Source code for lisa.analysis.cpus

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""" CPUs Analysis Module """

import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv

from lisa.analysis.base import TraceAnalysisBase
from lisa.trace import requires_events, CPU
from lisa.datautils import df_window

[docs] class CpusAnalysis(TraceAnalysisBase): """ Support for CPUs signals analysis """ name = 'cpus' ############################################################################### # DataFrame Getter Methods ###############################################################################
[docs] @TraceAnalysisBase.df_method @requires_events('sched_switch') def df_context_switches(self): """ Compute number of context switches on each CPU. :returns: A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with: * A ``context_switch_cnt`` column (the number of context switch per CPU) """ # Since we want to count the number of context switches, we don't want # all tasks to appear sched_df = self.trace.df_event( 'sched_switch', signals=[], ) # Make sure to only get the switches inside the window sched_df = df_window( sched_df, method='exclusive', window=self.trace.window, ) cpus = list(range(self.trace.cpus_count)) ctx_sw_df = pd.DataFrame( [len(sched_df[sched_df['__cpu'] == cpu]) for cpu in cpus], index=cpus, columns=['context_switch_cnt'] ) = 'cpu' return ctx_sw_df
############################################################################### # Plotting Methods ###############################################################################
[docs] @TraceAnalysisBase.plot_method @df_context_switches.used_events def plot_context_switches(self): """ Plot histogram of context switches on each CPU. """ ctx_sw_df = self.df_context_switches() return hv.Bars( ctx_sw_df["context_switch_cnt"] ).options( title='Per-CPU Task Context Switches', xlabel='CPU', ylabel='Number of context switches', invert_axes=True, )
[docs] @TraceAnalysisBase.plot_method def plot_orig_capacity(self, cpu: CPU): """ Plot the orig capacity of a CPU onto a given axis :param cpu: The CPU :type cpu: int """ orig_capacities = self.trace.plat_info['cpu-capacities']['orig'] return hv.HLine( orig_capacities[cpu], label='orig capacity' ).options( backend='bokeh', line_dash='dashed', )
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