Source code for lisa.analysis.base

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2015, ARM Limited and contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import io
import os
import inspect
import abc
import textwrap
import base64
import functools
import docutils.core
import contextlib
import warnings
import itertools
import copy
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
import typing

import numpy
# Avoid ambiguity between function name and usual variable name
import holoviews as hv
import bokeh
import bokeh.layouts
import bokeh.models.widgets
import panel as pn
import panel.widgets
import polars as pl
import pandas as pd

from lisa.utils import Loggable, deprecate, get_doc_url, get_short_doc, get_subclasses, guess_format, is_running_ipython, measure_time, memoized, update_wrapper_doc, _import_all_submodules, optional_kwargs
from lisa.trace import _CacheDataDesc
from lisa.notebook import _hv_fig_to_pane, _hv_link_dataframes, axis_cursor_delta, axis_link_dataframes, make_figure
from lisa.datautils import _df_to

# Ensure hv.extension() is called
import lisa.notebook

[docs] class AnalysisHelpers(Loggable, abc.ABC): """ Helper methods class for Analysis modules. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def name(self): """ Name of the analysis class. """
[docs] @classmethod @deprecate('Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', deprecated_in='2.0', removed_in='4.0') def setup_plot(cls, width=16, height=4, ncols=1, nrows=1, interactive=None, link_dataframes=None, cursor_delta=None, **kwargs): """ Common helper for setting up a matplotlib plot :param width: Width of the plot (inches) :type width: int or float :param height: Height of each subplot (inches) :type height: int or float :param ncols: Number of plots on a single row :type ncols: int :param nrows: Number of plots in a single column :type nrows: int :param link_dataframes: Link the provided dataframes to the axes using :func:`lisa.notebook.axis_link_dataframes` :type link_dataframes: list(pandas.DataFrame) or None :param cursor_delta: Add two vertical lines set with left and right clicks, and show the time delta between them in a widget. :type cursor_delta: bool or None :param interactive: If ``True``, use the pyplot API of matplotlib, which integrates well with notebooks. However, it can lead to memory leaks in scripts generating lots of plots, in which case it is better to use the non-interactive API. Defaults to ``True`` when running under IPython or Jupyter notebook, `False`` otherwise. :type interactive: bool :Keywords arguments: Extra arguments to pass to :obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.subplots` :returns: tuple(matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes (or an array of, if ``nrows`` > 1)) """ figure, axes = make_figure( interactive=interactive, width=width, height=height, ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, **kwargs, ) if interactive is None: interactive = is_running_ipython() use_widgets = interactive if link_dataframes: if not use_widgets: cls.get_logger().error('Dataframes can only be linked to axes in interactive widget plots') else: for axis in figure.axes: axis_link_dataframes(axis, link_dataframes) if cursor_delta or cursor_delta is None and use_widgets: if not use_widgets and cursor_delta is not None: cls.get_logger().error('Cursor delta can only be used in interactive widget plots') else: for axis in figure.axes: axis_cursor_delta(axis) for axis in figure.axes: axis.relim(visible_only=True) axis.autoscale_view(True) # Needed for multirow plots to not overlap with each other figure.set_tight_layout(dict(h_pad=3.5)) return figure, axes
[docs] @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager @deprecate('Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', deprecated_in='2.0', removed_in='4.0') def set_axis_cycler(cls, axis, *cyclers): """ Context manager to set cyclers on an axis (and the default cycler as well), and then restore the default cycler. .. note:: The given cyclers are merged with the original cycler. The given cyclers will override any key of the original cycler, and the number of values will be adjusted to the maximum size between all of them. This way of merging allows decoupling the length of all keys. