Source code for lisa.conf

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2018, Arm Limited and contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import abc
import copy
from import Mapping
from collections import OrderedDict
import difflib
import inspect
import itertools
import textwrap
import logging
import re
import contextlib
import pprint
import os
import io
import functools
import threading
import weakref
import typing

from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap
import typeguard

import lisa
from lisa.utils import (
    Serializable, Loggable, get_nested_key, set_nested_key, get_call_site,
    is_running_sphinx, get_cls_name, HideExekallID, get_subclasses, groupby,
from lisa._generic import check_type

[docs] class DeferredValue: """ Wrapper similar to :func:`functools.partial` allowing to defer computation of the value until the key is actually used. Once computed, the deferred value is replaced by the value that was computed. This is useful for values that are very costly to compute, but should be used with care as it means it will usually not be available in the offline :class:`lisa.platforms.platinfo.PlatformInfo` instances. This means that client code such as submodules of ``lisa.analysis`` will typically not have it available (unless :meth:`~MultiSrcConf.eval_deferred` was called) although they might need it. """ def __init__(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): self.callback = callback self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self._is_computing = False
[docs] def __call__(self, key_desc=None): # Make sure we don't reenter the callback, to avoid infinite loops. if self._is_computing: key = key_desc.qualname if key_desc else '<unknown>' raise KeyComputationRecursionError(f'Recursion error while computing deferred value for key: {key}', key) try: self._is_computing = True return self.callback(*self.args, **self.kwargs) finally: self._is_computing = False
def __str__(self): return f'<lazy value of {self.callback.__qualname__}>'
[docs] class FilteredDeferredValue(DeferredValue): """ Same as :class:`lisa.conf.DeferredValue` except that the given sentinel value will be interpreted as no value . """ def __init__(self, callback, sentinel=None): @functools.wraps(callback) def _callback(): x = callback() if x == sentinel: raise _DeferredInexistentError() else: return x # Cheat on the name to have better DeferredValue.__str__ output try: _callback.__qualname__ = callback.__qualname__ # Not all callbacks have a __qualname__ except AttributeError: pass super().__init__(callback=_callback)
[docs] class DeferredExcep(DeferredValue): """ Specialization of :class:`DeferredValue` to lazily raise an exception. :param excep: Exception to raise when the value is used. :type excep: BaseException """ def __init__(self, excep): self.excep = excep def callback(): raise self.excep super().__init__(callback=callback) def __str__(self): return f'<lazy {self.excep.__class__.__qualname__} exception>'
[docs] class TopLevelKeyError(ValueError): """ Exception raised when no top-level key matches the expected one in the given configuration file. """ def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def __str__(self): return f'Key "{self.key}" needs to appear at the top level'
[docs] class KeyDescBase(abc.ABC): """ Base class for configuration files key descriptor. This allows defining the structure of the configuration file, in order to sanitize user input and generate help snippets used in various places. """ INDENTATION = 4 * ' ' _VALID_NAME_PATTERN = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9-<>]+$' def __init__(self, name, help): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin self._check_name(name) = name = help self.parent = None @classmethod def _check_name(cls, name): if not re.match(cls._VALID_NAME_PATTERN, name): raise ValueError(f'Invalid key name "{name}". Key names must match: {cls._VALID_NAME_PATTERN}') @property def qualname(self): """ "Qualified" name of the key. This is a slash-separated path in the config file from the root to that key: <parent qualname>/<name> """ return '/'.join(self.path) @property def path(self): """ Path in the config file from the root to that key. .. note:: This includes the top-level key name, which must be removed before it's fed to :meth:`MultiSrcConf.get_nested_key`. """ curr = [] if self.parent is None: return curr return self.parent.path + curr
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_help(self, style=None, last=False): """ Get a help message describing the key. :param style: When "rst", ResStructuredText formatting may be applied :param style: str :param last: ``True`` if this is the last item in a list. :type last: bool """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate_val(self, val): """ Validate a value to be used for that key. :raises TypeError: When the value has the wrong type :raises ValueError: If the value does not comply with some other constraints. Note that constraints should ideally be encoded in the type itself, to make help message as straightforward as possible. """
[docs] class KeyDesc(KeyDescBase): """ Key descriptor describing a leaf key in the configuration. :param name: Name of the key :param help: Short help message describing the use of that key :param classinfo: sequence of allowed types for that key. As a special case, `None` is allowed in that sequence of types, even though it is not strictly speaking a type. :type classinfo: :param newtype: If specified, a type with the given name will be created for that key with that name. Otherwise, a camel-case name derived from the key name will be used: ``toplevel-key/sublevel/mykey`` will give a type named `SublevelMykey`. This class will be exposed as an attribute of the parent :class:`MultiSrcConf` (which is why the toplevel key is omitted from its name). A getter will also be created on the parent configuration class, so that the typed key is exposed to ``exekall``. If the key is not present in the configuration object, the getter will return ``None``. :type newtype: str or None :param deepcopy_val: If ``True``, the values will be deepcopied upon lookup. This prevents accidental modification of mutable types (like lists) by the user. :type deepcopy_val: bool """ def __init__(self, name, help, classinfo, newtype=None, deepcopy_val=True): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin super().__init__(name=name, help=help) # isinstance's style classinfo self.classinfo = tuple(classinfo) self._newtype = newtype self.deepcopy_val = deepcopy_val @property def newtype(self): if self._newtype: return self._newtype else: def filter_compo(compo): return ''.join( c for c in compo # Keep only characters allowed in identifiers if c.isidentifier() ).title() compos = itertools.chain.from_iterable( x.split('-') for x in self.path[1:] ) return ''.join(map(filter_compo, compos))
[docs] def validate_val(self, val): """ Check that the value is an instance of one of the type specified in the ``self.classinfo``. If the value is not an instance of any of these types, then a :exc:`TypeError` is raised corresponding to the first type in the tuple, which is assumed to be the main one. """ # Or if that key is supposed to hold a value classinfo = self.classinfo key = self.qualname def checkinstance(key, val, classinfo): try: check_type(val, classinfo) except TypeError as e: classinfo = ' or '.join(get_cls_name(cls) for cls in classinfo) raise TypeError(f'Key "{key}" is an instance of {get_cls_name(type(val))}, but should be instance of {classinfo}: {e}. Help: {}', key) # DeferredValue will be checked when they are computed if not isinstance(val, DeferredValue): checkinstance(key, val, classinfo)
