Source code for lisa._kmod

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2021, ARM Limited and contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module provides classes to build kernel modules from source on the fly.

Here is an example of such module::

    import time

    from import Target
    from lisa.trace import DmesgCollector
    from lisa._kmod import KmodSrc

    from lisa.utils import setup_logging

    target = Target(

    # Example module from:
    code = r'''
    *  hello-4.c - Demonstrates module documentation.
    #include <linux/module.h> /* Needed by all modules */
    #include <linux/kernel.h> /* Needed for KERN_INFO */
    #include <linux/init.h>   /* Needed for the macros */
    #define DRIVER_AUTHOR "XXX"
    #define DRIVER_DESC   "A sample driver"

    static int __init init_hello(void)
        printk(KERN_INFO "Hello, world\n");
        return 0;

    static void __exit cleanup_hello(void)
        printk(KERN_INFO "Goodbye, worldn");


    *  You can use strings, like this:

    * Get rid of taint message by declaring code as GPL.

    * Or with defines, like this
    MODULE_AUTHOR(DRIVER_AUTHOR);    /* Who wrote this module? */
    MODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRIVER_DESC); /* What does this module do */

    # This object represents the kernel sources, and needs to be turned into a
    # DynamicKmod to be compiled and run.
    src = KmodSrc({'hello.c': code})

    # Create a DynamicKmod from the target and the module sources.
    kmod = target.get_kmod(src=src)

    # Collect the dmesg output while running the module
    dmesg_coll = DmesgCollector(target, output_path='dmesg.log')

    # will compile the module, install it and then uninstall it at the
    # end of the "with" statement.
    with dmesg_coll,

    for entry in dmesg_coll.entries:

import abc
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
import tempfile
import tarfile
import gzip
import bz2
import lzma
import os
import io
import shutil
import contextlib
import subprocess
import copy
import re
import functools
import bisect
import threading
import itertools
import logging
import datetime
import pwd
import glob
import collections
import hashlib
import errno
from operator import itemgetter
from shlex import quote
from io import BytesIO
from import Mapping
import typing
import fnmatch

from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile

from import AndroidTarget, KernelVersion, TypedKernelConfig, KernelConfigTristate
from import LocalConnection
from devlib.exception import TargetStableError, TargetStableCalledProcessError

from lisa.utils import nullcontext, Loggable, LISA_CACHE_HOME, checksum, DirCache, chain_cm, memoized, LISA_HOST_ABI, subprocess_log, SerializeViaConstructor, destroyablecontextmanager, ContextManagerExit, ignore_exceps, get_nested_key, is_link_dead, deduplicate, subprocess_detailed_excep
from lisa._unshare import ensure_root
import lisa._git as git
from lisa.conf import SimpleMultiSrcConf, TopLevelKeyDesc, LevelKeyDesc, KeyDesc, VariadicLevelKeyDesc
from lisa._kallsyms import parse_kallsyms

def _make_vars_cc(make_vars, default=_CC_MAKE_VARS_DEFAULT):
        cc = make_vars['CC']
    except KeyError:
        if default is _CC_MAKE_VARS_DEFAULT:
            cc = default
    return Path(cc)