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from cycler import cycler as make_cycler orig_cycler = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] # Get the maximum value length among all cyclers involved values_len = max( len(values) for values in itertools.chain( orig_cycler.by_key().values(), itertools.chain.from_iterable( cycler.by_key().values() for cycler in cyclers ), ) ) # We can only add together cyclers with the same number of values for # each key, so cycle through the provided values, up to the right # length def pad_values(values): values = itertools.cycle(values) values = itertools.islice(values, 0, values_len) return list(values) def pad_cycler(cycler): keys = cycler.by_key() return { key: pad_values(values) for key, values in keys.items() } cycler = {} for user_cycler in cyclers: cycler.update(pad_cycler(user_cycler)) # Merge the cyclers and original cycler together, so we still get the # original values of the keys not overridden by the given cycler parameters = { **pad_cycler(orig_cycler), **cycler, } cycler = make_cycler(**parameters) def set_cycler(cycler): plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler if axis is not None: axis.set_prop_cycle(cycler) set_cycler(cycler) try: yield finally: # Since there is no way to get the cycler from an Axis, # we cannot restore the original one, so use the # default one instead set_cycler(orig_cycler)
[docs] @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager @deprecate('Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', deprecated_in='2.0', removed_in='4.0') def set_axis_rc_params(cls, axis, rc_params): """ Context manager to set ``matplotlib.rcParams`` while plotting, and then restore the default parameters. """ import matplotlib orig = matplotlib.rcParams.copy() matplotlib.rcParams.update(rc_params) try: yield finally: # matplotlib complains about some deprecated settings being set, so # silence it since we are just restoring the original state with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) matplotlib.rcParams.update(orig)
[docs] @classmethod @deprecate('Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', deprecated_in='2.0', removed_in='4.0') def cycle_colors(cls, axis, nr_cycles=1): """ Cycle the axis color cycle ``nr_cycles`` forward :param axis: The axis to manipulate :type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes :param nr_cycles: The number of colors to cycle through. :type nr_cycles: int .. note:: This is an absolute cycle, as in, it will always start from the first color defined in the color cycle. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from cycler import cycler as make_cycler if nr_cycles < 1: return colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] if nr_cycles > len(colors): nr_cycles -= len(colors) axis.set_prop_cycle(make_cycler(color=colors[nr_cycles:] + colors[:nr_cycles]))
[docs] @classmethod @deprecate('Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', deprecated_in='2.0', removed_in='4.0') def get_next_color(cls, axis): """ Get the next color that will be used to draw lines on the axis :param axis: The axis :type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes .. warning:: This will consume the color from the cycler, which means it will change which color is to be used next. """ # XXX: We're accessing some private data here, so that could break eventually # Need to find another way to get the current color from the cycler, or to # plot all data from a dataframe in the same color. return next(axis._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color']
[docs] def get_default_plot_path(self, img_format, plot_name, default_dir='.'): """ Return the default path to use to save plots for the analysis. :param img_format: Format of the image to save. :type img_format: str :param plot_name: Middle-name of the plot :type plot_name: str :param default_dir: Default folder to store plots into. :type default_dir: str """ analysis = filepath = os.path.join( default_dir, f"{analysis}.{plot_name}.{img_format}") return filepath