[docs] def get_help(self, style=None, last=False): base_fmt = '{prefix}{key} ({classinfo}){prefixed_help}.' if style == 'rst': prefix = '* ' key = fmt = base_fmt elif style == 'yaml': prefix = '' key = '' fmt = '{key}{help}\ntype: {classinfo}' else: prefix = ('└' if last else '├') + ' ' key = fmt = base_fmt if joiner = f"\n{(' ' * len(prefix))}" wrapped_lines = textwrap.wrap(, width=60) # If more than one line, output a paragraph on its own starting on # a new line multiline = len(wrapped_lines) > 1 if multiline: wrapped_lines.insert(0, '') help_ = joiner.join(wrapped_lines) prefixed_help = (':' if multiline else ': ') + help_ else: help_ = '' prefixed_help = help_ return fmt.format( prefix=prefix, key=key, classinfo=' or '.join( get_cls_name( key_cls, style=style, fully_qualified=False, ) for key_cls in self.classinfo ), help=help_, prefixed_help=prefixed_help, )
[docs] @staticmethod def pretty_format(v): """ Format the value for pretty printing. :param v: Value of the key that is being printed :type v: object :return: A string """ return str(v)
[docs] class ConfigKeyError(KeyError): """ Exception raised when a key is not found in the config instance. """ def __init__(self, msg, key=None, src=None): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self.msg = msg self.key = key self.src = src def __str__(self): return self.msg
[docs] class MissingBaseKeyError(ConfigKeyError): """ Exception raised when a base key needed to compute a derived key is missing. """
[docs] class DeferredValueComputationError(ConfigKeyError): """ Raised when computing the value of :class:`DeferredValue` lead to an exception. """ def __init__(self, msg, excep, key=None, src=None): self.excep = excep super().__init__(msg, key, src)
[docs] class KeyComputationRecursionError(ConfigKeyError, RecursionError): """ Raised when :meth:`DerivedKeyDesc.compute_val` is reentered while computing a given key on a configuration instance, or when a :class:`DeferredValue` callback is reentered. """
class _DeferredInexistentError(Exception): """ Raised when a :class:`lisa.conf.DeferredValue` cannot compute the value. It is then interpreted by the machinery as if no value was provided for that key. """
[docs] class DerivedKeyDesc(KeyDesc): """ Key descriptor describing a key derived from other keys Derived keys cannot be added from a source, since they are purely computed out of other keys. It is also not possible to change their source priorities. To achieve that, set the source priorities on the keys it is based on. :param base_key_paths: List of paths to the keys this key is derived from. The paths in the form of a list of string are relative to the current level. To reference a level above the current one, use the special key ``..``. :type base_key_paths: list(list(str)) :param compute: Function used to compute the value of the key. It takes a dictionary of base keys specified in ``base_key_paths`` as only parameter and is expected to return the key's value. :type compute: """ def __init__(self, name, help, classinfo, base_key_paths, compute, newtype=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin super().__init__(name=name, help=help, classinfo=classinfo, newtype=newtype) self._base_key_paths = base_key_paths self._compute = compute self._is_computing_in = set() @property def help(self): return '(derived from {}) '.format( ', '.join(sorted( self._get_base_key_qualname(path) for path in self._base_key_paths )) ) + self._help @help.setter def help(self, val): self._help = val
[docs] @staticmethod def make_get_key(conf, **kwargs): f = conf.__class__.get_key return functools.partial(f, **kwargs)
@classmethod def _get_base_key_val(cls, conf, path, eval_deferred=True): get_key = cls.make_get_key(conf, quiet=True, eval_deferred=eval_deferred) return get_nested_key(conf, path, getitem=get_key) @classmethod def _get_base_key_src(cls, conf, path): get_key = cls.make_get_key(conf, quiet=True) conf = get_nested_key(conf, path[:-1], getitem=get_key) return conf.resolve_src(path[-1]) def _resolve_key_path(self, key_path): def should_skip(n, key): if key == '..': n += 1 skip = True elif n: skip = True n -= 1 else: skip = False return (n, skip) # Traverse the path in opposit order so we can know if a component needs to # be removed based on previous components key_path = self.parent.path + key_path key_path = list(reversed(key_path)) n = 0 skip_list = [] for key in key_path: n, skip = should_skip(n, key) skip_list.append(skip) resolved = [ key for key, skip in zip(key_path, skip_list) if not skip ] return list(reversed(resolved)) def _get_base_key_qualname(self, key_path): path = self._resolve_key_path(key_path) return '/'.join(path) def _get_base_conf(self, conf, eval_deferred=True): try: base_conf = {} for key_path in self._base_key_paths: val = self._get_base_key_val(conf, key_path, eval_deferred=eval_deferred) set_nested_key(base_conf, key_path, val) return base_conf except ConfigKeyError as e: key = self.qualname raise MissingBaseKeyError( f'Missing value for base key "{e.key}" in order to compute derived key "{key}": {e.msg}', key=key, ) from e
[docs] def get_non_evaluated_base_keys(self, conf): """ Get the :class:`KeyDescBase` of base keys that have a :class:`DeferredValue` value. """ def get_key_desc(path): path = self._resolve_key_path(path)[1:] return get_nested_key(conf.STRUCTURE, path) bases = { get_key_desc(key_path): self._get_base_key_val(conf, key_path, eval_deferred=False) for key_path in self._base_key_paths } return [ key_desc for key_desc, val in bases.items() if isinstance(val, DeferredValue) ]
[docs] def can_be_computed(self, conf): try: self._get_base_conf(conf, eval_deferred=False) except MissingBaseKeyError: return False else: return True
[docs] def compute_val(self, conf, eval_deferred=True): conf_id = id(conf) if conf_id in self._is_computing_in: key = self.qualname raise KeyComputationRecursionError(f'Recursion error while computing derived key: {key}', key) else: try: self._is_computing_in.add(conf_id) # If there is non evaluated base, transitively return a closure rather # than computing now. if not eval_deferred and self.get_non_evaluated_base_keys(conf): val = DeferredValue(self.compute_val, conf=conf, eval_deferred=True) else: base_conf = self._get_base_conf(conf) val = self._compute(base_conf) self.validate_val(val) finally: self._is_computing_in.remove(conf_id) return val
[docs] def get_src(self, conf): return ','.join( '{src}({key})'.format( src=self._get_base_key_src(conf, path), key=self._get_base_key_qualname(path), ) for path in self._base_key_paths )
[docs] class LevelKeyDesc(KeyDescBase, Mapping): """ Key descriptor defining a hierarchical level in the configuration. :param name: name of the key in the configuration :param help: Short help describing the use of the keys inside that level :param children: of :class:`KeyDescBase` defining the allowed keys under that level :type children: :param value_path: Relative path to a sub-key that will receive assignment to that level for non-mapping types. This allows turning a leaf key into a level while preserving backward compatibility, as long as: * The key did not accept mapping values, otherwise it would be ambiguous and is therefore rejected. * The old leaf key has a matching new leaf key, that is a sub-key of the new level key. In practice, that allows turning a single knob into a tree of settings. :type value_path: list(str) or None Children keys will get this key assigned as a parent when passed to the constructor. """ def __init__(self, name, help, children, value_path=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin super().__init__(name=name, help=help) # Make it easier to share children with another configuration class by # making them independent, so we will not accidentally override the # parent link when it would not be appropriate. self.children = list(map(copy.deepcopy, children)) # Fixup parent for easy nested declaration for key_desc in self.children: key_desc.parent = self self.value_path = value_path @property def key_desc(self): path = self.value_path if path is None: raise AttributeError(f'{self} does not define a value path for direct assignment') else: return get_nested_key(self, path) def __getattr__(self, attr): # If the property raised an exception, __getattr__ is tried so we need # to fail explicitly in order to avoid infinite recursion if attr == 'key_desc': raise AttributeError('recursive key_desc lookup') else: try: key_desc = self.key_desc except Exception as e: raise AttributeError(str(e)) else: return getattr(key_desc, attr) @property def _key_map(self): return { key_desc for key_desc in self.children } def __iter__(self): return iter(self._key_map) def __len__(self): return len(self._key_map) def __getitem__(self, key): self.check_allowed_key(key) return self._key_map[key]