[docs] class KmodVersionError(Exception): """ Raised when the kernel module is not found with the expected version. """ pass
_ALPINE_DEFAULT_VERSION = '3.18.3' _ALPINE_ROOTFS_URL = '{minor}/releases/{arch}/alpine-minirootfs-{version}-{arch}.tar.gz' _ALPINE_PACKAGE_INFO_URL = '{version}/{repo}/{arch}/{package}' def _get_alpine_clang_packages(cc): llvm_version = _clang_version_static(cc) or '' return [ f'clang{llvm_version}', f'llvm{llvm_version}', # "lld" packaging is a bit strange, any versioned lld (e.g. "lld15") # conflicts with the generic "lld" package. On top of that, there is # only one versionned package ("lld15") as of Alpine v3.18. f'lld' ] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=256, typed=True) def _find_alpine_cc_packages(version, abi, cc, cross_compile): logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.alpine_chroot.packages') if 'gcc' in cc and cross_compile: cross_compile = cross_compile.strip('-') packages = [f'gcc-{cross_compile}'] elif 'clang' in cc: packages = _get_alpine_clang_packages(cc) else: packages = [cc] def check(repo, package): url = _ALPINE_PACKAGE_INFO_URL.format( version='.'.join(map(str, version[:2])), repo=repo, arch=_abi_to_alpine_arch(abi), package=package, ) logger.debug(f'Checking Alpine package URL: {url}') return not is_link_dead(url) ok = all( any( check(repo, package) for repo in ('main', 'community') ) for package in packages ) if ok: return packages else: raise ValueError(f'Could not find Alpine linux packages: {", ".join(packages)}') def _abi_to_kernel_arch(abi): """ Convert a devlib ABI into a valid ARCH= for the kernel """ return { 'armeabi': 'arm', }.get(abi, abi) def _kernel_arch_to_abi(arch): """ Convert a kernel arch to a devlib ABI """ if arch == 'arm64': return 'arm64' elif 'arm' in arch: return 'armeabi' else: return arch def _abi_to_alpine_arch(abi): return { 'arm64': 'aarch64', 'armeabi': 'armv7', }.get(abi, abi) def _url_path(url): return PurePosixPath( urllib.parse.unquote( urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path ) ) def _subprocess_log(*args, env=None, extra_env=None, **kwargs): if env is None: env = { k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k in ('PATH', 'USER', 'TERM') } env.update(extra_env or {}) with subprocess_detailed_excep(): return subprocess_log(*args, **kwargs, env=env) def _kbuild_make_cmd(path, targets, cc, make_vars): make_vars = make_vars or {} remove = [] try: _cc = _make_vars_cc(make_vars) except KeyError: pass else: # For some reason Kbuild does not appreciate CC=gcc, even though it's # happy with CC=clang if str(_cc) == 'gcc': remove.append('CC') # If we have a path to a specific GCC, we don't want to pass # CROSS_COMPILE as we probably have someone pointing at a specific # toolchain folder. In that case, passing CROSS_COMPILE would break the # path to GCC elif 'gcc' in remove.append('CROSS_COMPILE') formatted_vars = [ f'{name}={val}' for name, val in sorted(make_vars.items()) if ( name not in remove and val is not None ) ] nr_cpus = int(os.cpu_count() * 1.5) cmd = ['make', f'-j{nr_cpus}', '-C', path, '--', *formatted_vars, *targets] var_cc = make_vars.get('CC', cc) if str(var_cc) != str(cc): pretty_cmd = ' '.join(map(quote, map(str, cmd))) raise ValueError(f'The kernel build env was prepared using CC={cc} so the make command cannot be ran with CC={var_cc}: {pretty_cmd}') return cmd def _clang_version_static(cc): try: _, version = cc.split('-', 1) except ValueError: # apk understands "clang" even if there is no clang package version = None else: version = int(version) return version def _clang_version(cc, env): version = subprocess.check_output([cc, '--version'], env=env) m = re.match(rb'.*clang version ([0-9]+)\.', version) if m: major = int( return (major,) else: raise ValueError(f'Could not determine version of {cc}') def _resolve_alpine_version(version): version = version or _ALPINE_DEFAULT_VERSION # Ensure we have a full version number with 3 components version = version.lstrip('v').split('.') version = tuple(map(int, version + ['0' for _ in range(3 - len(version))])) return version @destroyablecontextmanager def _make_build_chroot(cc, cross_compile, abi, bind_paths=None, version=None, overlay_backend=None, packages=None): """ Create a chroot folder ready to be used to build a kernel. """ logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.alpine_chroot') if (version, packages) != (None, None) and None in (version, packages): raise ValueError('Both version and packages need to be set or none of them') else: version = _resolve_alpine_version(version) def is_clang(cc): return cc.startswith('clang') def default_packages(cc): maybe_qemu = False # Default packages needed to compile a linux kernel module packages = [ 'bash', 'binutils', 'coreutils', 'diffutils', 'make', 'file', 'gawk', 'sed', 'musl-dev', 'elfutils-dev', 'gmp-dev', 'libffi-dev', 'openssl-dev', 'linux-headers', 'musl', 'bison', 'flex', 'python3', 'py3-pip', 'perl', 'pahole', 'git', ] if is_clang(cc): packages.extend([ # Add version-less packages as well, so that userspace tools # relying on "clang" when LLVM=1 is passed can work. 'llvm', 'clang', 'lld', ]) try: _packages = _find_alpine_cc_packages( version=version, abi=abi, cc=cc, cross_compile=cross_compile, ) except ValueError: # We could not find the cross compilation toolchain, so # fallback on the non-cross toolchain and use QEMU _packages = [cc] # clang is always a cross compilation, toolchain so we # would not need QEMU for that maybe_qemu = not is_clang(cc) packages.extend(_packages) return (maybe_qemu, packages) maybe_qemu, packages = default_packages(cc) if packages is None else packages use_qemu = ( maybe_qemu and # Since clang binaries support cross compilation without issues, # there is no need to use QEMU that will slow everything down. abi != LISA_HOST_ABI ) chroot_abi = abi if use_qemu else LISA_HOST_ABI bind_paths = { **dict(bind_paths or {}), ABI_BINARIES_FOLDER[chroot_abi]: '/usr/local/bin' } with _make_alpine_chroot( version=version, abi=chroot_abi, packages=packages, bind_paths=bind_paths, overlay_backend=overlay_backend, ) as chroot: try: yield chroot except ContextManagerExit: pass @destroyablecontextmanager def _make_alpine_chroot(version, packages=None, abi=None, bind_paths=None, overlay_backend='overlayfs'): logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.alpine_chroot') def mount_binds(chroot, bind_paths, mount=True): for src, dst in bind_paths.items(): dst = Path(dst).resolve() dst = (chroot / dst.relative_to('/')).resolve() # This will be unmounted by the destroy script if mount: dst.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cmd = ['mount', '--rbind', '--', src, dst] else: cmd = ['umount', '-nl', '--', dst] _subprocess_log(cmd, logger=logger, level=logging.DEBUG) def populate(key, path, init_cache=True): version, alpine_arch, packages = key path = path.resolve() # Packages have already been installed, so we can speed things up a # bit if init_cache: version = list(map(str, version)) minor = '.'.join(version[:2]) version = '.'.join(version) url = _ALPINE_ROOTFS_URL.format( minor=minor, arch=alpine_arch, version=version, ) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=path) as f: tar_path = Path('Setting up Alpine chroot from {url} -> {tar_path}') with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as url, open(tar_path, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(url, f) with, 'r') as f: f.extractall(path=path) else: packages = [] shutil.copy('/etc/resolv.conf', path / 'etc' / 'resolv.conf') def install_packages(packages): if packages: cmd = _make_build_chroot_cmd(path, ['apk', 'add', *sorted(set(packages))]) _subprocess_log(cmd, logger=logger, level=logging.DEBUG) install_packages(packages) abi = abi or LISA_HOST_ABI use_qemu = abi != LISA_HOST_ABI qemu_msg = f' using QEMU userspace emulation to emulate {abi} on {LISA_HOST_ABI}' if use_qemu else '' logger.debug(f'Using Alpine v{".".join(map(str, version))} chroot with ABI {abi}{qemu_msg}.') # Check that QEMU userspace emulation is setup if we need it if use_qemu: qemu_arch = { 'arm64': 'aarch64', 'armeabi': 'arm', 'armv7': 'arm', }.get(abi, abi) binfmt_path = Path('/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/', f'qemu-{qemu_arch}') if not binfmt_path.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Alpine chroot is setup for {qemu_arch} architecture but QEMU userspace emulation is not installed on the host (missing {binfmt_path})') alpine_arch = _abi_to_alpine_arch(abi) dir_cache = DirCache( category='alpine_chroot', populate=populate, ) bind_paths = { '/proc': '/proc', '/sys': '/sys', '/dev': '/dev', **(bind_paths or {}), } key = ( version, alpine_arch, sorted(set(packages or [])), ) cache_path = dir_cache.get_entry(key) with _overlay_folders([cache_path], backend=overlay_backend) as path: # We need to "repopulate" the overlay in order to get a working # system with /etc/resolv.conf etc try: mount_binds(path, bind_paths) populate(key, path, init_cache=False) yield path except ContextManagerExit: mount_binds(path, bind_paths, mount=False)
[docs] def make_alpine_chroot(version, **kwargs): version = _resolve_alpine_version(version) return _make_alpine_chroot(version=version, **kwargs)