def _fig_as_plot_method(self, fig, **kwargs): # Create a throw-away plot method so we don't duplicate the logic # in plot_method def f(self): return fig f.__name__ = '' f.__qualname__ = '' # Decorate after changing the name, otherwise the name of the # wrapper will be changed but not the one used for titles return AnalysisHelpers.plot_method(f)(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def save_plot(self, figure, filepath=None, img_format=None, backend=None): """ Save a holoviews element or :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` as an image file. :param figure: Figure to save to a file. :type figure: matplotlib.figure.Figure or holoviews.core.Element :param filepath: Path to the file to save the plot. If ``None``, a default path will be used. :type filepath: str or None :param img_format: Format of the image. If ``None``, it is guessed from the ``filepath``. :type img_format: str or None :param backend: Holoviews backend to use. If left to ``None``, the current backend enabled with ``hv.extension()`` will be used. :type backend: str or None """ import matplotlib img_format = img_format or guess_format(filepath) or 'png' filepath = filepath or self.get_default_plot_path( img_format=img_format, # Use the caller's name as plot name plot_name=inspect.stack()[1].function, ) if isinstance(figure, matplotlib.figure.Figure): # The suptitle is not taken into account by tight layout by default: # suptitle = figure._suptitle figure.savefig( filepath, bbox_extra_artists=[suptitle] if suptitle else None, format=img_format, bbox_inches='tight' ) else: self._fig_as_plot_method( figure, filepath=filepath, backend=backend, )
[docs] @deprecate('Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', deprecated_in='2.0', removed_in='4.0') def do_plot(self, plotter, axis=None, **kwargs): """ Simple helper for consistent behavior across methods. """ local_fig = False if local_fig: fig, axis = self.setup_plot(**kwargs) plotter(axis, local_fig) return axis
@staticmethod def _get_base64_image(axis, fmt='png'): if isinstance(axis, (numpy.ndarray, list)): axis = axis[0] figure = axis.get_figure() buff = io.BytesIO() figure.savefig(buff, format=fmt, bbox_inches='tight') b64_image = base64.b64encode( return b64_image.decode('utf-8') @classmethod def _get_doc_methods(cls, prefix, instance=None, ignored=None): ignored = set(ignored) or set() obj = instance if instance is not None else cls def predicate(f): if not callable(f): return False # "unwrap" bound methods and other similar things with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): f = f.__func__ return ( f.__name__.startswith(prefix) and f not in ignored ) return [ f for name, f in inspect.getmembers(obj, predicate=predicate) if f not in ignored ]
[docs] @classmethod def get_plot_methods(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls._get_doc_methods( *args, prefix='plot_', **kwargs, ignored={ cls.plot_method.__func__, } )
def _make_fig_ui(self, fig, *, link_dataframes): open_button = pn.widgets.Button( name='Open in trace viewer', align='center', ) open_button.on_click(lambda event: toolbar = pn.Row(open_button, align='center') time_indexed = any( 'time' in for kdims in fig.traverse(attrgetter('kdims')) for kdim in kdims ) # Do not automatically link events when the time is not in a key # dimension, such as residency bar graphs if not link_dataframes and time_indexed: link_dataframes = [ self.ana.notebook.df_all_events() ] fig = _hv_link_dataframes(fig, dfs=link_dataframes) return pn.Column( toolbar, fig, sizing_mode='stretch_width', )
[docs] @classmethod def plot_method(cls, f): """ Plot function decorator. It provides among other things: * automatic plot setup * HTML and reStructuredText output. * workarounds some holoviews issues * integration in other tools """ _decorator = cls.plot_method.__func__ @update_wrapper_doc( f, added_by=f':meth:`{_decorator.__module__}.{_decorator.__qualname__}`', description=textwrap.dedent(""" :returns: The return type is determined by the ``output`` parameter. :param backend: Holoviews plot library backend to use: * ``bokeh``: good support for interactive plots * ``matplotlib``: sometimes better static image output, but unpredictable results that more often than not require a fair amount of hacks to get something good. * ``plotly``: not supported by LISA but technically available. Since it's very similar to bokeh feature-wise, bokeh should be preferred. .. note:: In a notebook, the way to choose which backend should be used to display plots is typically selected with e.g. ``holoviews.extension('bokeh')`` at the beginning of the notebook. The ``backend`` parameter is more intended for expert use where an object of the given library is required, without depending on the environment. :type backend: str