Source code for lisa.notebook

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Various utilities for interactive notebooks, plus some generic plot-related

import functools
import collections
import warnings
import importlib
import inspect
from uuid import uuid4
from itertools import starmap

import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
import bokeh.models
import panel as pn

from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout, interact
from IPython.display import display

from lisa.utils import is_running_ipython, order_as, destroyablecontextmanager, ContextManagerExit


    '#377eb8', '#ff7f00', '#4daf4a',
    '#f781bf', '#a65628', '#984ea3',
    '#999999', '#e41a1c', '#dede00'
Colorblind-friendly cycle, see

[docs] class WrappingHBox(widgets.HBox): """ HBox that will overflow on multiple lines if the content is too large to fit on one line. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): layout = Layout( # Overflow items to the next line rather than hiding them flex_flow='row wrap', # Evenly spread on one line of items justify_content='space-around', ) super().__init__(*args, layout=layout, **kwargs)
# mplcursors is not a dependency anymore as interactive plots are now done with # bokeh, but keep this around for compatibility in case someone needs # matplotlib to get a better fixed output and wants a bit of interactivity for # development as well. try: import mplcursors except ImportError: pass else: import matplotlib as mpl # Make a subclass so we can integrate better with mplcursors class _DataframeLinkMarker(mpl.lines.Line2D): pass # Tell mplcursors that we are never selecting the marker line, so that it # will still show the coordinates of the data that were plotted, rather # than useless coordinates of the marker @mplcursors.compute_pick.register(_DataframeLinkMarker) def _(artist, event): return None def _make_vline(axis, *args, **kwargs): import matplotlib as mpl vline = axis.axvline(*args, **kwargs) assert type(vline) is mpl.lines.Line2D # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck try: cls = _DataframeLinkMarker except NameError: pass else: vline.__class__ = _DataframeLinkMarker vline.set_visible(False) return vline
[docs] def axis_cursor_delta(axis, colors=('blue', 'green'), buttons=None): """ Display the time delta between two vertical lines drawn on clicks. :param axis: Axis to link to. :type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes :param colors: List of colors to use for vertical lines. :type colors: list(str) :param buttons: Mouse buttons to use for each vertical line. :type buttons: tuple(matplotlib.backend_bases.MouseButton) or None .. note:: This requires the matplotlib widget enabled using ``%matplotlib widget`` magic. """ from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseButton buttons = buttons or (MouseButton.LEFT, MouseButton.RIGHT) delta_widget = widgets.Text( value='0', placeholder='0', description='Cursors delta', disabled=False, ) vlines = [ _make_vline(axis, color=color) for color in colors ] assert len(vlines) == 2 vlines_map = dict(zip(buttons, vlines)) vlines_loc = collections.defaultdict( lambda: min(axis.get_xbound()) ) def handler(event): loc = event.xdata button = event.button vline = vlines_map[button] vlines_loc[button] = loc vline.set_xdata(loc) vline.set_visible(True) locs = [ vlines_loc[button] for button in buttons ] delta = locs[1] - locs[0] delta_widget.value = str(delta) axis.get_figure().canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', handler) display(delta_widget)
[docs] def interact_tasks(trace, tasks=None, kind=None): """ Decorator to make a block of code parametrized on a task that can be selected from a dropdown. :param trace: Trace object in use :type trace: lisa.trace.Trace :param tasks: List of tasks that are available. See ``kind`` for alternative way of specifying tasks. :type tasks: list(int or str or lisa.analysis.tasks.TaskID) or None :param kind: Alternatively to ``tasks``, a kind can be provided and the tasks will be selected from the trace for you. It can be: * ``rtapp`` to select all rt-app tasks * ``all`` to select all tasks. :type kind: str or None **Example**:: trace = Trace('trace.dat') # Allow selecting any rtapp task @interact_tasks(trace, kind='rtapp') def do_plot(task): trace.ana.load_tracking.plot_task_signals(task) """ if tasks is not None: tasks = [ trace.ana.tasks.get_task_id(task, update=False) for task in tasks ] else: kind = kind or 'all' if kind == 'all': tasks = trace.ana.tasks.task_ids elif kind == 'rtapp': tasks = trace.ana.rta.rtapp_tasks else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown task kind: {kind}') # Map of friendly names to actual objects task_map = { str(task): task for task in tasks } def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) @interact def wrapper(task=sorted(task_map.keys())): task = task_map[task] return f(task) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def make_figure(width, height, nrows, ncols, interactive=None, **kwargs): """ Make a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` and its axes. :param width: Width of the figure. :type width: int :param height: Height of the figure. :type height: int :param interactive: If ``True``, create an interactive figure. Defaults to ``True`` when running under IPython, ``False`` otherwise. :type interactive: bool or None :Variable keyword arguments: Forwarded to :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` :returns: A tuple of: * :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` * :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` as a scalar, an iterable (1D) or iterable of iterable matrix (2D) """ import matplotlib as mpl if interactive is None: interactive = is_running_ipython() if not interactive and tuple(map(int, mpl.