[docs] def check_allowed_key(self, key): """ Checks that a given key is allowed under that levels """ try: self._key_map[key] except KeyError: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from try: closest_match = difflib.get_close_matches( word=str(key), possibilities=self._key_map.keys(), n=1, )[0] except IndexError: closest_match = '' else: closest_match = f', maybe you meant "{closest_match}" ?' parent = self.qualname raise ConfigKeyError( f'Key "{key}" is not allowed in {parent}{closest_match}', key=key, )
[docs] def validate_val(self, conf): """Validate a mapping to be used as a configuration source""" if not isinstance(conf, Mapping): key = self.qualname raise TypeError(f'Configuration of {key} must be a Mapping', key) for key, val in conf.items(): self[key].validate_val(val)
[docs] def get_help(self, style=None, last=False): idt = self.INDENTATION prefix = '*' if style == 'rst' else ('└' if last else '├') # Nasty hack: adding an empty ResStructuredText comment between levels # of nested list avoids getting extra blank line between list items. # That prevents ResStructuredText from thinking each item must be a # paragraph. suffix = '\n\n..\n\n' if style == 'rst' else '\n' suffix += idt help_ = '{prefix} {key}:{help}{suffix}'.format( prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix,, help=' ' + if else '', ) nl = '\n' + idt last = len(self.children) - 1 help_ += nl.join( key_desc.get_help( style=style, last=i == last, ).replace('\n', nl) for i, key_desc in enumerate(self.children) ) if style == 'rst': help_ += '\n\n..\n' return help_
class _KeyMap(dict): def __init__(self, child, content): self._child = child super().__init__(content) def __missing__(self, _): return self._child
[docs] class VariadicLevelKeyDesc(LevelKeyDesc): """ Level key descriptor that allows configuration-source-defined sub-level keys. :param child: Variadic level. Its name will only be used for documentation purposes, the configuration instances will be able to hold any string. :type child: lisa.conf.LevelKeyDesc :Variable keyword arguments: Forwarded to :class:`lisa.conf.LevelKeyDesc`. This allows "instantiating" a whole sub-configuration for variable level keys. """ def __init__(self, name, help, child, value_path=None): super().__init__(name=name, help=help, children=[child], value_path=value_path) @property def _child(self): return self.children[0] @property def _key_map(self): return _KeyMap(self._child, super()._key_map)
[docs] class DelegatedLevelKeyDesc(LevelKeyDesc): """ Level key descriptor that imports the keys from another :class:`~lisa.conf.MultiSrcConfABC` subclass. :param conf: Configuration class to extract keys from. :type conf: MultiSrcConfABC :Variable keyword arguments: Forwarded to :class:`lisa.conf.LevelKeyDesc`. This allows embedding a configuration inside another one, mostly to be able to split a configuration class while preserving backward compatibility. .. note:: Only the children keys are taken from the passed level, other information such as ``value_path`` are ignored and must be set explicitly. """ def __init__(self, name, help, conf, **kwargs): # Make a deepcopy to ensure we will not change the parent attribute of # an existing structure. level = copy.deepcopy(conf.STRUCTURE) children = level.values() super().__init__( name=name, help=help, children=children, **kwargs )
[docs] class TopLevelKeyDescBase(LevelKeyDesc): """ Top-level key descriptor, which defines the top-level key to use in the configuration files. :param levels: Levels of the top-level key, as a list of strings. Each item specifies a level in a mapping, so that multiple classes can share the same actual top-level without specific cooperation. :type levels: list(str) This top-level key is omitted in all interfaces except for the configuration file, since it only reflects the configuration class """ def __init__(self, levels, *args, **kwargs): levels = tuple(levels) for level in levels: super()._check_name(level) self.levels = levels name = '/'.join(levels) super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _check_name(cls, name): pass
[docs] def get_help(self, style=None, **kwargs): if style == 'yaml': return else: return super().get_help(style=style, **kwargs)
[docs] class TopLevelKeyDesc(TopLevelKeyDescBase): """ Regular top-level key descriptor, with only one level. :param name: Name of the top-level key, as a string. :type name: str """ def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__([name], *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class NestedTopLevelKeyDesc(TopLevelKeyDescBase): """ Top-level key descriptor, with an arbitrary amount of levels. """
[docs] class MultiSrcConfABC(Serializable, abc.ABC): _REGISTERED_TOPLEVEL_KEYS = {}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_map(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def from_map(cls, mapping, add_default_src=True): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml_map(cls, path, add_default_src=True): """ Allow reloading from a plain mapping, to avoid having to specify a tag in the configuration file. The content is hosted under the top-level key specified in ``STRUCTURE``. :param path: Path to the YAML file :type path: str :param add_default_src: Add a default source if available for that class. :type add_default_src: bool .. note:: Only load YAML files from trusted source as it can lead to arbitrary code execution. """ toplevel_keys = cls.STRUCTURE.levels get_content = lambda x: get_nested_key(x, toplevel_keys) or {} def has_keys(keys, mapping): if keys: key, *keys = keys try: return has_keys(keys, mapping[key]) except KeyError: return False else: return True mapping = cls._from_path(path, fmt='yaml') if not isinstance(mapping, Mapping): raise ValueError(f'Top-level object is expected to be a mapping but got: {mapping.__class__.