or None :param link_dataframes: Gated by ``output="ui"``. List of dataframes to display under the figure, which is dynamically linked with it: clicking on the plot will scroll in the dataframes and vice versa. :type link_dataframes: list(pandas.DataFrame) or None :param filepath: Path of the file to save the figure in. If `None`, no file is saved. :type filepath: str or None :param always_save: When ``True``, the plot is always saved even if no ``filepath`` has explicitly been set. In that case, a default path will be used. :type always_save: bool :param img_format: The image format to generate. Defaults to using filepath to guess the type, or "png" if no filepath is given. `html` and `rst` are supported in addition to matplotlib image formats. :type img_format: str :param output: Change the return value of the method: * ``None``: Equivalent to ``holoviews`` for now. In the future, this will be either ``holoviews`` or ``ui`` if used in an interactive jupyter notebook. * ``holoviews``: a bare holoviews element. * ``render``: a backend-specific object, such as :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` if ``backend='matplotlib'`` * ``html``: HTML document * ``rst``: a snippet of reStructuredText * ``ui``: Pseudo holoviews figure, enriched with extra controls. .. note:: No assumption must be made on the return type other than that it can be displayed in a notebook cell output (and with :func:`IPython.display.display`). The public API holoviews is implemented in a best-effort approach, so that ``.options()`` and ``.opts()`` will work, but compositions using e.g. ``x * y`` will not work if ``x`` is a holoviews element. In the midterm, the output type will be changed so that it is a real holoviews object, rather than some sort of proxy. :type output: str or None :param colors: List of color names to use for the plots. .. deprecated:: 2.0 This parameter is deprecated, use holoviews APIs to set matplotlib options. :type colors: list(str) or None :param linestyles: List of linestyle to use for the plots. .. deprecated:: 2.0 This parameter is deprecated, use holoviews APIs to set matplotlib options. :type linestyles: list(str) or None :param markers: List of marker to use for the plots. .. deprecated:: 2.0 This parameter is deprecated, use holoviews APIs to set matplotlib options. :type markers: list(str) or None :param axis: instance of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot into. If `None`, a new figure and axis are created and returned. .. deprecated:: 2.0 This parameter is deprecated, use holoviews APIs to compose plot elements: :type axis: matplotlib.axes.Axes or numpy.ndarray(matplotlib.axes.Axes) or None :param rc_params: Matplotlib rc params dictionary overlaid on existing settings. .. deprecated:: 2.0 This parameter is deprecated, use holoviews APIs to set matplotlib options. :type rc_params: dict(str, object) or None :param _compat_render: Internal parameter not to be used. This enables the compatibility mode where ``render=True`` by default when matplotlib is the current holoviews backend. :type _compat_render: bool """), include_kwargs=True, ) # Note about default values: the defaults must be chosen so that plot # methods can directly call other plot methods internally without # unexpected behaviors. Things like _compar_render must therefore # default to False here. # # If for some reason the "user visible" default must be different, it # can be changed using the AnalysisProxy(params=dict(...)) when the # AnalysisProxy is instanciated in lisa.trace def wrapper(self, *args, filepath=None, output='holoviews', img_format=None, always_save=False, backend=None, _compat_render=False, link_dataframes=None, cursor_delta=None, width=None, height=None, # Deprecated parameters rc_params=None, axis=None, interactive=None, colors: typing.Sequence[str]=None, linestyles: typing.Sequence[str]=None, markers: typing.Sequence[str]=None, **kwargs ): def deprecation_warning(msg): warnings.warn( msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if interactive is not None: deprecation_warning( '"interactive" parameter is deprecated and ignored', ) interactive = is_running_ipython() # If the user did not specify a backend, we will return a # holoviews object, but we need to know what is the current # backend so we can apply the relevant options. if backend is None: backend = hv.Store.current_backend # For backward compat, return a matplotlib Figure when this # backend is selected if output is None and _compat_render and backend == 'matplotlib': output = 'render' # Before this point "None" indicates the default. if output is None: # TODO: Switch the default to be "ui" when interactive once a # solution is found for that issue: # # output = 'ui' if interactive else 'holoviews' output = 'holoviews' # Deprecated, but allows easy backward compat if axis is not None: output = 'render' deprecation_warning( 'axis parameter is deprecated, use holoviews APIs to combine plots (see overloading of ``*`` operator for holoviews elements)' ) if link_dataframes and output != 'ui': warnings.warn(f'"link_dataframes" parameter ignored since output != "ui"', stacklevel=2) img_format = img_format or guess_format(filepath) or 'png' # When we create the figure ourselves, always save the plot to # the default location if filepath is None and always_save: filepath = self.get_default_plot_path( img_format=img_format, plot_name=f.__name__, ) # Factor the *args inside the **kwargs by binding them to the # user-facing signature, which is the one of the wrapper. kwargs.update( inspect.signature(wrapper).bind_partial(self, *args).arguments ) with lisa.notebook._hv_set_backend(backend): hv_fig = f(**kwargs) # For each element type, only set the option if it has not # been set already. This allows the plot method to give # customized options that will not be overridden here. set_by_method = {} for category in ('plot', 'style'): for name, _opts in hv_fig.traverse( lambda element: (, hv.Store.lookup_options( backend, element, category ).kwargs.keys() ) ): set_by_method.setdefault(name, set()).update(_opts) def set_options(fig, opts, typs): return fig.options( { typ: { k: v for k, v in opts.items() if k not in set_by_method.get(typ, tuple()) } for typ in typs }, # Specify the backend explicitly, in case the user # asked for a specific backend backend=backend, ) def set_option(fig, name, val, typs, extra=None): return set_options( fig=fig, opts={name: val, **(extra or {})}, typs=typs, ) def set_cycle(fig, name, xs, typs, extra=None): return set_option( fig=fig, name=name, val=hv.Cycle(xs), typs=typs, extra=extra, ) # Deprecated options if colors: deprecation_warning( '"colors" is deprecated and has no effect anymore, use .options() on the resulting holoviews object' ) if markers: deprecation_warning( '"markers" is deprecated and has no effect anymore, use .options() on the resulting holoviews object' ) if linestyles: deprecation_warning( '"linestyles" is deprecated and has no effect anymore, use .options() on the resulting holoviews object' ) if rc_params: deprecation_warning( 'rc_params deprecated, use holoviews APIs to set matplotlib parameters' ) if backend == 'matplotlib': hv_fig = hv_fig.opts(fig_rcparams=rc_params) else: self.logger.warning('rc_params is only used with matplotlib backend') # Markers added by lisa.notebook.plot_signal if backend == 'bokeh': marker_opts = dict( # Disable muted legend for now, as they will mute # everything: # # legend_muted=True, muted_alpha=0, tools=[], ) elif backend == 'matplotlib': # Hide the markers since it clutters static plots, making # them hard to read. marker_opts = dict( visible=False, ) else: marker_opts = {} hv_fig = set_options( hv_fig, opts=marker_opts, typs=('Scatter.marker',), ) # Tools if backend == 'bokeh': hv_fig = set_option( hv_fig, name='tools', val=[ # TODO: revisit: # undo/redo tools are currently broken for some plots: # # # 'undo', # 'redo', 'crosshair', 'hover', ], typs=('Curve', 'Path', 'Points', 'Scatter', 'Bars', 'Histogram', 'Distribution', 'HeatMap', 'Image', 'Rectangles', 'Area', 'Spikes'), ).options( backend=backend, # Sometimes holoviews (or bokeh) decides to put it on # the side, which crops it toolbar='above', ) # Workaround: # hv_fig = set_option( hv_fig, name='color', val=hv.Cycle(), typs=('Rectangles',), ) # Figure size if backend in ('bokeh', 'plotly'): aspect = 4 if (width, height) == (None, None): size = dict( aspect=aspect, responsive=True, ) elif height is None: size = dict( width=width, height=int(width / aspect), ) elif width is None: size = dict( height=height, responsive=True, ) else: size = dict( width=width, height=height, ) hv_fig = set_options( hv_fig, opts=size, typs=('Curve', 'Path', 'Points', 'Scatter', 'Overlay', 'Bars', 'Histogram', 