def _make_build_chroot_cmd(chroot, cmd): chroot = Path(chroot).resolve() cmd = ' '.join(map(quote, map(str, cmd))) # Source /etc/profile to get sane defaults for e.g. PATH. Otherwise, we # just inherit it from the host, which is broken. cmd = f'source /etc/profile && exec {cmd}' return ['chroot', chroot, 'sh', '-c', cmd] @destroyablecontextmanager def _overlay_folders(lowers, backend, upper=None, copy_filter=None): """ Overlay folders on top of each other. :param lowers: List of read-only lower layers. The end of the list takes precedence. Apart from the first item in the list, all items must have been populated as an "upper" of its preceding lowers. :type lowers: list(str) :param upper: Read-write upper layer taking all the changes made to the mount point. If left out, a throw-away upper layer will be used. :type upper: str or None :param backend: Backend to use, one of: * ``overlayfs``: Uses Linux overlayfs mounts. This is the fastest and most space efficient method. * ``copy``: This uses plain copies to simulate overlayfs. * ``None``: defaults to ``overlayfs``. Note that mixing lowers created with different backends is not supported. Stick with the same backend when creating all the lowers in the stack. :type backend: str or None """ logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.overlay') def make_dir(root, name): path = Path(root) / name path.mkdir(parents=True) return path.resolve() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp: mount_point = make_dir(temp, 'overlaid') # Work folder has to be in the same filesystem as the upper dir if upper: @contextlib.contextmanager def dirs_cm(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( # We cannot use a subfolder of "upper" to host "work" so we # have to use the parent folder. dir=upper.parent, prefix='.overlayfs_work_' ) as work: yield dict( work=Path(work), upper=Path(upper), ) else: @contextlib.contextmanager def dirs_cm(): yield dict( work=make_dir(temp, 'work'), upper=make_dir(temp, 'upper'), ) @destroyablecontextmanager def do_mount(dirs): dirs['lower'] = ':'.join(map(str, reversed(list(lowers)))) cmd = ['mount', '-t', 'overlay', 'overlay', '-o', 'lowerdir={lower},workdir={work},upperdir={upper}'.format(**dirs), '--', mount_point] _subprocess_log(cmd, logger=logger, level=logging.DEBUG) try: yield mount_point except ContextManagerExit: # Use lazy unmount, so it will not fail if it still in use for # some reason. That said, all supporting folders are going to # be removed so an external user working outside of the "with" # statement will have issues, which is expected (and not # supported). _subprocess_log( ['umount', '-nl', '--', mount_point], logger=logger, level=logging.DEBUG ) if copy_filter is None: copy_filter = lambda src, dst: True @destroyablecontextmanager def do_copy(dirs): def _python_copytree(src, dst): base_src = Path(src) base_dst = Path(dst) def copy_file(src, dst): if not copy_filter( src=Path(src).relative_to(base_src), dst=Path(dst).relative_to(base_dst) ): return dst if os.path.islink(src): if os.path.lexists(dst): os.unlink(dst) linkto = os.readlink(src) os.symlink(linkto, dst) shutil.copystat(src, dst, follow_symlinks=False) return dst else: try: dst_mtime = os.path.getmtime(dst) except OSError as e: if not isinstance(e, FileNotFoundError): os.remove(dst) return shutil.copy2(src=src, dst=dst) else: src_mtime = os.path.getmtime(src) # Only copy files that have been modified more recently if src_mtime > dst_mtime: os.remove(dst) return shutil.copy2(src=src, dst=dst) else: return dst shutil.copytree( src=str(src), dst=str(dst), # Make symlinks go through copy_function symlinks=False, dirs_exist_ok=True, copy_function=copy_file, ) def _rsync_copytree(src, dst): subprocess.check_call(['rsync', '-au', '--', f'{src}/', dst]) def _copytree(src, dst): try: _rsync_copytree(src, dst) # rsync not installed except FileNotFoundError: logger.debug('rsync not installed, falling back on python copy') _python_copytree(src, dst) logger.debug(f'Copying trees instead of overlayfs for {mount_point}') # Apart from the first one in the list, all lowers are expected to # have been populated as an "upper" of the preceding lowers. # Therefore, we can simply make a copy of the top-most lower. # # This is the only way we can let the user delete a file in an # upper and subsequently restore that state. src = lowers[-1] _copytree(src=src, dst=mount_point) try: yield mount_point except ContextManagerExit: # If the user selected a custom upper layer, sync back the # result in it if upper: shutil.rmtree(upper) shutil.move(src=mount_point, dst=upper) if backend == 'overlayfs': action = do_mount elif backend == 'copy': action = do_copy else: raise ValueError(f'Unknwon overlay backend "{backend}"') with dirs_cm() as dirs: with action(dirs) as mnt: yield mnt
[docs] class OverlayResource(abc.ABC): """ Resource to be applied as an overlay in an existing folder. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write_to(self, dst): """ Write the resource to the ``dst`` path. """ pass
@abc.abstractmethod def _get_key(self): """ Return the checksum of the resource. """ pass
[docs] class _FileOverlayBase(OverlayResource): """ :meta public: Base class for file overlays. """ pass
[docs] class FileOverlay(_FileOverlayBase): """ Overlay representing a file content. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_content(cls, content): """ Build the file from its ``content``. """ return _ContentFileOverlay(content)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path, decompress=False): """ Build the file from an existing path. :param decompress: If ``True``, the file will be decompressed according to its extension. E.g. an ``.gz`` file would be inferred as gzip and decompressed. If ``False``, the extension is ignored. :type decompress: bool """ if decompress: return _CompressedPathFileOverlay(path) else: return _PathFileOverlay(path)
[docs] class _PathOverlayBase(_FileOverlayBase): """ :meta public: Base class for path-based overlays. """ # This is racy with write_to(), but we are not trying to make something # really secure here, we just want to compute a unique token to be used as # a cache key def _get_key(self): with open(self.path, 'rb') as f: check = checksum(f, 'sha256') return f'{self.__class__.__name__}-{check}' def __str__(self): return str(self.path)
[docs] class _PathFileOverlay(_PathOverlayBase): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path
[docs] def write_to(self, dst): shutil.copy2(self.path, dst)
[docs] class _CompressedPathFileOverlay(_PathOverlayBase): _OPEN_FUNCTIONS = { '.gz':, '.xz':, '.bz':, } def __init__(self, path): path = Path(path) try: open_f = self._OPEN_FUNCTIONS[path.suffix] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'Could not detect compression format of "{path}". Tried {", ".join(cls._OPEN_FUNCTIONS.keys())}') else: self.open_f = open_f self.path = path
[docs] def write_to(self, dst): with self.open_f(self.path) as src, open(dst, 'wb') as dst: shutil.copyfileobj(src, dst)
[docs] class _ContentFileOverlay(_FileOverlayBase): def __init__(self, content): content = content.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(content, str) else content self.content = content
[docs] def write_to(self, dst): with open(dst, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.content)
def _get_key(self): check = checksum(io.BytesIO(self.content), 'sha256') return f'{self.__class__.__name__}-{check}' def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self.content})'
[docs] class TarOverlay(_PathOverlayBase): """ The ``__init__`` constructor is considered private. Use factory classmethod to create instances. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """ Build the overlay from the ``path`` to an existing tar archive. """ return cls(path)
[docs] def write_to(self, dst): with as tar: tar.extractall(dst)
[docs] class PatchOverlay(OverlayResource): """ Patch to be applied on an existing file. :param overlay: Overlay providing the content of the patch. :type overlay: _FileOverlayBase """ def __init__(self, overlay): self._overlay = overlay
[docs] def write_to(self, dst): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t') as patch: self._overlay.write_to( subprocess_log(['patch', '-p0', '-r', '-', '-u', '--forward', dst,])
def _get_key(self): """ Return the checksum of the resource. """ csum = self._overlay._get_key() return f'{self.__class__.__name__}-{csum}' def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({self._overlay})'
class _KernelBuildEnvConf(SimpleMultiSrcConf): STRUCTURE = TopLevelKeyDesc('kernel-build-env-conf', 'Build environment settings', ( KeyDesc('build-env', 'Environment used to build modules. Can be any of "alpine" (Alpine Linux chroot, recommended) or "host" (command ran directly on host system)', [typing.Literal['host', 'alpine']]), LevelKeyDesc('build-env-settings', 'build-env settings', ( LevelKeyDesc('host', 'Settings for host build-env', ( KeyDesc('toolchain-path', 'Folder to prepend to PATH when executing toolchain command in the host build env', [str]), )), LevelKeyDesc('alpine', 'Settings for Alpine linux build-env', ( KeyDesc('version', 'Alpine linux version, e.g. 3.18.0', [None, str]), KeyDesc('packages', 'List of Alpine linux packages to install. If that is provided, then errors while installing the package list provided by LISA will not raise an exception, so that the user can provide their own replacement for them. This allows future-proofing hardcoded package names in LISA, as Alpine package names might evolve between versions.', [None, typing.Sequence[str]]), )), )), KeyDesc('overlay-backend', 'Backend to use for overlaying folders while building modules. Can be "overlayfs" (overlayfs filesystem, recommended and fastest) or "copy (plain folder copy)', [str]), KeyDesc('make-variables', 'Extra variables to pass to "make" command, such as "CC"', [typing.Dict[str, object]]), VariadicLevelKeyDesc('modules', 'modules settings', LevelKeyDesc('<module-name>', 'For each module. The module shipped by LISA is "lisa"', ( KeyDesc('overlays', 'Overlays to apply to the sources of the given module', [typing.Dict[str, OverlayResource]]), ) )) ), ) DEFAULT_SRC = { 'build-env': 'host', 'overlay-backend': 'overlayfs', } def _get_key(self): return ( self.get('build-env'), self.get('build-env-settings').to_map(), sorted(self.get('make-variables', {}).items()), ) def _get_key_for_kmod(self, kmod): return ( self._get_key(), sorted( (name, overlay._get_key()) for name, overlay in self.get('modules', {}).get(kmod.mod_name, {}).get('overlays', {}).items() ) ) def _get_alpine_version(self): alpine_version = self['build-env-settings']['alpine'].get('version') return _resolve_alpine_version(alpine_version) class _KernelBuildEnv(Loggable, SerializeViaConstructor): """ :param path_cm: Context manager factory expected to return a path to a prepared kernel build env. :type path_cm: :param build_conf: Build environment configuration. If specified as a string, it can be one of: * ``alpine``: Alpine linux chroot, providing a controlled environment * ``host``: No specific env is setup, whatever the host is using will be picked. * ``None``: defaults to ``host``. Otherwise, pass an instance of :class:`_KernelBuildEnvConf` of a mapping with the same structure. :type build_conf: or str or None """ # Preserve checksum