__version__.split('.'))) <= (3, 0, 3): warnings.warn('This version of matplotlib does not allow saving figures from axis created using Figure(), forcing interactive=True') interactive = True width *= ncols height *= nrows if interactive: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figure, axes = plt.subplots( figsize=(width, height), nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, **kwargs, ) else: from matplotlib.figure import Figure figure = Figure(figsize=(width, height)) axes = figure.subplots(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, **kwargs) return (figure, axes)
[docs] def plot_signal(series, name=None, interpolation=None, add_markers=True, vdim=None): """ Plot a signal using ``holoviews`` library. :param series: Series of values to plot. :type series: pandas.Series :param name: Name of the signal. Defaults to the series name. :type name: str or None :param interpolation: Interpolate type for the signal. Defaults to ``steps-post`` which is the correct value for signals encoded as a series of updates. :type interpolation: str or None :param add_markers: Add markers to the plot. :type add_markers: bool :param vdim: Value axis dimension. :type vdim: holoviews.core.dimension.Dimension """ if isinstance(series, pd.DataFrame): try: col, = series.columns except ValueError: raise ValueError('Can only pass Series or DataFrame with one column') else: series = series[col] label = name or interpolation = interpolation or 'steps-post' kdims = [ # Ensure shared_axes works well across plots. # We don't set the unit as this will prevent shared_axes to work if # the other plots do not set the unit, which is what usually # happens, since only name/label is taken from pandas index names. hv.Dimension('Time', unit='s'), ] vdims = [ vdim ] if vdim is not None else None fig = hv.Curve( series, label=label, kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims, ).opts( interpolation=interpolation, title=label, ) if add_markers: # The "marker" group for Scatter is used to provide marker-specific # styling in generic code.. # TODO: use mute_legend=True once this bug is fixed: # fig *= hv.Scatter( series, label=label, group='marker', kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims, ) return fig
# TODO: revisit when this discussion is solved: # def _hv_neutral(): """ Neutral element of holoviews operations such that ``x <op> holoviews_neutral() == x``. .. note:: Holoviews currently does not have a perfectly neutral element. """ return hv.Curve([]) def _hv_backend_twinx(backend, display, y_range): def hook(plot, element): p = plot.state if backend == 'bokeh': glyph = p.renderers[-1] vals =['y'] if y_range is None: _y_range = (vals.min(), vals.max()) else: _y_range = y_range name = uuid4().hex p.extra_y_ranges.update({ name: bokeh.models.Range1d(start=_y_range[0], end=_y_range[1]) }) glyph.y_range_name = name if display: p.add_layout( bokeh.models.LinearAxis(y_range_name=name), 'right' ) elif backend == 'matplotlib': ax = plot.handles['axis'] twin = ax.twinx() plot.handles['axis'] = twin if not display: twin.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) if y_range is not None: twin.set_ylim(y_range) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported backend={backend}') return hook def _hv_twinx(fig, display=True, y_range=None): """ Similar to matplotlib's twinx feature where the element's Y axis is separated from the default one and drawn on the right of the plot. :param display: If ``True``, the ticks will be displayed on the right of the plot. Otherwise, it will be hidden. :type display: bool .. note:: This uses a custom hook for each backend, so it will be disabled if the user also set their own hook. """ kwargs = dict( display=display, y_range=y_range, ) return fig.options( backend='bokeh', hooks=[_hv_backend_twinx('bokeh', **kwargs)], ) def _hv_multi_line_title_hook(plot, element): p = plot.state # Add in reverse since titles will pile upwards lines = list(reversed(plot.title.splitlines())) if len(lines) > 1: for line in lines: title = bokeh.models.Title( text=line, standoff=1, ) p.add_layout(title, 'above') # Add an empty line at the top to provide visual separation # with other plots p.add_layout(bokeh.models.Title(text=' '), 'above') del p.title # Adjust the width of the plot so that the title is not truncated max_len = max(map(len, lines)) # Empirical, should probably inspect the title font size instead