'Distribution', 'HeatMap', 'Image', 'Rectangles', 'Area', 'HLine', 'VLine', 'Spikes', 'HSpan', 'VSpan'), ) elif backend == 'matplotlib': width = 16 if width is None else width height = 4 if height is None else height fig_inches = max(width, height) hv_fig = set_options( hv_fig, opts=dict( aspect=width / height, fig_inches=fig_inches, ), typs=('Curve', 'Path', 'Points', 'Scatter', 'Overlay', 'Bars', 'Histogram', 'Distribution', 'HeatMap', 'Image', 'Rectangles', 'Area', 'HLine', 'VLine', 'Spikes'), ) # Not doing this on the Layout will prevent getting big # figures, but the "aspect" cannot be set on a Layout hv_fig = set_options( hv_fig, opts=dict(fig_inches=fig_inches), typs=('Layout',), ) # Use a memoized function to make sure we only do the rendering once @memoized def rendered_fig(): if backend == 'matplotlib': # Make sure to use an interactive renderer for notebooks, # otherwise the plot will not be displayed import holoviews.plotting.mpl renderer = hv.plotting.mpl.MPLRenderer.instance( interactive=interactive ) return renderer.get_plot( hv_fig, interactive=interactive, axis=axis, fig=axis.figure if axis else None, ).state else: return hv.renderer(backend).get_plot(hv_fig).state def resolve_formatter(fmt): format_map = { 'rst': cls._get_rst_content, 'sphinx-rst': cls._get_rst_content, 'html': cls._get_html, 'sphinx-html': cls._get_html, } try: return format_map[fmt] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported format: {fmt}') if filepath: if backend in ('bokeh', 'matplotlib') and img_format in ('html', 'sphinx-html', 'rst', 'sphinx-rst'): content = resolve_formatter(img_format)( fmt=img_format, f=f, args=[], kwargs=kwargs, fig=rendered_fig(), backend=backend ) with open(filepath, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fd: fd.write(content) else: # Avoid cropping the legend on some backends static_fig = set_options( hv_fig, opts=dict(responsive=False), typs=('Curve', 'Path', 'Points', 'Scatter', 'Overlay', 'Bars', 'Histogram', 'Distribution', 'HeatMap', 'Image', 'Rectangles', 'HLine', 'VLine', 'VSpan', 'HSpan', 'Spikes'), ), filepath, fmt=img_format, backend=backend) if output == 'holoviews': out = hv_fig # Show the LISA figure toolbar elif output == 'ui': # TODO: improve holoviews so we can return holoviews # objects that are displayed with extra widgets around # make_pane = functools.partial( self._make_fig_ui, link_dataframes=link_dataframes, ) out = _hv_fig_to_pane(hv_fig, make_pane) elif output == 'render': if _compat_render and backend == 'matplotlib': axes = rendered_fig().axes if len(axes) == 1: out = axes[0] else: out = axes else: out = rendered_fig() else: out = resolve_formatter(output)( fmt=output, f=f, args=[], kwargs=kwargs, fig=rendered_fig(), backend=backend ) return out return wrapper
@staticmethod def _get_title(f): name = f.__name__ prefix = 'plot_' if name.startswith(prefix): name = name[len(prefix):] name = name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize() return name @classmethod def _get_rst_header(cls, f): name = cls._get_title(f) try: url = get_doc_url(f) doc_link = f'`[doc] <{url}>`_' except Exception: doc_link = '' return textwrap.dedent(f""" {name} {'=' * len(name)} {get_short_doc(f, strip_rst=True)} {doc_link} """ ) @classmethod def _get_rst_content(cls, fmt, f, args, kwargs, fig, backend): kwargs = inspect.signature(f).bind_partial(*args, **kwargs) kwargs.apply_defaults() kwargs = kwargs.arguments hidden_params = { 'self', 'filepath', 'output', 'img_format', 'always_save', 'backend', '_compat_render', 'link_dataframes', 'cursor_delta', 'width', 'height', 'colors', 'linestyles', 'markers', 'rc_params', 'axis', } args_list = ', '.join( f'{k}={v}' for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items(), key=itemgetter(0)) if v is not None and k not in hidden_params ) if backend == 'matplotlib': axis = fig.axes if len(axis) == 1: axis = axis[0] fmt = 'png' b64_image = cls._get_base64_image(axis, fmt=fmt) return textwrap.dedent(f""" .. figure:: data:image/{fmt};base64,{b64_image} :alt: {f.