Source code for lisa._generic

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Generic types inspired by the :mod:`typing` module.

import functools
import inspect
import typing
from typing import Any, Union, Generic, TypeVar
import typeguard
from import Iterable

from lisa.utils import get_cls_name

class _TypeguardCustom:
    _HINT = Any

    def _instancecheck(cls, value):

    def _typeguard_checker(cls, value, origin_type, args, memo):
        typeguard.check_type_internal(value, cls._HINT, memo)

        except TypeError as e:
            raise typeguard.TypeCheckError(str(e))

def _typeguard_lookup(origin_type, args, extras):
        issub =  issubclass(origin_type, _TypeguardCustom)
    except Exception:
        issub = False

    if issub:
        return origin_type._typeguard_checker
        return None


[docs] def check_type(x, classinfo): """ Equivalent of ``isinstance()`` that will also work with typing hints. """ if isinstance(classinfo, Iterable): typ = Union[tuple(classinfo)] else: typ = classinfo try: typeguard.check_type( value=x, expected_type=typ, forward_ref_policy=typeguard.ForwardRefPolicy.ERROR, collection_check_strategy=typeguard.CollectionCheckStrategy.ALL_ITEMS, ) except typeguard.TypeCheckError as e: raise TypeError(str(e))
[docs] def is_instance(obj, classinfo): """ Same as builtin ``isinstance()`` but works with type hints. """ try: check_type(obj, classinfo) except TypeError: return False else: return True
[docs] def is_hint(obj): """ Heuristic to check if a given ``obj`` is a typing hint or anything else. This function will return ``False`` for classes. .. warning:: Since there is currently no way to identify hints for sure, the check might return ``False`` even if it is a hint. """ module = getattr(obj, '__module__', None) # This is a class, so cannot be a hint. if isinstance(obj, type): return issubclass(obj, _TypeguardCustom) elif module in ('typing', 'typing_extensions'): return True else: return False
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None, typed=True) def hint_to_class(hint): """ Convert a typing hint to a class that will do a runtime check against the hint when ``isinstance()`` is used. """ class Meta(type): def __instancecheck__(cls, instance): return is_instance(instance, hint) class Stub(metaclass=Meta): pass name = get_cls_name(hint).split('.', 1) try: name = name[1] except IndexError: name = name[0] Stub.__qualname__ = name Stub.__name__ = name.split('.')[-1] return Stub
T = TypeVar('T')
[docs] class SortedSequence(Generic[T], _TypeguardCustom): """ Same as :class:`typing.List` but enforces sorted values when runtime checked using :mod:`typeguard`. """ _HINT = typing.Sequence[T] @classmethod def _instancecheck(cls, value): for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(value, value[1:])): if x > y: raise TypeError(f'Item #{i} "{x}" is higher than the next item "{y}", but the list must be sorted')