__qualname__}') try: data = get_content(mapping) except KeyError: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise TopLevelKeyError(toplevel_keys) # "unwrap" an extra layer of toplevel key, to play well with !include if len(data) == 1 and has_keys(toplevel_keys, data): data = get_content(data) return cls.from_map(data, add_default_src=add_default_src)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml_map_list(cls, path_list, add_default_src=True): """ Create a mapping of configuration classes to instance, by loading them from the list of paths using :meth:`from_yaml_map` and merging them. :param path_list: List of paths to YAML configuration files. :type path_list: list(str) :param add_default_src: See :meth:`from_yaml_map`. .. note:: When merging, the configuration coming from the rightmost path will win if it defines some keys that were also defined in another file. Each file will be mapped to a different sources, named after the basename of the file. .. note:: Only load YAML files from trusted source as it can lead to arbitrary code execution. """ # Make sure that all modules from LISA are loaded, so that # get_subclasses will be accurate. import_all_submodules(lisa, best_effort=True) conf_cls_set = set(get_subclasses(cls, only_leaves=True)) conf_list = [] for conf_path in path_list: # Try to build as many configurations instances from all the files we # are given for conf_cls in conf_cls_set: try: # Do not add the default source, to avoid overriding user # configuration with the default one. conf = conf_cls.from_yaml_map(conf_path, add_default_src=False) except TopLevelKeyError: continue else: conf_list.append((conf, conf_path)) def keyfunc(conf_and_path): cls = type(conf_and_path[0]) # Sort according to class qualified name since classes are not # comparable directly return (cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__qualname__), cls # Then aggregate all the conf from each type, so they just act as # alternative sources. conf_map = {} for (_, conf_cls), conf_and_path_seq in groupby(conf_list, key=keyfunc): conf_and_path_list = list(conf_and_path_seq) # Get the default configuration, and stack all user-defined keys conf = conf_cls(add_default_src=add_default_src) for conf_src, conf_path in conf_and_path_list: src = os.path.basename(conf_path) conf.add_src(src, conf_src) conf_map[conf_cls] = conf return conf_map
@property def as_yaml_map(self): """ Give a mapping suitable for storing in a YAML configuration file. .. seealso:: :meth:`to_yaml_map` and :meth:`from_yaml_map` """ def make_map(keys, data): if keys: key, *keys = keys return {key: make_map(keys, data)} else: return data data = self.to_map() mapping = make_map(self.STRUCTURE.levels, data) return mapping
[docs] def to_yaml_map(self, path): """ Write a configuration file, with the key descriptions in comments. :param path: Path to the file to write to. :type path: str """ return self._to_path(self.as_yaml_map, path, fmt='yaml')
[docs] def to_yaml_map_str(self, **kwargs): """ Return the content of the file that would be create by :meth:`to_yaml_map` in a string. :Variable keyword arguments: Forwarded to :meth:`to_yaml_map` """ content = io.StringIO() self.to_yaml_map(content, **kwargs) return content.getvalue()
[docs] @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Ignore abstract classes, since there can be no instance of them if not inspect.isabstract(cls): if cls.__doc__: doc = inspect.getdoc(cls) # Create a ResStructuredText preformatted block when rendering # with Sphinx style = 'rst' if is_running_sphinx() else None generated_help = '\n' + cls.get_help(style=style) indent = '\n ' try: # Not all classes support these parameters yaml_example = cls().to_yaml_map_str( add_placeholder=True, placeholder='_' ) except TypeError: yaml_example = cls().to_yaml_map_str() if yaml_example: yaml_example = ':Example YAML:\n\n.. code-block:: YAML\n' + indent + yaml_example.replace('\n', indent) cls.__doc__ = doc.format( generated_help=generated_help, yaml_example=yaml_example ) # Create the types for the keys that specify it, along with the getters # to expose the values to exekall if hasattr(cls, 'STRUCTURE') and isinstance(cls.STRUCTURE, TopLevelKeyDescBase): # Ensure uniqueness of toplevel key toplevel_keys = tuple(cls.STRUCTURE.levels) def format_keys(keys): return '/'.join(keys) def eq_prefix_keys(key1, key2): len_ = min(len(key1), len(key2)) return tuple(key1[:len_]) == tuple(key2[:len_]) offending = [ cls_ for keys, cls_ in cls._REGISTERED_TOPLEVEL_KEYS.items() if eq_prefix_keys(toplevel_keys, keys) ] # If the offending class has the same name and was declared in the # same module, we ignore the conflict as this is probably arising # from an import error in that module, that lead to the module # being re-imported again (by another import statement). if offending and not all( ( cls_.__qualname__ == cls.__qualname__ and cls_.__module__ == cls.__module__ ) for cls_ in offending ): raise RuntimeError(f'Class {cls.__qualname__} cannot reuse top level key "{format_keys(toplevel_keys)}" as it is already used by {", ".join(map(str, offending))}') else: cls._REGISTERED_TOPLEVEL_KEYS[toplevel_keys] = cls def flatten(structure): for key_desc in structure.values(): if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): yield from flatten(key_desc) else: yield key_desc for key_desc in flatten(cls.STRUCTURE): newtype_name = key_desc.newtype if isinstance(key_desc, KeyDesc): # We need a helper to make sure "key_desc" is bound to the # right object, otherwise it will be referred by name only # and will always have the value during the last iteration # of the loop # # pylint complains about make_metacls being unused, # which is a bug: # def make_metacls(key_desc): # pylint: disable=unused-variable # Implement __instancecheck__ on the metaclass allows # isinstance(x, Newtype) to be true for any instance of any # type given in KeyDesc.__init__(classinfo=...) class NewtypeMeta(type): def __instancecheck__(cls, x): return check_type(x, key_desc.classinfo) return NewtypeMeta # Inherit from HideExekallID, since we don't want it to be # shown in the exekall IDs. class Newtype(HideExekallID, metaclass=make_metacls(key_desc)): pass Newtype.__name__ = newtype_name Newtype.__qualname__ = f'{cls.__qualname__}.{newtype_name}' Newtype.__module__ = cls.__module__ Newtype.__doc__ = setattr(cls, newtype_name, Newtype) def make_getter(cls, type_, key_desc): def getter(self: cls) -> type_: try: return self.get_nested_key(key_desc.path[1:]) # We cannot afford to raise here, as the # configuration instance might not hold a value for # that key, but we still need to pass something to # the user function. except KeyError: return None getter_name = f'_get_typed_key_{type_.__name__}' getter.__name__ = getter_name getter.__qualname__ = f'{cls.__qualname__}.{getter_name}' getter.__module__ = cls.__module__ return getter newtype_getter = make_getter(cls, Newtype, key_desc) setattr(cls, newtype_getter.__name__, newtype_getter)
class _HashableMultiSrcConf: """ Dummy wrapper to :class:`MultiSrcConf` that is hashable, each wrapper instance being equal to other instances wrapping the same configuration instance. This allows using configuration as keys for instance-oriented usages like indexing in dictionaries to hold instance-related information. .. warning:: Python does not implement ``__hash__`` for mutable containers for good reasons, make sure you understand why before using this class. """ def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf def __hash__(self): return id(self.conf) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.conf is other.conf else: return False class _SubLevelMap(dict): def __init__(self, conf): self._conf = conf # Pre-hit existing known inner levels so that they will be listed when # converting to a plain dictionary. for key in conf._structure.keys(): try: self[key] except KeyError: pass def __missing__(self, key): conf = self._conf structure = conf._structure key_desc = structure[key] if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): # Build the tree of objects for nested configuration mappings, # lazily so that we can accomodate VariadicLevelKeyDesc new = conf._nested_new( key_desc_path=key_desc.path, src_prio=conf._src_prio, parent=conf, ) self[key] = new return new else: raise KeyError(f'No sublevel map for leaf key {key_desc.path} in {conf.__class__.__qualname__}')