__qualname__} :align: center :width: 100% {args_list} """) elif backend == 'bokeh': idt = ' ' * 4 indent = lambda x: idt + x.replace('\n', '\n' + idt) title = args_list # Use Sphinx classes to integrate with the theme title = f'<p class="caption"><span class="caption-text">{title}</span>' js = '\n'.join(bokeh.embed.components(fig)) # Fixes the exception when using on the same plot. # Suggested at: # # For a standalone HTML snippet, we need the script tags to import # the libraries, but duplicating it in the same page will lead to # catastrophic load time, and memory exhaustion so we do it once # per page using Sphinx's html_js_files conf to include them. if fmt == 'sphinx-rst': libs = '' else: libs = bokeh.resources.CDN.render() content = f'<div class="figure align-center">{libs}\n{js}\n{title}</div>' return f'.. raw:: html\n\n{indent(content)}' else: raise ValueError(f'unsupported backend {backend}') @classmethod def _get_rst(cls, fmt, f, args, kwargs, fig, backend): return cls._get_rst_header(f) + '\n' + cls._get_rst_content( fmt=fmt, f=f, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, fig=fig, backend=backend ) @staticmethod def _docutils_render(writer, rst, title, doctitle_xform=True): overrides = { 'input_encoding': 'utf-8', # enable/disable promotion of lone top-level section title # to document title 'doctitle_xform': doctitle_xform, 'initial_header_level': 1, # This level will silent unknown roles and directives # error. It is necessary since we are rendering docstring # written for Sphinx using docutils, which only understands # plain reStructuredText 'report_level': 4, # Set the line length to always accept our document, since it has a # large base64-encoded image in it and docutils will otherwise just # replace the document body with an error 'line_length_limit': len(rst) + 1, 'title': title, } parts = docutils.core.publish_parts( source=rst, source_path=None, destination_path=None, writer_name=writer, settings_overrides=overrides, ) return parts @classmethod def _get_html(cls, *, fmt, f, **kwargs): fmt_map = { 'sphinx-html': 'sphinx-rst', 'html': 'rst', } rst = cls._get_rst( fmt=fmt_map[fmt], f=f, **kwargs ) parts = cls._docutils_render( writer='html', rst=rst, title=cls._get_title(f) ) return parts['whole']
[docs] class TraceAnalysisBase(AnalysisHelpers): """ Base class for Analysis modules. :param trace: input Trace object :type trace: lisa.trace.Trace :Design notes: Method depending on certain trace events *must* be decorated with :meth:`lisa.trace.requires_events` """ def __init__(self, trace, proxy=None): self.trace = trace self.ana = proxy or trace.ana
[docs] @classmethod def get_df_methods(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls._get_doc_methods( *args, prefix='df_', **kwargs, ignored={ cls.df_method.__func__, } )
[docs] @classmethod def df_method(cls, f): """ Dataframe function decorator. It provides among other things: * Dataframe format conversion """ # Apply caching to all df-returning functions. This way we also # guarantee that the df_fmt is properly applied even when data are # coming from the cache. cached_f = cls.cache(fmt='parquet')(f) _decorator = cls.df_method.__func__ @update_wrapper_doc( f, added_by=f':meth:`{_decorator.__module__}.{_decorator.__qualname__}`', description=textwrap.dedent(""" :param df_fmt: Format of dataframe to return. One of: * ``"pandas"``: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` * ``"polars-lazyframe"``: :class:`polars.LazyFrame` :type df_fmt: str or None :returns: The return type is determined by the dataframe format chosen for the trace object. """), include_kwargs=False, ) # Note about default values: the defaults must be chosen so that df # methods can directly call other plot methods internally without # unexpected behaviors. # # If for some reason the "user visible" default must be different, it # can be changed using the AnalysisProxy(params=dict(...)) when the # AnalysisProxy is instanciated in lisa.trace def wrapper(self, *args, df_fmt=None, **kwargs): # Ease working with LazyFrames coming from various sources. When # they are collect()'ed in f(), they will be created using a common # StringCache so Categorical columns can be concatenated and such. with pl.StringCache(): data = cached_f(self, *args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pl.DataFrame, pl.LazyFrame)) df_fmt = df_fmt or 'pandas' data = _df_to(data, fmt=df_fmt) return data return wrapper