attribute when serializing, as it will allow hitting # the module cache without actually setting up the kernel build env in many # cases. _SERIALIZE_PRESERVED_ATTRS = {'checksum'} _KERNEL_ARCHIVE_URL_TEMPLATE = '{main_number}.x/linux-{version}.tar.xz' # We are only really interested in clang starting from version 13, # when the "musttail" return attribute was introduced. # On top of that, the kernel does not handle clang < 10.0.1 _MIN_CLANG_VERSION = 11 def __init__(self, path_cm, build_conf=None, target=None): self.conf,, self.cross_compile, self._cc_key, self.abi = self._resolve_conf(build_conf, target=target) self._make_path_cm = path_cm self._path_cm = None self.path = None self.checksum = None def _get_key_for_kmod(self, kmod): return ( str(self._cc_key), *self.conf._get_key_for_kmod(kmod), ) @classmethod def _resolve_conf(cls, conf, abi=None, target=None): def make_conf(conf): if isinstance(conf, _KernelBuildEnvConf): return conf elif conf is None: return _KernelBuildEnvConf() elif isinstance(conf, str): return _KernelBuildEnvConf.from_map({ 'build-env': conf }) elif isinstance(conf, Mapping): return _KernelBuildEnvConf.from_map(conf) else: raise TypeError(f'Unsupported value type for build_conf: {conf}') conf = make_conf(conf) make_vars, cc, cross_compile, cc_key, abi = cls._process_make_vars(conf, abi=abi, target=target) conf.add_src(src='processed make-variables', conf={'make-variables': make_vars}) return (conf, cc, cross_compile, cc_key, abi) _SPEC_KEYS = ('path', 'checksum') def _to_spec(self): return { attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self._SPEC_KEYS } def _update_spec(self, spec): def update(x): val = spec.get(x) if val is not None: setattr(self, x, val) if spec: for attr in self._SPEC_KEYS: update(attr) # It is expected that the same object can be used more than once, so # __enter__ and __exit__ must not do anything destructive. def __enter__(self): cm = self._make_path_cm() spec = cm.__enter__() assert 'path' in spec self._update_spec(spec) self._path_cm = cm return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Reset the path as it cannot be used outside the with statement but # not the checksum, since it could still be reused to hit the cache self.path = None try: ret = self._path_cm.__exit__(*args, **kwargs) finally: self._path_cm = None return ret _URL_CACHE = {} @classmethod def _open_url(cls, version): url, response = cls._get_url_response(version) if response is None: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) return response @classmethod def _get_url(cls, version): url, response = cls._get_url_response(version) with (response or nullcontext()): return url @classmethod def _get_url_response(cls, version): def replace_None(tuple_): return tuple( 0 if x is None else x for x in tuple_ ) def make_url(parts): # Remove trailing 0 as this seems to be the pattern followed by # URLs parts = parts if parts[-1] else parts[:-1] return cls._KERNEL_ARCHIVE_URL_TEMPLATE.format( main_number=parts[0], version='.'.join(map(str, parts)), ) @functools.lru_cache def get_available_versions(): url = make_url( parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) index_url = parsed._replace(path=str(_url_path(url).parent)).geturl() with urllib.request.urlopen(index_url) as url_f: html = files = re.findall(rb'href="linux-(.*)\.tar\.xz"', html) return sorted( ( replace_None( KernelVersion(name.decode()).parts ) for name in files ), ) def decrement_version(parts): parts = replace_None(parts) versions = get_available_versions() i = bisect.bisect(versions, parts) - 2 try: return versions[i] except IndexError: raise ValueError(f'Could not find any kernel tarball for version {parts}') orig_version = version parts = logger = cls.get_logger() try: url = cls._URL_CACHE[str(version)] except KeyError: while True: url = make_url(parts) logger.debug(f'Trying to fetch {url} for kernel version {orig_version} ...') try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: # Maybe this is a development kernel and no release has been # done for that version yet, keep trying with lower versions if e.code == 404 and orig_version.rc is None: try: parts = decrement_version(parts) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Cannot fetch any tarball matching {orig_version}') else: raise e else: cls._URL_CACHE[str(version)] = response.url return (url, response) else: return (url, None) @classmethod def _prepare_tree(cls, path, cc, cross_compile, abi, build_conf, apply_overlays): logger = cls.get_logger() path = Path(path).resolve() def make(*targets): return _kbuild_make_cmd( path=path, targets=targets, cc=cc, make_vars=build_conf.get('make-variables', {}), ) def make_runner(cmd, allow_fail=False, **kwargs): def runner(amend_cmd=lambda cmd: cmd): _cmd = amend_cmd(cmd) try: return _subprocess_log( _cmd, logger=logger, level=logging.DEBUG, **kwargs, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if allow_fail: pretty_cmd = ' '.join(map(quote, map(str, cmd))) logger.debug(f'Failed to run command {pretty_cmd}: {e}') return '' else: raise e return runner def rewrite_runner(runner, amend_cmd): def new_runner(_amend_cmd=lambda cmd: cmd): __amend_cmd = lambda cmd: _amend_cmd(amend_cmd(cmd)) return runner(__amend_cmd) return new_runner # Since GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES is colon-separated, we cannot # accept colons in the path assert ':' not in str(path) cmds = ( # On non-host build env, we need to clean first, as binaries compiled # in e.g. scripts/ will probably not work inside the Alpine container, # since they would be linked against shared libraries on the host # system. # # On host build env, due to this bug: # # We need to get rid of vmlinux file in order to prevent the kernel # module build from generating split BTF information. # This issue should have been fixed by that patch, but requires # setting MODULE_ALLOW_BTF_MISMATCH=y which is not the default: # # # On top of that, a user-provided kernel tree with modules_prepare # already run would lead to not having e.g. some binaries stored in # the overlay. All would be well until the user does a manual # mrproper, at which point we are left hanging since we would hit # the cache, but would not be ready. "make modules" would probably # fix that but we could still have possibly issues with different # toolchains etc. ( lambda path: make_runner( ('git', '-c', 'core.checkStat=minimal', '-C', path, 'clean', '-fdx'), allow_fail=True, env={ **os.environ, # Make sure we don't accidentally end up acting on a # .git in e.g. $HOME if the kernel tree is not a git # repo. This is especially important as we are using # git clean. 'GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES': str(path), }, ), lambda path: make_runner(make('mrproper')), ), ( lambda path: make_runner(make('olddefconfig', 'modules_prepare')), ) ) def fixup_kernel_build_env(): # TODO: re-assess # The headers in /sys/kheaders.tar.xz generated by # CONFIG_IKHEADERS=y are broken since kernel/ strip # some comments from the file. KBuild then proceeds on checking the # checksum and the check fails. This used to be a simple warning, # but has now been turned into an error in recent kernels. # We remove the SHA1 from the file so that the check is skipped. with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): def join(lines): return b'\n'.join(lines) for _path in (path / 'include' / 'linux' / 'atomic').iterdir(): content = _path.read_bytes() lines = content.split(b'\n') i, last_line = [(i, line) for (i, line) in enumerate(lines) if line][-1] if lines and last_line.lstrip().startswith(b'//'): # Remove the last line, containing the sha1 without_sha1 = copy.copy(lines) del without_sha1[i] without_sha1 = join(without_sha1) sha1 = hashlib.sha1(without_sha1).hexdigest() # Update the sha1 updated = copy.copy(lines) updated[i] = b'// ' + sha1.encode('ascii') updated = join(updated) _path.write_bytes(updated) if build_conf['build-env'] == 'alpine': settings = build_conf['build-env-settings']['alpine'] version = settings.get('version', None) alpine_packages = settings.get('packages', None) make_vars = build_conf.get('make-variables', {}) overlay_backend = build_conf['overlay-backend'] @contextlib.contextmanager def cmd_cm(cmds): with _make_build_chroot(, cross_compile=cross_compile, abi=abi, bind_paths={path: path}, overlay_backend=overlay_backend, version=version, packages=alpine_packages, ) as chroot: yield [ [ rewrite_runner( make_runner(path), lambda cmd: _make_build_chroot_cmd(chroot, cmd) ) for make_runner in runners ] for runners in cmds ] else: @contextlib.contextmanager def cmd_cm(cmds): yield [ [ make_runner(path) for make_runner in runners ] for runners in cmds ] try: config_path = os.environ['KCONFIG_CONFIG'] except KeyError: config_path = '.config' config_path = Path(config_path) if not config_path.is_absolute(): config_path = path / config_path try: config_content = config_path.read_bytes() except FileNotFoundError: config_content = None with cmd_cm(cmds) as _cmds: pre, post = _cmds'Preparing kernel tree for modules') for runner in pre: runner() # Ensure the configuration is available under .config, so that we # can rely on that. Overlays can now be applied to override it if # they need to. KCONFIG_CONFIG is set in _process_make_vars() to # ".config" so that all make commands run with these settings. if config_content: (path / '.config').write_bytes(config_content) # Apply the overlays before running make, so that it sees the # correct headers and conf etc apply_overlays() fixup_kernel_build_env() for runner in post: runner() # Re-apply the overlays, since we could have overwritten important # things, such as include/linux/vermagic.h apply_overlays() fixup_kernel_build_env() @classmethod def _process_make_vars(cls, build_conf, abi, target=None): logger = cls.get_logger() env = { k: str(v) for k, v in ( (k, os.getenv(k)) for k in { 'CROSS_COMPILE', 'ARCH', 'KBUILD_MODPOST_WARN' } ) if v is not None } make_vars = { **env, **dict(build_conf.get('make-variables', {})) } make_vars = { str(k): str(v) for k, v in make_vars.items() } # Force the value of .config, and we ensure somewhere else that we will # end up with the correct configuration there. make_vars['KCONFIG_CONFIG'] = '.config' try: arch = make_vars['ARCH'] except KeyError: if abi: arch = _abi_to_kernel_arch(abi) else: raise ValueError('The ABI must be specified or the ARCH make variable') abi = abi or _kernel_arch_to_abi(arch) make_vars['ARCH'] = arch build_conf = build_conf.add_src( src='make-variables', conf={ 'make-variables': make_vars }, inplace=False, ) cc, cross_compile, cc_key = cls._resolve_toolchain(abi, build_conf, target=target) if 'clang' in and 'LLVM' not in make_vars: clang_version = _clang_version_static( llvm_version = f'-{clang_version}' if clang_version else '1' if build_conf['build-env'] == 'alpine': # TODO: Revisit: # We do not use llvm_version here as Alpine does not ship # multiple versions of e.g. lld, only multiple versions of # clang. Kbuild fails to find ld.lld-<llvm_version> since that # binary does not exist on Alpine. Same goes for other tools # like "ar" or "nm" llvm_version = '1' make_vars['LLVM'] = llvm_version # Turn errors into warnings by default, as this otherwise prevents the # builds when the list of kernel symbols is not available. if 'KBUILD_MODPOST_WARN' not in make_vars: make_vars['KBUILD_MODPOST_WARN'] = '1' # Ensure the make vars contain the chosen compiler explicitly. It will # then be re-filtered right before invoking make to remove CC=gcc as it # can confuse KBuild. make_vars['CC'] = str(cc) if cross_compile: make_vars['CROSS_COMPILE'] = cross_compile # LLVM=0 is treated the same way as LLVM=1 by Kbuild, so we need to # remove it. if make_vars.get('LLVM') == '0': del make_vars['LLVM'] # Some kernels have broken/old Kbuild that does not honor the LLVM=-N # suffixing, so force the suffixes ourselves. llvm = make_vars.get('LLVM') if llvm and llvm.startswith('-'): updated = { 'LD': f'ld.lld{llvm}', 'AR': f'llvm-ar{llvm}', 'NM': f'llvm-nm{llvm}', 'OBJCOPY': f'llvm-objcopy{llvm}', 'OBJDUMP': f'llvm-objdump{llvm}', 'READELF': f'llvm-readelf{llvm}', 'STRIP': f'llvm-strip{llvm}', } make_vars = {**updated, **make_vars} assert 'ARCH' in make_vars def log_fragment(var): val = make_vars.get(var) fragment = f'{var}={val}' if val is not None else '' return fragment variables = ', '.join(filter(bool, map(log_fragment, ('CC', 'CROSS_COMPILE', 'LLVM', 'ARCH'))))'Toolchain detected: {variables}') return (make_vars, cc, cross_compile, cc_key, abi) @classmethod def _make_toolchain_env(cls, toolchain_path=None, env=None): env = env or os.environ if toolchain_path is not None: path = env.get('PATH', '') env = { **env, 'PATH': ':'.join((toolchain_path, path)) } return {**os.environ, **env} @classmethod def _make_toolchain_env_from_conf(cls, build_conf, env=None): if build_conf['build-env'] == 'host': toolchain_path = build_conf['build-env-settings']['host'].get('toolchain-path') else: toolchain_path = None return cls._make_toolchain_env(toolchain_path, env=env) @classmethod def _check_cc_version(cls, cc, toolchain_path): if 'clang' in env = cls._make_toolchain_env(toolchain_path) try: major, *_ = _clang_version(cc, env=env) except ValueError: pass else: if major >= cls._MIN_CLANG_VERSION: return True else: return True return False @classmethod def _resolve_toolchain(cls, abi, build_conf, target=None): logger = cls.get_logger() env = cls._make_toolchain_env_from_conf(build_conf) def get_cross_compile_prio(cross_compile): # Android kernels are typically built with and android target # triplet. Failing to use the correct toolchain may result in # compilation errors such as non-recognized CLI options, even if # the toolchain binaries are the same. if target is not None and isinstance(, AndroidTarget): return 0 if 'android' in cross_compile else 1 else: return 0 def priority_to(cc): def prio(_cc, _cross_compile): cc_prio = 0 if cc in else 1 prio = ( cc_prio, get_cross_compile_prio(_cross_compile) ) return ( prio, prio == (0, 0) ) return prio def no_priority(): return lambda _cc, _cross_compile: (0, True) # If we can't get more precise info, select anything we can cc_priority = no_priority() if target: config = target.config.typed_config if config.get('CONFIG_CC_IS_GCC', False): cc_priority = priority_to('gcc') elif config.get('CONFIG_CC_IS_CLANG', False): clang_version = config.get('CONFIG_CLANG_VERSION', None) if clang_version is None: cc_priority = priority_to('clang') else: clang_version = clang_version // 10_000 is_host_env = build_conf['build-env'] == 'host' def version_key(version): return ( 0 if version >= clang_version else 1, # Try the versions closest to the one we # want abs(clang_version - version) ) def cc_priority(cc, cross_compile): def prio(cc): if 'clang' in version ='[0-9]+', if version is None: if is_host_env: try: version, *_ = _clang_version(cc, env=env) except ValueError: return (2,) else: return version_key(version) else: return (2,) else: version = int( return version_key(version) else: return (3,) prio = ( prio(cc), get_cross_compile_prio(cross_compile) ) return (prio, prio == ((0, 0), 0)) else: try: proc_version = target.read_value('/proc/version') except TargetStableError: pass else: proc_version = proc_version.lower() if 'gcc' in proc_version: cc_priority = priority_to('gcc') if 'clang' in proc_version: cc_priority = priority_to('clang') make_vars = build_conf.get('make-variables', {}) if abi == LISA_HOST_ABI: cross_compiles = [''] else: try: cross_compiles = [make_vars['CROSS_COMPILE']] except KeyError: try: cross_compiles = [os.environ['CROSS_COMPILE']] except KeyError: if abi == 'arm64': cross_compiles = ['aarch64-linux-gnu-', 'aarch64-none-elf-', 'aarch64-linux-android-', 'aarch64-none-linux-android-'] elif abi == 'armeabi': cross_compiles = ['arm-linux-gnueabi-', 'arm-none-eabi-', 'arm-none-linux-gnueabi-'] elif abi == 'x86': cross_compiles = ['i686-linux-gnu-'] else: cross_compiles = [''] logger.error(f'ABI {abi} not recognized, CROSS_COMPILE env var needs to be set') logger.debug(f'CROSS_COMPILE env var not set, assuming "{cross_compiles}"') cross_compiles = cross_compiles or [''] # The format of "ccs" dict is: # (CC=, CROSS_COMPILE=): <binary name> ccs = [ *( (Path(f'clang-{i}'), cross_compile) # Cover for the next 10 years starting from 2021 for i in reversed(range( cls._MIN_CLANG_VERSION, cls._MIN_CLANG_VERSION + 10 * 2 )) for cross_compile in cross_compiles ), *( (Path('clang'), cross_compile) for cross_compile in cross_compiles ), *( (Path('gcc'), cross_compile) for cross_compile in cross_compiles ), ] if 'CC' in make_vars: _cc = _make_vars_cc(make_vars) ccs = [ (_cc, cross_compile) for cross_compile in cross_compiles ] if 'LLVM' in make_vars: llvm = make_vars['LLVM'] _cc = _make_vars_cc(make_vars, 'clang') llvm_version = llvm if llvm.startswith('-') else None if == 'clang' and llvm_version: _cc = _cc.with_name(f'{}{llvm_version}') ccs = [ (_cc, cross_compile) for cross_compile in cross_compiles ] # Give priority for the toolchain the kernel seem to have been compiled # with def key(item): (cc, cross_compile) = item return cc_priority(cc, cross_compile) ccs = deduplicate(ccs, keep_last=False) ccs = sorted(ccs, key=key) cc = None cross_compile = None cc_key = None # Only run the check on host build env, as other build envs are # expected to be correctly configured. if build_conf['build-env'] == 'host': def cc_cmd(cc, cross_compile, opts): if 'gcc' in return (cc.with_name(f'{cross_compile}{cc}'), *opts) elif 'clang' in return (cc, *([f'--target={cross_compile}'] if cross_compile else []), *opts) else: raise ValueError(f'Cannot test presence of compiler "{cc}"') def test_cmd(cc, cross_compile): opts = ('-x' 'c', '-c', '-', '-o', '/dev/null') return cc_cmd(cc, cross_compile, opts) def version_cmd(cc, cross_compile): opts = ('--version',) return cc_cmd(cc, cross_compile, opts) toolchain_path = build_conf['build-env-settings']['host'].get('toolchain-path', None) for (cc, cross_compile) in ccs: cmd = test_cmd(cc, cross_compile) pretty_cmd = ' '.join(map(quote, map(str, cmd))) try: subprocess.check_output( cmd, # Most basic compiler input that will not do anything. input=b';', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.debug(f'Checking {cc} compiler: {pretty_cmd} failed with:\n{e.output.decode()}') continue except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.debug(f'Checking {cc} compiler: {e}') continue else: if cls._check_cc_version(cc, toolchain_path): cc_key = subprocess.check_output( version_cmd(cc, cross_compile), env=env, ) break else: cross = ' or '.join( f'CROSS_COMPILE={cross_compile}' for cross_compile in cross_compiles ) cc = _make_vars_cc(make_vars, None) with_cc = f' with CC={cc}' if cc else '' raise ValueError(f'Could not find a working toolchain for {cross}{with_cc}') elif build_conf['build-env'] == 'alpine': alpine_version = build_conf._get_alpine_version() if ccs: for (cc, cross_compile) in ccs: try: _find_alpine_cc_packages( # We check against the package list for the host # ABI, assuming we will not need emulation to run # the toolchain. abi=LISA_HOST_ABI, version=tuple(alpine_version),, cross_compile=cross_compile, ) except ValueError: pass else: break else: ccs, *_ = zip(*ccs) ccs = ', '.join(map(str, sorted(ccs))) alpine_version = '.'