[docs] class MultiSrcConf(MultiSrcConfABC, Loggable, Mapping): """ Base class providing layered configuration management. :param conf: to initialize the configuration with. This must be optional, in which case it is assumed the object will contain a default base configuration. :type conf: :param src: Name of the source added when passing ``conf`` :param src: str The class inherits from :class:``, which means it can be used like a readonly dict. Writing to it is handled by a different API that allows naming the source of values that are stored. Each configuration key can be either a leaf key, that holds a value, or a level key that allows to defined nested levels. The allowed keys is set by the ``STRUCTURE`` class attribute. Each leaf key can hold different values coming from different named sources. By default, the last added source will have the highest priority and will be served when looking up that key. A different priority order can be defined for a specific key if needed. .. seealso:: :class:`KeyDescBase` This base class will modify the docstring of subclasses, using it as an ``str.format`` template with the following placeholders: * ``{generated_help}``: snippet of ResStructuredText containing the list of allowed keys. * ``{yaml_example}``: example snippet of YAML It will also create the types specified using ``newtype`` in the :class:`KeyDesc`, along with a getter to expose it to ``exekall``. .. note:: Since the dosctring is interpreted as a template, "{" and "}" characters must be doubled to appear in the final output. .. attention:: The layout of the configuration is typically guaranteed to be backward-compatible in terms of accepted shape of input, but layout of the configuration might change. This means that the path to a given key could change as long as old input is still accepted. Types of values can also be widened, so third party code re-using config classes from :mod:`lisa` might have to evolve along the changes of configuration. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def STRUCTURE(): """ Class attribute defining the structure of the configuration file, as a instance of :class:`TopLevelKeyDescBase` """
DEFAULT_SRC = {} """ Source added automatically using :meth:`~lisa.conf.MultiSrcConf.add_src` under the name 'default' when instances are built. """ def __init__(self, conf=None, src='user', add_default_src=True): self._nested_init( key_desc_path=[], src_prio=[], parent=None, ) self.add_src(src, conf) # Give some preset in the the lowest prio source if self.DEFAULT_SRC and add_default_src: self.add_src('default', self.DEFAULT_SRC, fallback=True)
[docs] @classmethod def get_help(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls.STRUCTURE.get_help(*args, **kwargs)
def _nested_init(self, key_desc_path, src_prio, parent): """Called to initialize nested instances of the class for nested configuration levels.""" self._key_desc_path = key_desc_path "Path in the structure of that level of configuration" # Make a copy to avoid sharing it with the parent self._src_prio = copy.copy(src_prio) "List of sources in priority order (1st item is highest prio)" self._src_override = {} "Map of keys to map of source to values" self._key_map = {} "Key/value map of leaf values" self._sublevel_map = {} "Key/sublevel map of nested configuration objects" self._parent = parent "Parent instance of configuration" self._as_hashable = _HashableMultiSrcConf(self) """ Hashable proxy, mostly designed to allow instance-oriented lookup in mappings. DO NOT USE IT FOR OTHER PURPOSES. You have been warned. """ self._sublevel_map = _SubLevelMap(self) @property def _structure(self): # The first level in the path is the top-level key, which must be # skipped path = self._key_desc_path[1:] return get_nested_key(self.STRUCTURE, path) @classmethod def _nested_new(cls, *args, **kwargs): new = cls.__new__(cls) new._nested_init(*args, **kwargs) return new def _copy(self, copyf): """ Shallow copy of the nested configuration tree, without duplicating the leaf values. """ cls = type(self) new = cls.__new__(cls) # This is eather going to be fixed up by the caller of __copy__ if we # are in a recursive copy, or left as it is if that's either the root, # or the highest sublevel that was copied (in case someone copies a # part of a larger conf). new._parent = self._parent not_copied = {'_parent', '_sublevel_map', '_as_hashable'} # make a shallow copy of the attributes so we don't end up sharing # metadata new.__dict__.update( (key, copyf(val)) for key, val in self.__dict__.items() if key not in not_copied ) # Do the same with sublevels recursively, since we consider the nested # levels as one "meta object". It's not really a deepcopy either, since # we don't copy the values themselves. def copy_sublevel(sublevel): new_sublevel = copyf(sublevel) # Fixup the parent new_sublevel._parent = new return new_sublevel new._sublevel_map = { key: copy_sublevel(sublevel) for key, sublevel in self._sublevel_map.items() } new._as_hashable = _HashableMultiSrcConf(new) return new
[docs] def __copy__(self): """ Shallow copy of the nested configuration tree, without duplicating the leaf values. """ return self._copy(copy.copy)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self._copy(lambda x: copy.deepcopy(x, memo))
[docs] def to_map(self): """ Export the configuration as a mapping. The return value should preserve key-specific priority override list, which is not done if directly passing that instance to ``dict()``. """ mapping = dict() # For each key, get the highest prio value mapping['conf'] = self._get_effective_map() src_override = self._get_nested_src_override() if src_override: mapping['source'] = src_override return mapping
[docs] @classmethod def from_map(cls, mapping, add_default_src=True): """ Create a new configuration instance, using the output of :meth:`to_map` """ conf_src = mapping.get('conf', {}) src_override = mapping.get('source', {}) conf = cls(conf_src, add_default_src=add_default_src) conf.force_src_nested(src_override) return conf
[docs] def add_src(self, src, conf, filter_none=False, fallback=False, inplace=True): """ Add a source of configuration. :param src: Name of the soruce to add :type src: str :param conf: Nested mapping of key/values to overlay :type conf: :param filter_none: Ignores the keys that have a ``None`` value. That simplifies the creation of the mapping, by having keys always present. That should not be used if ``None`` value for a key is expected, as opposit to not having that key set at all. :type filter_none: bool :param fallback: If True, the source will be added as a fallback, which means at the end of the priority list. By default, the source will have the highest priority and will be used unless a key-specific priority override is setup. :type fallback: bool :param inplace: If ``True``, the object is modified. If ``False``, a mutated copy is returned and the original object is left unmodified. :type inplace: bool This method provides a way to update the configuration, by importing a mapping as a new source. """ class PlaceHolder(str): def __new__(cls): return super().__new__(cls, '...') def __repr__(self): return str(self) class NonEscapedValue(str): def __new__(cls, value): value = repr(value) # Make sure no individual value will print to a string that is too long max_len = 50 if len(value) > max_len: value = value[:max_len] + '...' return super().__new__(cls, value) def __repr__(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-repr-returned return self def format_conf(conf): if isinstance(conf, Mapping): # Make sure that mappings won't be too long max_mapping_len = 10 key_val = sorted(conf.items()) if len(key_val) > max_mapping_len: key_val = key_val[:max_mapping_len] key_val.append((PlaceHolder(), PlaceHolder())) def format_val(val): if isinstance(val, Mapping): return format_conf(val) else: return NonEscapedValue(val) return { key: format_val(val) for key, val in key_val } else: return conf self = self if inplace else copy.copy(self) return self._add_src( src, conf, filter_none=filter_none, fallback=fallback )