[docs] @optional_kwargs @classmethod def cache(cls, f, fmt='parquet', ignored_params=None): """ Decorator to enable caching of the output of dataframe getter function in the trace cache. This will write the return data to the swap as well, so processing can be skipped completely when possible. :param fmt: Format of the data to write to the cache. This will influence the extension of the cache file created. If ``disk-only`` format is chosen, the data is not retained in memory and the path to the allocated cache file is passed as first parameter to the wrapped function. This allows manual management of the file's content, as well having a path to a file to pass to external tools if they can consume the data directly. :type fmt: str :param ignored_params: Parameters to ignore when trying to hit the cache. :type ignored_params: list(str) """ ignored_kwargs = set(ignored_params or []) sig = inspect.signature(f) parameter_names = list(sig.parameters.keys()) # Ignore "self" ignored_kwargs.add(parameter_names[0]) memory_cache = fmt != 'disk-only' if not memory_cache: path_param = parameter_names[1] ignored_kwargs.add(path_param) @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # Make some room for the argument we will fill later if not memory_cache: args = (None,) + args # Express the arguments as kwargs-only params = sig.bind(self, *args, **kwargs) params.apply_defaults() kwargs = dict(params.arguments) trace = self.trace spec = dict( module=f.__module__, func=f.__qualname__, # Include the trace window in the spec since that influences # what the analysis was seeing trace_state=trace.trace_state, # Make a deepcopy as it is critical that the _CacheDataDesc is # not modified under the hood once inserted in the cache kwargs=copy.deepcopy({ k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in ignored_kwargs }), ) cache_desc = _CacheDataDesc(spec=spec, fmt=fmt) cache = trace._cache def call_f(): if not memory_cache: try: swap_path = cache._cache_desc_swap_path(cache_desc, create=True) except Exception as e: swap_path = None kwargs[path_param] = swap_path with measure_time() as measure: data = f(**kwargs) if memory_cache: compute_cost = measure.exclusive_delta else: compute_cost = None cache.insert(cache_desc, data, compute_cost=compute_cost, write_swap=True) return data if memory_cache: try: # Be warned that the type of the data returned by the cache # may not match what was inserted. This can happen notably # when a dataframe (from either pandas or polars) is # cached, as it will be stored in a parquet file and # reloaded most likely as a polars LazyFrame. data = cache.fetch(cache_desc) except KeyError: data = call_f() else: data = call_f() return data return wrapper
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_events(cls): """ Returns the set of all events used by any of the methods. """ def predicate(f): return callable(f) and hasattr(f, 'used_events') return set(itertools.chain.from_iterable( attr.used_events.get_all_events() for name, attr in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=predicate) ))
[docs] def get_default_plot_path(self, **kwargs): return super().get_default_plot_path( default_dir=self.trace.plots_dir, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_analysis_classes(cls): # Import all the submodules so that we have full visibility over the # subclasses. import lisa.analysis as ana _import_all_submodules(ana.__name__, ana.__path__) return { subcls for subcls in get_subclasses(cls) # Classes without a "name" attribute directly defined in their # scope will not get registered. That allows having unnamed # intermediate base classes that are not meant to be exposed. if 'name' in subcls.__dict__ }
[docs] @classmethod def call_on_trace(cls, meth, trace, meth_kwargs): """ Call a method of a subclass on a given trace. :param meth: Function (method) defined on a subclass. :type meth: :param trace: Trace object to use :type trace: lisa.trace.Trace :param meth_kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to ``meth`` :type meth_kwargs: dict It will create an instance of the right analysis, bind the function to it and call the resulting bound method with ``meth_kwargs`` extra keyword arguments. """ for subcls in cls.get_analysis_classes().values(): for name, f in inspect.getmembers(subcls): if f is meth: break else: continue break else: raise ValueError(f'{meth.__qualname__} is not a method of any subclasses of {cls.__qualname__}') # Create an analysis instance and bind the method to it analysis = subcls(trace=trace) meth = meth.__get__(analysis, type(analysis)) return meth(**meth_kwargs)
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