px_per_char = 12 p.width = max(p.width, max_len * px_per_char) def _hv_multi_line_title(fig): """ Holoviews hook to allow multiline titles. Also enlarges the plot if its too small for its title. """ return fig.options(hooks=[_hv_multi_line_title_hook]) @destroyablecontextmanager def _hv_set_backend(backend): """ Context manager to work around this issue: """ old_backend = hv.Store.current_backend try: # This is safe to do as long as the backend has been # loaded with hv.extension() beforehand, which happens # at import time hv.Store.set_current_backend(backend) yield except ContextManagerExit: if old_backend: hv.Store.set_current_backend(old_backend) def _hv_link_dataframes(fig, dfs): """ Link the provided dataframes to the holoviews figure. :returns: A panel displaying the dataframes and the figure. """ def make_table(i, df): event_header = [ col for col in df.columns if ( col.startswith('__') or col == 'event' ) ] df = df[order_as(df.columns, event_header)] if in df.columns: df.index = df.index.copy(deep=False) = '' df_widget = pn.widgets.Tabulator( df, name=f'dataframe #{i}', formatters={ 'bool': {'type': 'tickCross'} }, # Disable edition of the dataframe disabled=True, # sortable=False, # Ensure some columns are always displayed frozen_columns=event_header, # For pn.widgets.DataFrame. # frozen_columns=len(event_header) + 1, height=400, # autosize_mode='fit_viewport', row_height=25, pagination=None, # Only relevant for pn.widgets.Tabulator theme='simple', selectable='toggle', ) return df_widget def mark_table_selection(tables): def plot(*args): xs = [ table.value.index[x] for xs, table in zip(args, tables) for x in xs ] return hv.Overlay( [ hv.VLine(x).opts( backend='bokeh', line_dash='dashed', ) for x in xs ] ) tables = list(tables) streams = [ table.param.selection for table in tables ] bound = pn.bind(plot, *streams) dmap = hv.DynamicMap(bound).opts(framewise=True) return dmap def scroll_table(tables): def record_taps(x, y): try: for table in tables: if x is not None: df = table.value i = df.index.get_indexer([x], method='ffill')[0] # This will automatically scroll in the table. # It requires a Python int, a numpy object is not good # enough. table.selection = [int(i)] # It is vital to return something, otherwise the plot will # disappear, which is much worse than the selection not working finally: return hv.Points([]) tap = hv.streams.SingleTap(transient=True) dmap = hv.DynamicMap(record_taps, streams=[tap]) return dmap tables = list(starmap(make_table, enumerate(dfs))) markers = mark_table_selection(tables) scroll = scroll_table(tables) # Workaround issue: # if isinstance(fig, hv.Layout): ncols = fig._max_cols else: ncols = None fig = fig * (scroll * markers) if ncols is not None: fig = fig.cols(ncols) if len(tables) > 1: tables_widget = pn.Tabs( *( (, table) for table in tables ), align='start', ) else: tables_widget = tables[0] tables_widget.align = 'start' return pn.Column( fig, tables_widget, sizing_mode='stretch_both', align='center', ) class _HoloviewsPanelWrapper: """ Dummy base class used to identify classes created by :func:`_hv_wrap_fig_cls`. """ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _hv_wrap_fig_cls(cls): """ Wrap a holoviews element class so that it is displayed inside a panel but still exhibits the holoviews API. .. note:: Due to, ``x <op> y`` will not work if ``x`` is a holoviews object, but the opposit will work. """ def wrap_fig(self, x): if x.__class__.__module__.startswith('holoviews'): return _hv_fig_to_pane( fig=x, make_pane=self._make_pane, ) else: return x def make_wrapper(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): x = f(self._fig, *args, **kwargs) return wrap_fig(self, x) return wrapper def make_op(name): def op(self, other): f = getattr(self._fig, name) # Unwrap the holoviews figure to avoid exceptions if isinstance(other, _HoloviewsPanelWrapper): other = other._fig x = f(other) return wrap_fig(self, x) return op class NewCls(_HoloviewsPanelWrapper): def __init__(self, fig, make_pane): self._fig = fig self._make_pane = make_pane def _repr_mimebundle_(self, *args, **kwargs): pane = self._make_pane(self._fig) return pane._repr_mimebundle_(*args, **kwargs) def opts(self, *args, **kwargs): return wrap_fig( self, self._fig.opts(*args, **kwargs), ) for attr, x in inspect.getmembers(cls): if (not attr.startswith('_')) and inspect.isfunction(x): setattr(NewCls, attr, make_wrapper(x)) for name in ( '__add__', '__radd__', '__sub__', '__rsub__', '__mul__', '__rmul__', '__matmul__', '__rmatmul__', '__truediv__', '__rtruediv__', '__floordiv__', '__rfloordiv__', '__mod__', '__rmod__', '__divmod__', '__rdivmod__', '__pow__', '__rpow__', '__and__', '__rand__', '__xor__', '__rxor__', '__or__', '__ror__', '__rshift__', '__rrshift__', '__lshift__', '__rlshift__', ): if hasattr(cls, name): setattr(NewCls, name, make_op(name)) return NewCls def _hv_fig_to_pane(fig, make_pane): """ Stop-gap measure until there is a proper solution for: """ cls = _hv_wrap_fig_cls(fig.__class__) return cls(fig=fig, make_pane=make_pane) # vim :set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 textwidth=80 expandtab