def _add_src(self, src, conf, filter_none=False, fallback=False): conf = {} if conf is None else conf if isinstance(conf, Mapping): # Filter-out None values, so they won't override actual data from # another source if filter_none: conf = { k: v for k, v in conf.items() if v is not None } # only validate at that level, since sublevel will take care of # filtering then validating their own level validated_conf = { k: v for k, v in conf.items() if not isinstance(self._structure[k], LevelKeyDesc) } self._structure.validate_val(validated_conf) for key, val in conf.items(): key_desc = self._structure[key] # Dispatch the nested mapping to the right sublevel if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): # sublevels have already been initialized when the root object # was created. self._sublevel_map[key]._add_src(src, val, filter_none=filter_none, fallback=fallback) # Derived keys cannot be set, since they are purely derived from # other keys elif isinstance(key_desc, DerivedKeyDesc): raise ValueError(f'Cannot set a value for a derived key "{key_desc.qualname}"', key_desc.qualname) # Otherwise that is a leaf value that we store at that level else: self._key_map.setdefault(key, {})[src] = val else: # Non-mapping value are allowed if the level defines a subkey # to assign to. We then craft a conf that sets that specific # value. key_desc = self._structure value_path = key_desc.value_path if value_path is None: raise ValueError(f'Cannot set a value for the key level "{key_desc.qualname}"', key_desc.qualname) else: conf = set_nested_key({}, list(value_path), conf) self._add_src(src, conf, filter_none=filter_none, fallback=fallback) if src not in self._src_prio: if fallback: self._src_prio.append(src) else: self._src_prio.insert(0, src) return self
[docs] def set_default_src(self, src_prio): """ Set the default source priority list. :param src_prio: list of source names, first is the highest priority :type src_prio: Adding sources using :meth:`add_src` in the right order is preferable, but the default priority order can be specified using that method. """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init # Make a copy of the list to make sure it is not modified behind our back self._src_prio = list(src_prio) for sublevel in self._sublevel_map.values(): sublevel.set_default_src(src_prio)
[docs] def force_src_nested(self, key_src_map): """ Force the source priority list for all the keys defined in the nested mapping ``key_src_map`` :param key_src_map: nested mapping of keys to priority list of sources :type key_src_map: """ for key, src_or_map in key_src_map.items(): key_desc = self._structure[key] if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): mapping = src_or_map self._sublevel_map[key].force_src_nested(mapping) else: self.force_src(key, src_or_map)
[docs] def force_src(self, key, src_prio): """ Force the source priority list for a given key :param key: name of the key. Only leaf keys are allowed here, since level keys have no source on their own. :type key: str :param src_prio: List of sources in priority order (first is highest priority). Special value ``None`` can be used to remove the key-specific priority override, so the default priority list will be used instead. :type src_prio: or None """ key_desc = self._structure[key] qual_key = key_desc.qualname if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): raise ValueError(f'Cannot force source of the sub-level "{qual_key}"', qual_key) elif isinstance(key_desc, DerivedKeyDesc): raise ValueError(f'Cannot force source of a derived key "{qual_key}"', qual_key) else: # None means removing the src override for that key if src_prio is None: self._src_override.pop(key, None) else: self._src_override[key] = src_prio
def _get_nested_src_override(self): # Make a copy to avoid modifying it override = copy.copy(self._src_override) for key, sublevel in self._sublevel_map.items(): sublevel_override = sublevel._get_nested_src_override() # Skip sublevel keys if they don't have any override to specify if sublevel_override: override[key] = sublevel_override return override def _get_effective_map(self, eval_deferred=True): """ Return the effective mapping by taking values from the highest priority source for each key, recursively. """ mapping = {} for key in self._key_map.keys(): try: val = self.get_key(key, eval_deferred=eval_deferred) # If the source of that key does not exist, we just ignore it except KeyError: pass else: mapping[key] = val mapping.update( (key, sublevel._get_effective_map(eval_deferred=eval_deferred)) for key, sublevel in self._sublevel_map.items() ) return mapping def _resolve_prio(self, key): key_desc = self._structure[key] if isinstance(key_desc, DerivedKeyDesc): return [key_desc.get_src(self)] elif key not in self._key_map: return [] else: # Get the priority list from the prio override list, or just the # default prio list src_list = self._src_override.get(key, self._src_prio) # Only include a source if it holds an actual value for that key src_list = [ src for src in src_list if src in self._key_map[key] ] return src_list
[docs] def resolve_src(self, key): """ Get the source name that will be used to serve the value of ``key``. """ key_desc = self._structure[key] if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): key = key_desc.qualname raise ValueError(f'Key "{key}" is a nested configuration level, it does not have a source on its own.', key) # Get the priority list from the prio override list, or just the # default prio list src_prio = self._resolve_prio(key) if src_prio: return src_prio[0] else: key = key_desc.qualname raise ConfigKeyError( f'Could not find any source for key "{key}"', key=key, )
def _eval_deferred_val(self, src, key, error='raise'): error = error or 'raise' key_desc = self._structure[key] val = self._key_map[key][src] validate = True if isinstance(val, DeferredValue): try: val = val(key_desc=key_desc) except _DeferredInexistentError: self.logger.debug(f'Lazy key "{key_desc.qualname}" was computed but no value was produced') del self._key_map[key][src] raise # Wrap into a ConfigKeyError so that the user code can easily # handle missing keys, and the original exception is still # available as excep.__cause__ since it was chained with "from" except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except key_qualname = key_desc.qualname msg = f'Could not compute "{key_qualname}" from source "{src}": {e}' # Propagate ConfigKeyError as-is if isinstance(e, ConfigKeyError): excep = e else: excep = DeferredValueComputationError( msg, e, key_qualname, src, ) # Chain explicitly like "raise X from Y" in case it needs # to be wrapped to be raised later excep.__cause__ = e if error == 'raise': raise excep from e elif error == 'log': self.logger.error(msg) # Setup a bomb that will explode during a later access val = DeferredExcep(excep) validate = False if validate: key_desc.validate_val(val) self._key_map[key][src] = val return val