.join(map(str, alpine_version)) raise ValueError(f'None of the considered toolchains are available on Alpine Linux v{alpine_version}: {ccs}') if cc is None: raise ValueError(f'Could not detect which compiler to use for CC') if cross_compile is None: raise ValueError(f'Could not detect which CROSS_COMPILE value to use') ideal_cc, ideal_cross_compile = ccs[0] cc_is_perfect = cc_priority(cc, cross_compile)[1] if str(cc) != str(ideal_cc) or ideal_cross_compile != cross_compile or not cc_is_perfect: logger.warning(f'Could not find ideal CC={ideal_cc} and CROSS_COMPILE={ideal_cross_compile} but found CC={cc} and CROSS_COMPILE={cross_compile} instead. Results may vary from working fine to crashing the kernel') return (cc, cross_compile, cc_key) @classmethod @SerializeViaConstructor.constructor def from_target(cls, target, tree_path=None, cache=True, build_conf=None): """ Build the tree from the given :class:``. This will try multiple strategies in order to get the best kernel tree possible given the input: * Using ``/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build`` path. This is limited by a number of factor since that tree is usually incomplete and can have symlinks pointing outside of it, making it unusable for bind mounts. * Using either a source tree or a tarball matching kernel version (downloaded automatically). * The source tree as above, plus ``/sys/kheaders.tar.xz`` and ``/proc/config.gz``. This is the method that is the most likely to lead to a working kernel module as it allows precisely matching the vermagic. It will require the following configs: .. code-block:: sh # For /sys/kheaders.tar.xz CONFIG_IKHEADERS=y # For /proc/config.gz CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y :param target: Target to use. :type target: :param tree_path: If provided, a path to a kernel tree. If not given, other places will be tried (like /lib/modules if possible, or downloading a tarball from for the matching version.) :type tree_path: str or None :param cache: If ``True``, will attempt to cache intermediate steps. :type cache: bool :param build_conf: See :class:`lisa._kmod._KernelBuildEnv`. :type build_conf: str or None """ plat_info = target.plat_info abi = plat_info['abi'] kernel_info = plat_info['kernel'] build_conf, cc, cross_compile, cc_key, _abi = cls._resolve_conf(build_conf, abi=abi, target=target) assert _abi == abi @contextlib.contextmanager def from_installed_headers(): """ Get the kernel tree from /lib/modules """ if build_conf['build-env'] == 'alpine': raise ValueError(f'Building from /lib/modules is not supported with the Alpine build environment as /lib/modules might not be self contained (i.e. symlinks pointing outside)') else: if isinstance(target.conn, LocalConnection): # We could use this instead, except that Ubuntu does not have # /proc/config.gz, so that is a bit more "reliable" # target.plat_info['kernel']['config']['CONFIG_CC_VERSION_TEXT'] with open('/proc/version', 'r') as f: proc_version = # If the compiler used to build the kernel is different from the # one we selected, we unfortunately cannot use the installed # headers under /lib/modules, since we won't be able to re-run # modules_prepare (unless we make a copy, resolving all # symlinks in passing). if in proc_version: uname_r = target.execute('uname -r').strip() target_path = Path('/lib', 'modules', uname_r, 'build') # On a local connection, we can just directly yield the path # directly rather than make a copy, as it will not be written to. if target_path.is_dir(): # Unfortunately, we cannot use cls.from_overlays() and # re-run modules_prepare, as some distro such as Ubuntu # create build folders full of relative symlinks # pointing outside of it, which renders it unusable in # an overlay. Without the overlay, we cannot modify # anything since the folder is owned by an apt package. yield dict( path=target_path, # Since we basically know it's the distro kernel, # we can cache the result checksum=hashlib.sha256( f'distro-kernel-{uname_r}'.encode() ).hexdigest() ) else: raise ValueError(f'{target_path} is not a folder') else: raise ValueError(f'The chosen compiler ({cc}) is different from the one used to build the kernel ({proc_version}), /lib/modules/ tree will not be used') else: raise ValueError(f'Building from /lib/modules/.../build/ is only supported for local targets') @contextlib.contextmanager def _from_target_sources(pull, **kwargs): """ Overlay some content taken from the target on the user tree, such as /proc/config.gz """ version = kernel_info['version'] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp: temp = Path(temp) overlays = pull(target, temp) with cls.from_overlays( version=version, overlays=overlays, cache=cache, tree_path=tree_path, build_conf=build_conf, **kwargs, ) as tree: yield tree._to_spec() def missing_configs(configs): configs = ' and '.join( f'{conf}=y' for conf in configs ) return ValueError(f'Needs {configs}') def from_sysfs_headers(): """ From /sys/kernel/kheaders.tar.xz and /proc/config.gz """ def pull(target, temp): try: target.cached_pull('/proc/config.gz', str(temp), as_root=True) except Exception: raise missing_configs(('CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC',)) try: target.cached_pull('/sys/kernel/kheaders.tar.xz', str(temp), via_temp=True, as_root=True) except Exception: raise missing_configs(('CONFIG_IKHEADERS',)) return { # We can use .config as we control KCONFIG_CONFIG in _process_make_vars() FileOverlay.from_path(temp / 'config.gz', decompress=True): '.config', TarOverlay.from_path(temp / 'kheaders.tar.xz'): '.', } return _from_target_sources(pull) def from_proc_config(): """ From /proc/config.gz """ def pull(target, temp): try: target.cached_pull('/proc/config.gz', str(temp), as_root=True) except Exception: raise missing_configs(('CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC',)) return { # We can use .config as we control KCONFIG_CONFIG in _process_make_vars() FileOverlay.from_path(temp / 'config.gz', decompress=True): '.config', } return _from_target_sources(pull) @contextlib.contextmanager def from_user_tree(): """ Purely from the tree passed by the user. """ if tree_path is None: raise ValueError('Use tree_path != None to build from a user-provided tree') else: # We still need to run make modules_prepare on the provided # tree with cls.from_overlays( tree_path=tree_path, version=kernel_info['version'], cache=cache, build_conf=build_conf, ) as tree: yield tree._to_spec() @contextlib.contextmanager def try_loaders(loaders): logger = cls.get_logger() exceps = [] for loader in loaders: logger.debug(f'Trying to load kernel tree using loader {loader.__name__} ...') try: cm = loader() spec = cm.__enter__() except Exception as e: logger.debug(f'Failed to load kernel tree using loader {loader.__name__}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}') exceps.append((loader, e)) else: logger.debug(f'Loaded kernel tree using loader {loader.__name__}') try: yield spec except Exception as e: cm.__exit__(type(e), e, e.__traceback__) raise else: cm.__exit__(None, None, None) return excep_str = "\n".join( f"{loader.__name__}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}" for loader, e in exceps ) raise ValueError(f'Could not load kernel trees:\n{excep_str}') # Try these loaders in the given order, until one succeeds loaders = [from_installed_headers, from_sysfs_headers, from_proc_config, from_user_tree] return cls( path_cm=functools.partial(try_loaders, loaders), build_conf=build_conf, target=target, ) @classmethod @SerializeViaConstructor.constructor def from_path(cls, path, cache=True, build_conf=None): """ Build a tree from the given ``path`` to sources. """ return cls.from_overlays( tree_path=path, cache=cache, build_conf=build_conf, ) @classmethod @SerializeViaConstructor.constructor def from_overlays(cls, version=None, tree_path=None, overlays=None, cache=True, build_conf=None): """ Build a tree from the given overlays, to be applied on a source tree. :param version: Version of the kernel to be used. :type version: or str :param overlays: List of overlays to apply on the tree. :type overlays: list(OverlayResource) """ logger = cls.get_logger() overlays = overlays or {} build_conf, cc, cross_compile, cc_key, abi = cls._resolve_conf(build_conf) def copy_filter(src, dst, remove_obj=False): return not ( (remove_obj and (src.suffix == '.o')) or any( # Skip some folders that are useless to build a kernel # module. == '.git' for path in src.parents ) ) def apply_overlays(path): for overlay, dst in overlays.items(): logger.debug(f'Unpacking overlay {overlay} -> {dst}') overlay.write_to(os.path.join(path, dst)) def prepare_overlay(path): cls._prepare_tree( path, cc=cc, cross_compile=cross_compile, abi=abi, build_conf=build_conf, apply_overlays=functools.partial(apply_overlays, path), ) @contextlib.contextmanager def overlay_cm(args): base_path, tree_key = args base_path = Path(base_path).resolve() overlay_backend = build_conf['overlay-backend'] if cache and tree_key is not None: # Compute a unique token for the overlay. It includes: # * The hash of all overlays resources. It should be # relatively inexpensive to compute, as most overlays are # pretty small. # * The key that comes with the tree passed as base_path, if it # comes from a reliably read-only source. # * The build environment # * All the variables passed to "make". This is very important # as things such as a toolchain change can make a kernel tree # unsuitable for compiling a module. key = ( sorted( overlay._get_key() for overlay, dst in overlays.items() ) + [ tree_key, str(cc_key), build_conf._get_key(), ] ) def populate(key, path): # Prepare the overlay separately from the final # overlayfs mount point, so that we never end up # sharing the same upper between 2 mounts, which is not # allowed by the kernel. with _overlay_folders( lowers=[base_path], upper=path, backend=overlay_backend, copy_filter=functools.partial(copy_filter, remove_obj=True) ) as path: prepare_overlay(path) dir_cache = DirCache( category='kernels_overlays', populate=populate, ) cache_path = dir_cache.get_entry(key) with _overlay_folders([base_path, cache_path], backend=overlay_backend, copy_filter=copy_filter) as path: yield dict( path=path, checksum=dir_cache.get_key_token(key), ) else: with _overlay_folders([base_path], backend=overlay_backend, copy_filter=copy_filter) as path: prepare_overlay(path) yield dict( path=path, checksum=None, ) if not (version is None or isinstance(version, KernelVersion)): version = KernelVersion(version) @contextlib.contextmanager def tree_cm(): if tree_path: logger.debug(f'Using provided kernel tree at: {tree_path}') try: repo_root = git.find_root(tree_path) sha1 = git.get_sha1(tree_path) patch = git.get_uncommited_patch(tree_path) except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): key = None else: if repo_root.resolve() == Path(tree_path).resolve(): patch_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(patch.encode()).hexdigest() key = f'{sha1}-{patch_sha1}' else: key = None yield (tree_path, key) elif version is None: raise ValueError('Kernel version is required in order to download the kernel sources') elif cache: dir_cache = DirCache( category='kernels', populate=lambda url, path: cls._make_tree(version, path), ) url = cls._get_url(version) # Assume that the URL will always provide the same tarball yield ( dir_cache.get_entry(url), url, ) else: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as path: yield ( cls._make_tree(version, path), version, ) cm = chain_cm(overlay_cm, tree_cm) return cls( path_cm=cm, build_conf=build_conf, ) @classmethod def _make_tree(cls, version, path): response = cls._open_url(version) filename = _url_path(response.url).name tar_path = os.path.join(path, filename) extract_folder = os.path.join(path, 'extract') # Unfortunately we can't feed url_f directly to tarfile as it needs to # seek() try: with response as url_f, open(tar_path, 'wb') as tar_f: shutil.copyfileobj(url_f, tar_f) with as tar: # Account for a top-level folder in the archive prefix = os.path.commonpath( member.path for member in tar.getmembers() ) tar.extractall(extract_folder) except Exception: with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): shutil.rmtree(extract_folder, ignore_errors=True) raise finally: with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(tar_path) return os.path.join(extract_folder, prefix)
