified with <first>-<last>

      -o show-basic= (bool) 
            show command exit status for all iterations

      -o verbose= (bool) 
            increase verbosity

shell (shell)
    Execute a command in a shell.
    Stdout and stderr are merged and logged. The exit status of the command
    will have no influence of the bisect status.

      -o bail-out= (bool) 
            start a new iteration if the command fails, without executing
            remaining steps for this iteration

      -o cmd= (non-empty str) 
            shell command to be executed

      -o env= (env var list) 
            environment variables with a list of values that will be used for
            each iterations, wrapping around. The string format is:
            VAR1=val1%val2%...%%VAR2=val1%val2%.... In YAML, it is a map of var
            names to list of values. A single string can be supplied instead of
            a list of values.

      -o kill-timeout= (int or "inf") 
            time to wait before sending SIGKILL after having sent SIGTERM

      -o shell= (non-empty str) 
            shell to execute the command in

      -o timeout= (int or "inf") 
            timeout in seconds before sending SIGTERM to the command, or "inf"
            for infinite timeout

      -o trials= (int) 
            number of times the command will be retried if it does not return 0

      -o use-systemd-run= (bool) 
            use systemd-run to run the command. This allows cleanup of daemons
            spawned by the command (using cgroups), and using a private /tmp
            that is also cleaned up automatically

      -o export-logs= (non-empty str) 
            export the logs to the given directory

      -o ignore-non-issue= (bool) 
            consider only iteration with non-zero command exit status

      -o iterations= (comma-separated list of integer ranges) 
            comma-separated list of iterations to consider. Inclusive ranges can
            be specified with <first>-<last>

      -o show-basic= (bool) 
            show command exit status for all iterations

      -o verbose= (bool) 
            increase verbosity

test (test)
Inherits from: shell

    Similar to :class:`ShellStep` .
    Non-zero exit status of the command will be interpreted as a bisect bad
    status, and zero exit status as bisect good.

      -o bail-out= (bool) 
            start a new iteration if the command fails, without executing
            remaining steps for this iteration

      -o cmd= (non-empty str) 
            shell command to be executed

      -o env= (env var list) 
            environment variables with a list of values that will be used for
            each iterations, wrapping around. The string format is:
            VAR1=val1%val2%...%%VAR2=val1%val2%.... In YAML, it is a map of var
            names to list of values. A single string can be supplied instead of
            a list of values.

      -o kill-timeout= (int or "inf") 
            time to wait before sending SIGKILL after having sent SIGTERM

      -o shell= (non-empty str) 
            shell to execute the command in

      -o timeout= (int or "inf") 
            timeout in seconds before sending SIGTERM to the command, or "inf"
            for infinite timeout

      -o trials= (int) 
            number of times the command will be retried if it does not return 0

      -o use-systemd-run= (bool) 
            use systemd-run to run the command. This allows cleanup of daemons
            spawned by the command (using cgroups), and using a private /tmp
            that is also cleaned up automatically

      -o export-logs= (non-empty str) 
            export the logs to the given directory

      -o ignore-non-issue= (bool) 
            consider only iteration with non-zero command exit status

      -o iterations= (comma-separated list of integer ranges) 
            comma-separated list of iterations to consider. Inclusive ranges can
            be specified with <first>-<last>

      -o show-basic= (bool) 
            show command exit status for all iterations

      -o verbose= (bool) 
            increase verbosity

yield (yield)
    Abort current iteration with the yield return code.
    If the specified command returns a non-zero return code, bisector will
    abort the current iteration with the yield return code.
    .. note:: This step can only be used under the main macrostep (it cannot be
        used in nested macrosteps).

      -o bail-out= (bool) 
            start a new iteration if the command fails, without executing
            remaining steps for this iteration

      -o cmd= (non-empty str) 
            shell command to be executed

      -o env= (env var list) 
            environment variables with a list of values that will be used for
            each iterations, wrapping around. The string format is:
            VAR1=val1%val2%...%%VAR2=val1%val2%.... In YAML, it is a map of var
            names to list of values. A single string can be supplied instead of
            a list of values.

      -o every-n-iterations= (int) 
            The step will be a no-op except if the iteration number can be
            evenly divided by that value.

      -o kill-timeout= (int or "inf") 
            time to wait before sending SIGKILL after having sent SIGTERM

      -o shell= (non-empty str) 
            shell to execute the command in

      -o timeout= (int or "inf") 
            timeout in seconds before sending SIGTERM to the command, or "inf"
            for infinite timeout

      -o trials= (int) 
            number of times the command will be retried if it does not return 0

      -o use-systemd-run= (bool) 
            use systemd-run to run the command. This allows cleanup of daemons
            spawned by the command (using cgroups), and using a private /tmp
            that is also cleaned up automatically

bisector monitor

usage: bisector monitor [-h] [--cli-options CLI_OPTIONS] [--status]
                        [--prop PROP] [--list]
                        [--pause | --stop | --continue | --kill | --log | --report ... | --notif enable/disable PROPERTY]

Monitor and control a running instance.

positional arguments:
  PID                   Slave PID to act on or "all". Start a monitor-server
                        before using "all".