[docs] def eval_deferred(self, cls=DeferredValue, src=None, resolve_src=True, error='raise'): """ Evaluate instances of :class:`DeferredValue` that can be used for values that are expensive to compute. :param cls: Only evaluate values of instances of that class. This can be used to have different categories of :class:`DeferredValue` by subclassing. :type cls: subclass of :class:`DeferredValue` :param src: If not ``None``, only evaluate values that were added under that source name. :type src: str or None :param resolve_src: If ``True``, resolve the source of each key and only compute deferred values for this source. :type resolve_src: bool :param error: If ``'raise'`` or ``None``, exception are raised as usual. If ``log``, the exception is logged at error level. :type error: str or None """ for key, src_map in self._key_map.items(): if src is None: if resolve_src: try: src_ = self.resolve_src(key) except ConfigKeyError: continue else: src_map = {src_: src_map[src_]} else: pass else: src_map = {src: src_map[src]} for src_, val in src_map.items(): if isinstance(val, cls): try: self._eval_deferred_val(src_, key, error=error) except _DeferredInexistentError: pass for sublevel in self._sublevel_map.values(): sublevel.eval_deferred(cls, src=src, resolve_src=resolve_src, error=error)
[docs] def __getstate__(self): """ Filter instances of :class:`DeferredValue` that are not computed already since their runtime parameters will probably not be available after deserialization. If needed, call :meth:`eval_deferred` before serializing. """ # Filter-out DeferredValue key-value pairs before serialization key_map = { key: { src: v for src, v in src_map.items() if not isinstance(v, DeferredValue) } for key, src_map in self._key_map.items() } # keys without any source are just removed key_map = { k: src_map for k, src_map in key_map.items() if src_map } state = copy.copy(super().__getstate__()) state['_key_map'] = key_map return state
[docs] def get_key(self, key, src=None, eval_deferred=True, quiet=False): """ Get the value of the given key. It returns a deepcopy of the value. The special key ``..`` can be used to refer to the parent in the hierarchy. :param key: name of the key to lookup :type key: str :param src: If not None, look up the value of the key in that source :type src: str or None :param eval_deferred: If True, evaluate instances of :class:`DeferredValue` if needed :type eval_deferred: bool :param quiet: Avoid logging the access :type quiet: bool .. note:: Using the indexing operator ``self[key]`` is preferable in most cases , but this method provides more parameters. """ if key == '..': return self._parent key_desc = self._structure[key] if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): return self._sublevel_map[key] elif isinstance(key_desc, DerivedKeyDesc): # Specifying a source is an error for a derived key if src is not None: key = key_desc.qualname raise ValueError(f'Cannot specify the source when getting "{key}" since it is a derived key', key) val = key_desc.compute_val(self, eval_deferred=eval_deferred) src = self.resolve_src(key) else: while True: # Compute the source to use for that key if src is None: src = self.resolve_src(key) try: val = self._key_map[key][src] except KeyError: # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from key = key_desc.qualname raise ConfigKeyError( f'Key "{key}" is not available from source "{src}"', key=key, src=src, ) if eval_deferred: try: val = self._eval_deferred_val(src, key, error='raise') except _DeferredInexistentError: continue break if isinstance(val, DeferredValue): return val else: if key_desc.deepcopy_val: val = copy.deepcopy(val) return val
[docs] def get_nested_key(self, key, *args, **kwargs): """ Same as :meth:`get_key` but works on a list of keys to access nested mappings. :param key: List of nested keys. :type key: list(str) """ val = self for k in key: val = val.get_key(k, *args, **kwargs) return val
[docs] def get_src_map(self, key): """ Get a mapping of all sources for the given ``key``, in priority order (first item is the highest priority source). """ key_desc = self._structure[key] if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): key = key_desc.qualname raise ValueError(f'Key "{key}" is a nested configuration level, it does not have a source on its own.', key) def eval_key(src, key): try: val = self._eval_deferred_val(src, key, error='raise') except _DeferredInexistentError: return (False, None) else: return (True, val) return OrderedDict( (src, val) for src, (add, val) in ( (src, eval_key(src, key)) for src in self._resolve_prio(key) ) if add )
[docs] def pretty_format(self, eval_deferred=False): """ Give a pretty string representation of the configuration. :param eval_deferred: If True, evaluate all deferred values before printing. :type eval_deferred: bool """ out = [] # We add the derived keys when pretty-printing, for the sake of # completeness. This will not honor eval_deferred for base keys. def derived_items(): for key in self._get_derived_key_names(): non_eval_base_qualnames = self._structure[key].get_non_evaluated_base_keys(self) if non_eval_base_qualnames and not eval_deferred: val = '<depends on lazy keys: {}>'.format( ', '.join( base_key.qualname for base_key in non_eval_base_qualnames ) ) else: val = self.get_key(key, quiet=True) yield key, val items = list(itertools.chain( self.items(eval_deferred=eval_deferred), derived_items() )) _last = len(items) - 1 for i, (k, v) in enumerate(items): last = i == _last v_cls = type(v) key_desc = self._structure[k] is_sublevel = isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc) if is_sublevel: v = v.pretty_format(eval_deferred=eval_deferred) # If there is no content, just skip that sublevel entirely if not v.strip(): continue else: v = key_desc.pretty_format(v) if is_sublevel or '\n' in v: v = '\n' + v else: v = ' ' + v k_str = ('└' if last else '├') + ' ' + k v_prefix = ' ' if is_sublevel else '| ' v = v.replace('\n', '\n' + v_prefix) out.append('{k}{src}{cls}:{v}'.format( k=k_str, cls='' if is_sublevel else ' (' + v_cls.__qualname__ + ')', src='' if is_sublevel else ' from ' + self.resolve_src(k), v=v, )) return '\n'.join(out)
def __str__(self): return self.pretty_format() def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get_key(key) def _get_key_names(self, eval_deferred=True): if eval_deferred: # Ensure we have an accurate list of keys, not including deferred value # that turn out to not exist. self.eval_deferred(cls=FilteredDeferredValue) def has_key(key): try: self.get_key(key, src=None, eval_deferred=False, quiet=True) except ConfigKeyError: return False else: return True return sorted( [ key for key in self._key_map.keys() if has_key(key) ] + list( self._sublevel_map.keys() ) ) def _get_derived_key_names(self): return sorted( key for key, key_desc in self._structure.items() if ( isinstance(key_desc, DerivedKeyDesc) and key_desc.can_be_computed(self) ) ) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._get_key_names()) def __len__(self): return len(self._get_key_names())
[docs] def items(self, eval_deferred=True): """ Override the default definition of ```` to allow not evaluating deferred values if necessary. """ return ( (k, self.get_key(k, eval_deferred=eval_deferred, quiet=True)) for k in self._get_key_names(eval_deferred=eval_deferred) )
def _ipython_key_completions_(self): "Allow Jupyter keys completion in interactive notebooks" regular_keys = set(self._get_key_names(eval_deferred=False)) # For autocompletion purposes, we show the derived keys derived_keys = set(self._get_derived_key_names()) return sorted(regular_keys | derived_keys) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): "Pretty print instances in Jupyter notebooks" # pylint: disable=unused-argument p.text(self.pretty_format())
[docs] class SimpleMultiSrcConf(MultiSrcConf): """ Like :class:`MultiSrcConf`, with a simpler config file. ``conf`` and ``source`` are not available, and the behaviour is as all keys were located under a ``conf`` key. We do not allow overriding source for this kind of configuration to keep the YAML interface simple and dict-like """
[docs] @classmethod def from_map(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_map(self): return dict(self._get_effective_map())
