Source code for lisa.fuzz

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Fuzzing API to build random constrained values.

.. note:: The following example shows a direct use of the :class:`Gen` monad,
    but be aware that :mod:`lisa.wlgen.rta` API allows mixing both :class:`Gen`
    and RTA DSL into the same coroutine function using


    from lisa.platforms.platinfo import PlatformInfo
    from lisa.fuzz import GenMonad, Choice, Int, Float, retry_until

    # The function must be decorated with so that "await" gains
    # its special meaning.
    async def make_data(duration=None):
        # Draw a value from an iterable.
        period = await Choice([16e-3, 8e-3])
        nr = await Choice(range(1, 4))
        duration = duration or (await Float(1, 2))

        # Arbitrary properties can be enforced. If they are not satisfied, the
        # function will run again until the condition is true.
        await retry_until(0 < nr <= 2)

        return (nr, duration, period)

    # seed (or rng) can be fixed for reproducible results
    data = make_data(duration=42)(seed=1)


import random
import functools
import itertools
import inspect
import logging
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
from import Iterable, Mapping

from lisa.monad import StateDiscard
from lisa.utils import Loggable, deprecate

[docs] class RetryException(Exception): """ Exception raised to signify to :class:`lisa.fuzz.Gen` to retry the random draw. .. seealso:: :func:`lisa.fuzz.retry_until` """ pass
class _Retrier: def __init__(self, cond): self.cond = cond def __await__(self): if self.cond: return else: raise RetryException() # Ensures __await__ is a generator function yield
[docs] def retry_until(cond): """ Returns an awaitable that will signify to the :class:`lisa.fuzz.Gen` monad to retry the computation until ``cond`` is ``True``. This is used to enforce arbitrary constraints on generated data. .. note:: If possible, it's a better idea to generate the data in a way that satisfy the constraints, as retrying can happen an arbitrary number of time and thus become quite costly. """ return _Retrier(cond)
[docs] class GenMonad(StateDiscard, Loggable): """ Random generator monad inspired by Haskell's QuickCheck. """ def __init__(self, f, name=None): = name or f.__qualname__ super().__init__(f) class _State: def __init__(self, rng): self.rng = rng
[docs] @classmethod def make_state(cls, *, rng=None, seed=None): """ Initialize the RNG state with either an rng or a seed. :param seed: Seed to initialize the :class:`random.Random` instance. :type seed: object :param rng: Instance of RNG. :type rng: random.Random """ return cls._State( rng=rng or random.Random(seed), )
def __str__(self): name = or self._f.__qualname__ return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({name})' @classmethod def _decorate_coroutine_function(cls, f): _f = super()._decorate_coroutine_function(f) @functools.wraps(_f) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): for i in itertools.count(1): try: x = await _f(*args, **kwargs) except RetryException: continue else: trials = f'after {i} trials ' if i > 1 else '' val = str(x) sep = '\n' + ' ' * 4 val = sep + val.replace('\n', sep) + '\n' if '\n' in val else val + ' ' cls.get_logger().debug(f'Drawn {val}{trials}from {_f.__qualname__}') return x return wrapper
[docs] class Gen: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._action = GenMonad(*args, **kwargs) def __await__(self): return (yield from self._action.__await__())
[docs] @classmethod @deprecate(deprecated_in='2.0', removed_in='4.0',, msg='Note that will not automatically await on arguments if they are Gen instances, this must be done manually.', ) def lift(cls, f): @functools.wraps(f) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): args = [ (await arg) if isinstance(arg, cls) else arg for arg in args ] kwargs = { k: (await v) if isinstance(v, cls) else v for k, v in kwargs.items() } return await f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] class Choices(Gen): """ Randomly choose ``n`` values among ``xs``. :param n: Number of values to yield every time. :type n: int :param xs: Finite iterable of values to choose from. :type xs: :param typ: Callable used to build the output from an iterable. :type typ: type """ _TYP = list _RANDOM_METH = attrgetter('choices') def __init__(self, n, xs, typ=None): self._xs_str = str(xs) typ = typ or self._TYP xs = list(xs) if not n or n <= 0: raise ValueError(f'n must be > 0: {n}') super().__init__( lambda state: (typ(self._RANDOM_METH(state.rng)(xs, k=n)), state), ) def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self._xs_str})'
[docs] class Set(Choices): """ Same as :class:`lisa.fuzz.Choices` but returns a set. .. note:: The values are drawn without replacement to ensure the set is of the correct size, assuming the input contained no duplicate. """ _TYP = set _RANDOM_METH = attrgetter('sample')
[docs] class Tuple(Choices): """ Same as :class:`lisa.fuzz.Choices` but returns a tuple. """ _TYP = tuple
[docs] class SortedList(Choices): """ Same as :class:`lisa.fuzz.Choices` but returns a sorted list. """ _TYP = sorted
[docs] class Shuffle(Choices): """ Randomly shuffle the given sequence. :param xs: Finite sequence of values to shuffle. :type xs: """ _RANDOM_METH = attrgetter('sample') def __init__(self, xs): typ = type(xs) xs = list(xs) super().__init__( xs=xs, typ=typ, n=len(xs), )
[docs] class Bool(Gen): """ Draw a random bool. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( lambda state: (bool(state.rng.randint(0, 1)), state), ) def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}()'
[docs] class Int(Gen): """ Draw a random int fitting within the ``[min_, max_]`` range. """ def __init__(self, min_=0, max_=0): self.min_ = min_ self.max_ = max_ super().__init__( lambda state: (state.rng.randint(min_, max_), state), ) def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self.min_} <= x <= {self.max_})'
[docs] class Float(Gen): """ Draw a random float fitting within the ``[min_, max_]`` range. """ def __init__(self, min_=0, max_=0): self.min_ = min_ self.max_ = max_ super().__init__( lambda state: (state.rng.uniform(min_, max_), state), ) def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self.min_} <= x <= {self.max_})'
[docs] class Dict(Choices): """ Same as :class:`lisa.fuzz.Choices` but returns a dictionary. .. note:: The input must be an iterable of ``tuple(key, value)``. .. note:: The values are drawn without replacement to ensure the dict is of the correct size, assuming the input contained no duplicate. """ _TYP = dict _RANDOM_METH = attrgetter('sample') def __init__(self, n, xs, typ=None): if isinstance(xs, Mapping): xs = xs.items() super().__init__( n=n, xs=xs, typ=typ, )
[docs] class Choice(Gen): """ Randomly choose one values among ``xs``. :param xs: Finite iterable of values to choose from. :type xs: """ def __init__(self, xs): self._xs_str = str(xs) xs = list(xs) super().__init__( lambda state: (state.rng.choice(xs), state), ) def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self._xs_str})'
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