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cli-options CLI_OPTIONS
                        YAML file containing command line option string in a
                        "cmd-line" toplevel key. Therefore, the same file can
                        be used for --steps. The options are inserted at the
                        location of --cli-options in the command line. That
                        can be used to control what can be overriden by
                        configuration file and what is forced by the command
  --status              Show status.
  --prop PROP           Show given property.
  --list                List all slaves.
  --pause               Pause at the end of the iteration.
  --stop                Stop at the end of the iteration.
  --continue            Continue paused or stopped instance.
  --kill                Kill the given instance.
  --log                 Show log in $PAGER.
  --report ...          Equivalent to running bisector report, all remaining
                        options being passed to it.
  --notif enable/disable PROPERTY
                        Enable and disable desktop notifications when the
                        given property changes. 'all' will select all

bisector monitor-server

usage: bisector monitor-server [-h] [--cli-options CLI_OPTIONS]
                               [--notif enable/disable PROPERTY]

Start the DBus server to allow monitoring all running instances. Note that the
server is not necessary to monitor a specific run instance.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cli-options CLI_OPTIONS
                        YAML file containing command line option string in a
                        "cmd-line" toplevel key. Therefore, the same file can
                        be used for --steps. The options are inserted at the
                        location of --cli-options in the command line. That
                        can be used to control what can be overriden by
                        configuration file and what is forced by the command
  --notif enable/disable PROPERTY
                        Enable and disable desktop notifications when the
                        given property changes. 'all' will select all

bisector edit

usage: bisector edit [-h] [-o OPTION] [--debug] [--steps STEPS] report

Modify the properties of the steps in an existing report.

positional arguments:
  report                Report to edit.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OPTION, --option OPTION
                        Step-specific options. Can be repeated. The format is
                        <step category or name pattern>.<option>=<value>. If
                        the step name or category is omitted, it will be
                        passed to all steps. See "step-help" subcommand for
                        the available options. Options specified this way
                        override the steps definition file, and can be used to
                        modify the report when used with run --resume or edit
  --debug               Show Python traceback to help debugging this script.
  --steps STEPS         YAML configuration of steps used to find new paths of
                        classes if necessary. It is otherwise ignored and
                        --option must be used to edit the report.


bisector run is configured using a YAML [2] file specified using --steps that defines the steps that will be executed in a loop. Each declared step has a (usually unique) name and a class that will influence the way its result is used and its options.

The YAML file is structured as following:

# Top-level "steps" key is important as the same file can be used to host other
# information.

   # build step will interpret a non-zero exit status of the command as a
   # bisect untestable status, and zero exit status as bisect good.
      class: BuildStep
      cmd: make defconfig Image dtbs
      trials: 1

   # flash step will interpret a non-zero exit status of the command as a
   # bisect abort, and zero exit status ignored.
      class: FlashStep
      cmd: flash-my-board
      timeout: 180
      trials: 5

   # reboot step will interpret a non-zero exit status of the command as a
   # bisect abort, and zero exit status as bisect good.
      class: reboot
      timeout: 300
      trials: 10
      cmd: reboot-my-board

    # exekall LISA test will interpret a non-zero exit status of the command
    # as bisect bad, and a zero exit status as bisect good.
      class: LISA-test
      name: one-small-task
      # Using systemd-run ensures all child process is killed if the session
      # is interrupted
      use-systemd-run: true
      timeout: 3600
      cmd: lisa-test 'OneSmallTask*'

All step options can also be specified using --options/-o, which will override what is described in the YAML steps configuration.


bisector run allows some live monitoring by exposing a DBus interface. This is used by two subcommands: bisector monitor-server and bisector monitor.


bisector monitor-server acts as a registry of all bisector run executing under the same user (DBus session bus). It allows bisector monitor to list active instances and also forwards desktop notifications to the desktop environment. The server can be (re)started after bisector run if necessary.


bisector monitor allows listing active instances of bisector run (when the server is running), and allows querying various information from them. Since the query can be directed to a specific PID, the server is only necessary for listing.


A typical flow of bisector looks like that:

# Run the steps and generate a report.
# systemd-run will be used for all steps by using "-o" without specifying a
step name or category.
bisector run --desc "description of my report" --steps bisector_steps.yaml --report -ouse-systemd-run=yes

# Later inspection of the report, only looking at the steps that have "test"
# name or category.
bisector report

# Show steps with the "test" name or category
bisector report --only test

# Help of a exekall LISA's step options
bisector step-help LISA-test

# Get all information about tests failures
bisector report -overbose

# Show the tests failure backtraces and messages, and the metrics in the
# other cases.
# -oshow-details=msg only displays the message without the backtrace
bisector report -oshow-details

# Ignore some exceptions in LISA results
# These exceptions are related to network/ssh issues and are usually not interesting
bisector report -oignore-excep=ExceptionPxssh,HostError,TimeoutError

# Only show the results of a specific test case
# the name is as reported by exekall, so it is best to use * to match the
# boilerplate prefix.
# For example -otestcase='OneSmallTask:*' will match both
# "OneSmallTask:test_slack" and "OneSmallTask:test_task_placement".
bisector report -otestcase='OneSmallTask:*'

# Only consider iterations 1 to 5, 42 and 56
# Useful to limit the amount of downloaded result archives
bisector report -oiterations=1-5,42,56

# Ignore LISA tests results that are not failures
# use that to only download the result archives for failed tests.
bisector report -oignore-non-issue

# Download the archives of failed tests and export stdout/sdterr logs to files in
# the "logs" directory.
# The hierarchy created is <folder to export to>/<step name>/<iteration number>
# This will create files for commands output, xUnit files and download the result archives.
bisector report -oexport-logs=logs

# "-oXXXX=YYYY" options can be applied to a specific step instead of all of them using
# -o <step name or category>.XXXX=YYYY
# This command will only show iteration #2 for the eas_behaviour step
bisector report -oeas_behaviour.iterations=2