[docs] class KmodSrc(Loggable): """ Sources of a kernel module. :param src: Mapping of source path to file content. :type src: dict(str, str) :param name: If provided, sets the name of the module. If ``None``, a name will be created using a checksum of the sources. :type name: str or None """ def __init__(self, src, name=None): def encode(x): if isinstance(x, str): return x.encode('utf-8') else: return x self.src = { name: encode(content) for name, content in src.items() } self._mod_name = name self.logger.debug(f'Created {self.__class__.__qualname__} with name {self._mod_name} and sources: {", ".join(self.src.keys())}') @property def code_files(self): return { name: content for name, content in self.src.items() if name.endswith('.c') or name.endswith('.h') } @property def c_files(self): return { name: content for name, content in self.src.items() if name.endswith('.c') } @property @memoized def checksum(self): """ Checksum of the module's sources & Makefile. """ def checksum(content): m = hashlib.sha1() content = content if isinstance(content, bytes) else content.encode('utf-8') m.update(content) return m.hexdigest() content = sorted( (checksum(content), name) for name, content in self.src.items() ) # Recreate the output of sha1sum over multiple files, and checksum # that. content = '\n'.join( f'{csum} ./{name}' for csum, name in content ) + '\n' return checksum(content) @property @memoized def mod_name(self): """ Name of the module. """ if self._mod_name: return self._mod_name else: # Kernel macro MODULE_NAME_LEN max_size = 64 - 8 - 1 return f'lisa-{self.checksum}'[:max_size] @property @memoized def makefile(self): try: return self.src['Kbuild'] except KeyError: try: return self.src['Makefile'] except KeyError: name = self.mod_name return '\n'.join(( f'obj-m := {name}.o', f'{name}-y := ' + ' '.join( f'{Path(filename).stem}.o' for filename in sorted(self.c_files.keys()) ) )).encode('utf-8')
[docs] def compile(self, kernel_build_env, make_vars=None): """ Compile the module and returns the ``bytestring`` content of the ``.ko`` file. :param kernel_build_env: kernel build env to build the module against. :type kernel_build_env: _KernelBuildEnv :param make_vars: Variables passed on ``make`` command line. This can be used for variables only impacting the module, otherwise it's better to set them when creating the ``kernel_build_env``. :type make_vars: dict(str, object) or None """ make_vars = { **kernel_build_env.conf.get('make-variables', {}), **(make_vars or {}), } cc = cross_compile = kernel_build_env.cross_compile abi = kernel_build_env.abi tree_path = Path(kernel_build_env.path) # "inherit" the build env from the _KernelBuildEnv as we must use the same # environment as what was used for "make modules_prepare" build_conf = kernel_build_env.conf bind_paths = {tree_path: tree_path} logger = self.logger def populate_mod(path): mod_path = Path(path) src = { **self.src, 'Kbuild': self.makefile, } for name, content in src.items(): file_path = mod_path / name file_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(content) def make_cmd(tree_path, mod_path, make_vars): make_vars = { **make_vars, **dict( M=mod_path, LISA_KMOD_NAME=self.mod_name, KERNEL_SRC=tree_path, MODULE_SRC=mod_path, MODULE_OBJ=mod_path, ) } return _kbuild_make_cmd( cc=cc, path=tree_path, targets=['modules'], make_vars=make_vars, ) return cmd def find_mod_file(path): filenames = glob.glob(str(path.resolve() / '*.ko')) if not filenames: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find .ko file in {path}') elif len(filenames) > 1: raise ValueError(f'Found more than one .ko file in {path}: {filenames}') else: return filenames[0] if build_conf['build-env'] == 'alpine': settings = build_conf['build-env-settings']['alpine'] alpine_version = settings.get('version', None) alpine_packages = settings.get('packages', None) @contextlib.contextmanager def cmd_cm(): with _make_build_chroot(, cross_compile=cross_compile, bind_paths=bind_paths, abi=abi, overlay_backend=build_conf['overlay-backend'], version=alpine_version, packages=alpine_packages, ) as chroot: # Do not use a CM here to avoid choking on permission # issues. Since the chroot itself will be entirely # removed it's not a problem. mod_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=chroot / 'tmp')) cmd = make_cmd( tree_path=tree_path, mod_path=f'/{mod_path.relative_to(chroot)}', make_vars=make_vars, ) yield (mod_path, _make_build_chroot_cmd(chroot, cmd), {}) else: @contextlib.contextmanager def cmd_cm(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as mod_path: cmd = make_cmd( tree_path=tree_path, mod_path=mod_path, make_vars=make_vars, ) env = _KernelBuildEnv._make_toolchain_env_from_conf(build_conf, env={'PATH': HOST_PATH}) yield (mod_path, cmd, {'PATH': env['PATH']}) with cmd_cm() as (mod_path, cmd, env): mod_path = Path(mod_path) populate_mod(mod_path)'Compiling kernel module {self.mod_name}') _subprocess_log(cmd, logger=logger, level=logging.DEBUG, extra_env=env) mod_file = find_mod_file(mod_path) with open(mod_file, 'rb') as f: return
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path, extra=None, **kwargs): """ Build an instance from the path to the sources. :param extra: Extra sources to use, same as ``src`` parameter :class:`lisa._kmod.KmodSrc`. :type extra: dict(str, str) """ def get_files(root, dirs, files): root = Path(root) if == '__pycache__': return else: for f in files: yield (root / f) path = Path(path).resolve() src = { str(f.relative_to(path)): f.read_bytes() for files in itertools.starmap(get_files, os.walk(path)) for f in files } src.update(extra or {}) return cls(src=src, **kwargs)
[docs] class CannotLoadModuleError(Exception): """ Raised when a kernel module cannot be loaded (or will not be loaded because of nasty side effects). """
[docs] class DynamicKmod(Loggable): """ Dynamic kernel module that can be compiled on the go by LISA. :param target: Target that will be used to load the module. :type target: :param src: Sources of the module. :type src: lisa._kmod.KmodSrc :param kernel_build_env: Kernel source tree to use to build the module against. :type kernel_build_env: lisa._kmod._KernelBuildEnv """ def __init__(self, target, src, kernel_build_env=None): = target if not isinstance(kernel_build_env, _KernelBuildEnv): kernel_build_env = _KernelBuildEnv.from_target(, tree_path=kernel_build_env, ) self._kernel_build_env = kernel_build_env mod_name = src.mod_name logger = self.logger overlays = kernel_build_env.conf.get('modules', {}).get(mod_name, {}).get('overlays', {}) def apply_overlay(src, name, overlay): try: content = src.src[name] except KeyError: pass else: logger.debug(f'Applying patch to module {mod_name}, file {name}: {overlay}') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=name) as f: path = Path( path.write_bytes(content) overlay.write_to(path) src.src[name] = path.read_bytes() src = copy.deepcopy(src) if overlays: for name, overlay in overlays.items(): apply_overlay(src, name, overlay) self.src = src @property def mod_name(self): return self.src.mod_name
[docs] @classmethod def from_target(cls, target, **kwargs): """ Build a module from the given target. Use this constructor on subclasses rather than making assumptions on the signature of the class. :Variable keyword arguments: Forwarded to ``__init__``. """ return cls(target=target, **kwargs)
@property @memoized def kernel_build_env(self): tree = self._kernel_build_env arch = _abi_to_kernel_arch(['abi'] ) tree_arch = tree.conf['make-variables']['ARCH'] if tree_arch != arch: raise ValueError(f'The kernel build env ({tree_arch}) was not prepared for the same architecture as the target ({arch}). Please set ARCH={arch} make variable.') else: return tree @property def _compile_needs_root(self): tree = self.kernel_build_env return ( tree.conf['build-env'] != 'host' or tree.conf['overlay-backend'] == 'overlayfs' ) # Dummy memoized wrapper. The only reason we need one is that _do_compile() # needs to be pickleable to be sent to a multiprocessing Process, so it # cannot be overriden by a wrapper def _compile(self, make_vars=None): make_vars = make_vars or {} return self._memoized_compile(make_vars=tuple(sorted(make_vars.items()))) @memoized def _memoized_compile(self, make_vars): make_vars = dict(make_vars) compile_ = self._do_compile.__func__ if self._compile_needs_root: compile_ = ensure_root(compile_, inline=True) bin_, spec = compile_(self, make_vars=make_vars) # Get back _KernelBuildEnv._to_spec() and update the _KernelBuildEnv we have in # this process with it to remember the checksum, in case ensure_root() # spawned a new process. This is then used by Target.get_kmod() that # will reinject the known spec when creating new modules from the # default _KernelBuildEnv self.kernel_build_env._update_spec(spec) return bin_ def _do_compile(self, make_vars=None): kernel_build_env = self.kernel_build_env extra_make_vars = make_vars or {} all_make_vars = { **kernel_build_env.conf.get('make-variables', {}), **extra_make_vars, } src = self.src def get_key(kernel_build_env): kernel_checksum = kernel_build_env.checksum if kernel_checksum is None: raise ValueError('kernel build env has no checksum') else: key = ( kernel_checksum, kernel_build_env._get_key_for_kmod(self), src.checksum, all_make_vars, ) return key def get_bin(kernel_build_env): return src.compile( kernel_build_env=kernel_build_env, make_vars=extra_make_vars, ) def lookup_cache(kernel_build_env, key, enter_cm=False): cm = kernel_build_env if enter_cm else nullcontext(kernel_build_env) def populate(key, path): with cm as kernel_build_env: with open(path / 'mod.ko', 'wb') as f: f.write(get_bin(kernel_build_env)) dir_cache = DirCache( category='kernel_modules', populate=populate, ) cache_path = dir_cache.get_entry(key) with open(cache_path / 'mod.ko', 'rb') as f: return # First try on the "bare" kernel build env, i.e. before calling __enter__(). # If this happens to have enough information to hit the cache, we just # avoided a possibly costly setup of compilation environment try: key = get_key(kernel_build_env) except ValueError: with kernel_build_env as kernel_build_env: if kernel_build_env.checksum is None: # Only cache the module if the kernel build env has a defined # checksum, which is not always the case when it's not # coming from a controlled source that is guaranteed to be # immutable. bin_ = get_bin(kernel_build_env) else: key = get_key(kernel_build_env) bin_ = lookup_cache(kernel_build_env, key) else: bin_ = lookup_cache(kernel_build_env, key, enter_cm=True) return (bin_, kernel_build_env._to_spec())
