Source code for lisa.analysis.notebook

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""" Notebook Analysis Module """

import functools
import inspect
import warnings

import pandas as pd

import __main__ as main

from lisa.analysis.base import TraceAnalysisBase
from lisa.datautils import df_refit_index, df_filter, SignalDesc, df_update_duplicates
from lisa.utils import kwargs_forwarded_to, order_as
from lisa.notebook import plot_signal

class _CustomProxy:
    def __init__(self, ana):
        self.ana = ana

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        val = getattr(main, attr)

        if attr.startswith('plot_') and callable(val):
            f = val
            first_param = list(inspect.signature(f).parameters)[0]

            def wrapper(**kwargs):
                # We cannot capture "self" in the signature directly as we need
                # to match the name of the first parameter of f, which could be
                # anything. It's therefore simpler to manually unpack it.
                # Note: The lisa.analysis._proxy._AnalysisPreset will turn all
                # parameters into kwargs.
                kwargs[first_param] = kwargs[first_param].trace
                return f(**kwargs)

            ana = self.ana
            # bind the function to the analysis instance to give a bound method
            return wrapper.__get__(ana, type(ana))
            raise AttributeError('Only functions with a name starting with "plot_" are supported')

[docs] class NotebookAnalysis(TraceAnalysisBase): """ Support for custom Notebook-defined plots This analysis provides a proxy object that can be used to turn any plot method defined in a notebook into a proper analysis plot method:: import holoviews as hv from lisa.trace import Trace trace = Trace('trace.dat', events=['sched_switch']) # Define a plot method in any cell: # The first parameter will be the trace, other parameters are free-form def plot_foo(trace, y): print(f'Plotting horizontal line at level: {y}') return hv.HLine(y).options(color='red') # The plot function becomes available on the "notebook.custom" proxy # object. trace.ana.notebook.custom.plot_foo(0.5) """ name = 'notebook' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.custom = _CustomProxy(self) def __getattr__(self, attr): x = getattr(self.custom, attr) warnings.warn( f'Calling plot methods on trace.ana.notebook.{attr}() is deprecated, please use trace.ana.notebook.custom.{attr}() instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return x @TraceAnalysisBase.df_method def _df_all_events(self, events, field_sep=' ', fields_as_cols=None, event_as_col=True): """ Split implementation to be able to use the cache """ if fields_as_cols is None: fields_as_cols = ['__comm', '__pid', '__cpu'] else: fields_as_cols = list(fields_as_cols) trace = self.trace if not events: df = pd.DataFrame( dict.fromkeys( ( ['info'] + fields_as_cols + ['event'] if event_as_col else [] ), [] ) ) else: if event_as_col: fmt = '{fields}' else: fmt = '{{event:<{max_len}}}: {{fields}}'.format( max_len=max(len(event) for event in events) ) fields_as_cols_set = set(fields_as_cols) def make_info_row(row, event): fields = field_sep.join( f'{key}={value}' for key, value in row.items() if key not in fields_as_cols_set ) return fmt.format( event=event, fields=fields, ) def make_info_df(event): df = trace.df_event(event) df = pd.DataFrame( { 'info': df.apply(make_info_row, axis=1, event=event), **{ field: df[field] for field in fields_as_cols } }, index=df.index, ) if event_as_col: df['event'] = event return df df = pd.concat(map(make_info_df, events) ) df.sort_index(inplace=True) df_update_duplicates(df, inplace=True) # Reorder the columns to provide a better kernelshark-like display columns_order = ( [ col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('__') ] + (['event'] if event_as_col else []) + ['info'] ) df = df[order_as(df.columns, columns_order)] df.attrs['name'] = 'events' return df
[docs] @kwargs_forwarded_to(_df_all_events) def df_all_events(self, events=None, **kwargs): """ Provide a dataframe with an ``info`` column containing the textual human-readable representation of the events fields. :param events: List of events to include. If ``None``, all parsed events will be used. .. note:: Since events can be parsed on-demand, passing ``None`` might result in different results depending on what was done with the object. For reproducible behaviour, pass an explicit list of events. :type events: list(str) or None :param field_sep: String to use to separate fields. :type field_sep: str :param fields_as_cols: List of fields to keep as separate columns rather than merged in the ``info`` column. If ``None``, will default to a fixed set of columns. :type fields_as_cols: list(str) or None :param event_as_col: If ``True``, the event name is split in its own column. :type event_as_col: bool """ if events is None: events = sorted(self.trace.available_events) return self._df_all_events(events=events, **kwargs)
[docs] @TraceAnalysisBase.plot_method def plot_event_field(self, event: str, field: str, filter_columns=None, filter_f=None): """ Plot a signal represented by the filtered values of a field of an event. :param event: FTrace event name of interest. :type event: str :param field: Name of the field of ``event``. :type field: str :param filter_columns: Pre-filter the dataframe using :func:`lisa.datautils.df_filter`. Also, a signal will be inferred from the column names being used and will be passed to :meth:`lisa.trace.TraceBase.df_event`. :type filter_columns: dict or None :param filter_f: Function used to filter the dataframe of the event. The function must take a dataframe as only parameter and return a filtered dataframe. It is applied after ``filter_columns`` filter. :type filter_f: """ trace = self.trace if filter_columns: signals = [SignalDesc(event, sorted(filter_columns.keys()))] else: signals = None df = trace.df_event(event, signals=signals) if filter_columns: df = df_filter(df, filter_columns) if filter_f: df = filter_f(df) df = df_refit_index(df, window=trace.window) return plot_signal(df[field], name=field)
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