[docs] def to_yaml_map(self, path, add_placeholder=False, placeholder='<no default>'): """ Write a configuration file, with the key descriptions in comments. :param path: Path to the file to write to. :type path: str :param add_placeholder: If ``True``, a placeholder value will be used for keys that don't have values. This allows creating template configuration files that list all keys. :type add_placeholder: bool :param placeholder: Placeholder to use for missing values when ``add_placeholder`` is used. :type placeholder: object """ def format_comment(key_desc): comment = key_desc.get_help(style='yaml') if comment: return (comment[0].upper() + comment[1:]).strip() else: return comment def add_help(key_desc, data, indent=0): name = if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc): if isinstance(key_desc, TopLevelKeyDesc): levels = key_desc.levels else: levels = [] try: level_data = get_nested_key(data, levels) except KeyError: level_data = {} level_data = CommentedMap(level_data) for subkey_desc in key_desc.children: if not in level_data: if add_placeholder: if isinstance(subkey_desc, DerivedKeyDesc): continue if not isinstance(subkey_desc, LevelKeyDesc): level_data[] = placeholder else: continue idt = indent + len(levels) level_data.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(, indent=idt * 4, before='\n' + format_comment(subkey_desc), ) add_help(subkey_desc, level_data, indent=idt) if level_data: set_nested_key(data, levels, level_data) else: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): del data[levels[0]] data = CommentedMap(self.as_yaml_map) data.yaml_set_start_comment(format_comment(self.STRUCTURE)) add_help(self.STRUCTURE, data) if data: return self._to_path(data, path, fmt='yaml-roundtrip') else: return None
[docs] class Configurable(abc.ABC): """ Pair a regular class with a configuration class. The pairing is achieved by inheriting from :class:`Configurable` and setting ``CONF_CLASS`` attribute. The benefits are: * The docstring of the class is processed as a string template and ``{configurable_params}`` is replaced with a Sphinx-compliant list of parameters. The help and type of each parameter is extracted from the configuration class. * The ``DEFAULT_SRC`` attribute of the configuration class is updated with non-``None`` default values of the class ``__init__`` parameters. * The :meth:`~Configurable.conf_to_init_kwargs` method allows turning a configuration object into a dictionary suitable for passing to ``__init__`` as ``**kwargs``. * The :meth:`~Configurable.check_init_param` method allows checking types of ``__init__`` parameters according to what is specified in the configuration class. Most of the time, the configuration keys and ``__init__`` parameters have the same name (modulo underscore/dashes which are handled automatically). In that case, the mapping between config keys and ``__init__`` parameters is done without user intervention. When that is not the case, the ``INIT_KWARGS_KEY_MAP`` class attribute can be used. Its a dictionary with keys being ``__init__`` parameter names, and values being path to configuration key. That path is a list of strings to take into account sublevels like ``['level-key', 'sublevel', 'foo']``. .. note:: A given configuration class must be paired to only one class. Otherwise, the ``DEFAULT_SRC`` conf class attribute will be updated multiple times, leading to unexpected results. .. note:: Some services offered by :class:`Configurable` are not extended to subclasses of a class using it. For example, it would not make sense to update ``DEFAULT_SRC`` using a subclass ``__init__`` parameters. """ INIT_KWARGS_KEY_MAP = {}
[docs] @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) dct = cls.__dict__ try: # inherited CONF_CLASS will not be taken into account if we look at # the dictionary directly conf_cls = dct['CONF_CLASS'] except KeyError: return # Link the configuration to the signature of __init__ sig = inspect.signature(cls.__init__) init_kwargs_key_map = cls._get_kwargs_key_map(sig, conf_cls) # What was already there has priority over auto-detected bindings init_kwargs_key_map.update(dct.get('INIT_KWARGS_KEY_MAP', {})) cls.INIT_KWARGS_KEY_MAP = init_kwargs_key_map # Create an instance with default configuration, to merge it with # defaults taken from __init__ default_conf = conf_cls() default_conf.add_src( src='__init__-default', conf=cls._get_default_conf(sig, init_kwargs_key_map), # Default configuration set in the conf class still has priority fallback=True, # When an __init__ parameter has a None default value, we don't # add any default value. That avoids failing the type check for # keys that really need to be of a certain type when specified. filter_none=True, ) # Convert to a dict so that the Sphinx documentation is able to show # the content of the source conf_cls.DEFAULT_SRC = dict(default_conf._get_effective_map()) # Update the docstring by using the configuration help docstring = inspect.getdoc(cls) if docstring: cls.__doc__ = docstring.format( configurable_params=cls._get_rst_param_doc() )
@staticmethod def _get_kwargs_key_map(sig, conf_cls): """ Map implicitely keys in the conf class that matches param names. """ def iter_param_key(sig): return ( (param, param.replace('_', '-')) for param in sig.parameters.keys() ) return { param: [key] for param, key in iter_param_key(sig) if key in conf_cls.STRUCTURE } @staticmethod def _get_default_conf(sig, kwargs_key_map): """ Get a default configuration source based on the the default parameter values. """ default_conf = {} for param, param_desc in sig.parameters.items(): try: conf_path = kwargs_key_map[param] except KeyError: continue else: default = param_desc.default if default is not param_desc.empty: set_nested_key(default_conf, conf_path, default) return default_conf @classmethod def _get_param_key_desc_map(cls): return { param: get_nested_key(cls.CONF_CLASS.STRUCTURE, conf_path) for param, conf_path in cls.INIT_KWARGS_KEY_MAP.items() } @classmethod def _get_rst_param_doc(cls): # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter return '\n'.join( ':param {param}: {help}\n:type {param}: {type}\n'.format( param=param,, type=( '' if isinstance(key_desc, LevelKeyDesc) else ' or '.join(get_cls_name(t) for t in key_desc.classinfo) ), ) for param, key_desc in cls._get_param_key_desc_map().items() )
[docs] @classmethod def conf_to_init_kwargs(cls, conf): """ Turn a configuration object into a dictionary suitable for passing to ``__init__`` as ``**kwargs``. """ kwargs = {} for param, conf_path in cls.INIT_KWARGS_KEY_MAP.items(): try: val = get_nested_key(conf, conf_path) except KeyError: continue kwargs[param] = val return kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def check_init_param(cls, **kwargs): """ Take the same parameters as ``__init__``, and check their types according to what is specified in the configuration class. :raises TypeError: When the wrong type is detected for a parameter. """ parameters = OrderedDict(inspect.signature(cls.__init__).parameters) # pop `self` param parameters.popitem(last=False) mandatory_args = [ name for name, param in parameters.items() if ( param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty and param.kind not in ( inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, ) ) ] param_key_desc_map = cls._get_param_key_desc_map() missing_param = set(mandatory_args) - set(kwargs.keys()) if missing_param: missing_key_paths = sorted( key_desc.qualname for param, key_desc in param_key_desc_map.items() if param in missing_param ) raise ConfigKeyError(f"Missing mandatory keys: {', '.join(missing_key_paths)}") for param, key_desc in param_key_desc_map.items(): if param in kwargs: key_desc.validate_val(kwargs[param])
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