[docs] def install(self, kmod_params=None): """ Install and load the module on the target. :param kmod_params: Parameters to pass to the module via ``insmod``. Non-string iterable values will be turned into a comma-separated string following the ``module_param_array()`` kernel API syntax. :type kmod_params: dict(str, object) or None """ target = def target_mktemp(): return target.execute( f'mktemp -p {quote(target.working_directory)}' ).strip() @contextlib.contextmanager def kmod_cm(): content = self._compile() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', suffix='.ko') as f: f.write(content) f.flush() target_temp = Path(target_mktemp()) host_temp = Path( try: target.push(str(host_temp), str(target_temp)) yield target_temp finally: target.remove(str(target_temp)) return self._install(kmod_cm(), kmod_params=kmod_params)
def _install(self, kmod_cm, kmod_params): # Avoid circular import from lisa.trace import DmesgCollector def make_str(x): if isinstance(x, str): return x elif isinstance(x, return ','.join(map(make_str, x)) else: return str(x) def log_dmesg(coll, log): if coll: name = self.mod_name dmesg_entries = [ entry for entry in coll.entries if entry.msg.startswith(name) ] if dmesg_entries: sep = '\n ' dmesg = sep.join(map(str, dmesg_entries)) log(f'{name} kernel module dmesg output:{sep}{dmesg}') logger = self.logger target = kmod_params = kmod_params or {} params = ' '.join( f'{quote(k)}={quote(make_str(v))}' for k, v in sorted( kmod_params.items(), key=itemgetter(0), ) ) try: self.uninstall() except Exception: pass with kmod_cm as ko_path, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as dmesg_out: dmesg_coll = ignore_exceps( Exception, DmesgCollector(target,, lambda when, cm, excep: logger.error(f'Encounted exceptions while {when}ing dmesg collector: {excep}') ) try: with dmesg_coll as dmesg_coll: target.execute(f'{quote(target.busybox)} insmod {quote(str(ko_path))} {params}', as_root=True) except Exception as e: log_dmesg(dmesg_coll, logger.error) if isinstance(e, TargetStableCalledProcessError) and e.returncode == errno.EPROTO: raise KmodVersionError('In-tree module version does not match what LISA expects. If the module was pre-installed on the target, please contact the 3rd party that shared this setup to you as they took responsibility for maintaining it. This setup is available but unsupported (see online documenation)') else: raise else: log_dmesg(dmesg_coll, logger.debug)
[docs] def uninstall(self): """ Unload the module from the target. """ mod = quote(self.mod_name) execute = try: execute(f'rmmod {mod}') except TargetStableError: execute(f'rmmod -f {mod}')
[docs] @destroyablecontextmanager def run(self, **kwargs): """ Context manager used to run the module by loading it then unloading it. :Variable keyword arguments: Forwarded to :meth:`install`. """ try: self.uninstall() except Exception: pass x = self.install(**kwargs) try: yield x except ContextManagerExit: self.uninstall()
[docs] class FtraceDynamicKmod(DynamicKmod): """ Dynamic module providing some custom ftrace events. """ def _get_symbols(self, section=None): content = self._compile() elf = ELFFile(BytesIO(content)) if section: section_idx = { idx for idx, s in enumerate(elf.iter_sections()) } idx = section_idx[section] predicate = lambda s: s.entry['st_shndx'] == idx else: predicate = lambda s: True symtab = elf.get_section_by_name('.symtab') return sorted( for s in symtab.iter_symbols() if predicate(s) ) @property @memoized def defined_events(self): """ Ftrace events defined in that module. """ def parse(name): return re.match(r'__event_(.*)', name) events = set( for m in map( parse, self._get_symbols('_ftrace_events') ) if m ) # Ensure that the possible_events() implementation is indeed a superset # of the events actually defined. assert set(self.possible_events) >= events return sorted(events) @property @memoized def possible_events(self): """ Ftrace events possibly defined in that module. Note that this is based on crude source code analysis so it's expected to be a superset of the actually defined events. """ decomment = re.compile(rb'^.*//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/', flags=re.MULTILINE) # We match trace_lisa__XXX tokens, as these are the events that are # actually used inside the module. find_event = re.compile(rb'\btrace_(lisa__.*?)\b') def find_events(code): code = decomment.sub(b'', code) return map(bytes.decode, find_event.findall(code)) return sorted({ possible_event for code in self.src.code_files.values() for possible_event in find_events(code) })
[docs] class LISADynamicKmod(FtraceDynamicKmod): """ Module providing ftrace events used in various places by :mod:`lisa`. The kernel must be compiled with the following options in order for the module to be created successfully: .. code-block:: sh CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF=y CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_REDUCED=n """
[docs] @classmethod def from_target(cls, target, **kwargs): mod_name = 'lisa' extra = {} path = Path(ASSETS_PATH) / 'kmodules' / 'lisa' btf_path = '/sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: try: target.cached_pull(btf_path,, via_temp=True, as_root=True) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not find {btf_path} on the target. Ensure you compiled your kernel using CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF=y CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_REDUCED=n') with open(, 'rb') as f: btf = extra['vmlinux'] = btf try: # Ensure addresses are real, since we will use them in a linker script with target.batch_revertable_write_value(( dict(path='/proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict', value='0'), dict(path='/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid', value='-1'), )): kallsyms = target.read_value('/proc/kallsyms') except TargetStableError: kallsyms = [] else: kallsyms = parse_kallsyms(kallsyms) def sym_mod(module): if module: return f'\t[{module}]' else: return '' # Sort and filter kallsyms so that we have a stable content usable as a # cache key kallsyms = '\n'.join( f'{addr:x}\t{symtype}\t{name}{sym_mod(module)}' for (addr, name, symtype, module) in kallsyms # If the symbol is part of a module, it must be ignored, as some # symbols are duplicated in each module (e.g. __this_module), and # would conflict with the ones defined for the LISA module. if not module ) + '\n' kallsyms = kallsyms.encode('utf-8') extra['kallsyms'] = kallsyms logger = cls.get_logger() if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): extra_checksum = ', '.join( f'{name}={checksum(io.BytesIO(content), method="md5")}' for name, content in sorted(extra.items()) ) logger.debug(f'Variable sources checksum of the {cls.__qualname__} module: {extra_checksum}') src = KmodSrc.from_path(path, extra=extra, name=mod_name) return cls( target=target, src=src, **kwargs, )
def _event_features(self, events): all_events = self.defined_events return set( f'event__{event}' for pattern in events for event in fnmatch.filter(all_events, pattern) )
[docs] def install(self, kmod_params=None): target = logger = self.logger busybox = quote(target.busybox) def guess_kmod_path(): modules_path_base = '/lib/modules' modules_version = target.kernel_version.release if target.os == 'android': modules_path_base = f'/vendor_dlkm{modules_path_base}' # Hack for GKI modules where the path might not match the kernel's # uname -r try: modules_version = Path(target.execute( f"{busybox} find {modules_path_base} -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 | {busybox} head -1" ).strip()).name except TargetStableCalledProcessError: pass base_path = f"{modules_path_base}/{modules_version}" return (base_path, f"{self.mod_name}.ko") kmod_params = kmod_params or {} kmod_params['version'] = self.src.checksum base_path, kmod_filename = guess_kmod_path() logger.debug(f'Looking for pre-installed {kmod_filename} module in {base_path}') super_ = super() def preinstalled_broken(e): logger.debug(f'Pre-installed {kmod_filename} is unsuitable, recompiling: {e}') return super_.install(kmod_params=kmod_params) try: kmod_path = target.execute( f"{busybox} find {base_path} -name {quote(kmod_filename)}" ).strip() except TargetStableCalledProcessError as e: ret = preinstalled_broken(e) else: if kmod_path: if len(kmod_path.splitlines()) > 1: ret = preinstalled_broken(FileNotFoundError(kmod_filename)) else: @contextlib.contextmanager def kmod_cm(): yield kmod_path try: ret = self._install(kmod_cm(), kmod_params=kmod_params) except (TargetStableCalledProcessError, KmodVersionError) as e: ret = preinstalled_broken(e) else: logger.warning(f'Loaded "{self.mod_name}" module from pre-installed location: {kmod_path}. This implies that the module was compiled by a 3rd party, which is available but unsupported. If you experience issues related to module version mismatch in the future, please contact them for updating the module. This may break at any time, without notice, and regardless of the general backward compatibility policy of LISA.') else: ret = preinstalled_broken(FileNotFoundError(kmod_filename)) return ret
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