Source code for lisa._doc.helpers

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2019, ARM Limited and contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import io
import contextlib
import subprocess
import inspect
import itertools
import functools
import re
import types
import abc
import warnings
from import Mapping
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from operator import itemgetter
import collections
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from textwrap import dedent

from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import flag
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.statemachine import ViewList

from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import exclude_members_option

import lisa
import lisa.analysis
from lisa.analysis.base import AnalysisHelpers, TraceAnalysisBase, measure_time
from lisa.utils import get_subclasses, import_all_submodules, DEPRECATED_MAP, get_sphinx_name, groupby, get_short_doc, order_as, is_link_dead
from lisa.trace import TraceEventCheckerBase
from lisa.conf import KeyDesc, SimpleMultiSrcConf, TopLevelKeyDesc
from lisa.version import format_version
import lisa._git

[docs] class RecursiveDirective(Directive): """ Base class helping nested parsing. Options: * ``literal``: If set, a literal block will be used, otherwise the text will be interpreted as reStructuredText. """ option_spec = { 'literal': flag, }
[docs] def parse_nested(self, txt, source=None): """ Parse text as reStructuredText if the ``literal`` option is not set. Otherwise, interpret the text as a line block. """ if 'literal' in self.options: node = nodes.literal_block(txt, txt, classes=[]) # Avoid syntax highlight node['language'] = 'text' return [node] else: txt = ViewList(txt.splitlines(), source) node = nodes.Element() nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, txt, node) return node.children
[docs] class ExecDirective(RecursiveDirective): """ reStructuredText directive to execute the specified python code and insert the output into the document:: .. exec:: import sys print(sys.version) Options: * ``literal``: If set, a literal block will be used, otherwise the text will be interpreted as reStructuredText. """ has_content = True
[docs] def run(self): stdout = io.StringIO() code = '\n'.join(self.content) code = dedent(code) with contextlib.redirect_stdout(stdout): exec(code, {}) out = stdout.getvalue() return self.parse_nested(out)
directives.register_directive('exec', ExecDirective)
[docs] class RunCommandDirective(RecursiveDirective): """ reStructuredText directive to execute the specified command and insert the output into the document:: .. run-command:: :capture-stderr: :ignore-error: :literal: exekall --help Options: * ``literal``: If set, a literal block will be used, otherwise the text will be interpreted as reStructuredText. * ``capture-stderr``: If set, stderr will be captured in addition to stdout. * ``ignore-error``: The return status of the command will be ignored. Otherwise, it will raise an exception and building the documentation will fail. """ has_content = True option_spec = { 'ignore-error': flag, 'capture-stderr': flag, 'literal': flag, }
[docs] def run(self): options = self.options if 'capture-stderr' in options: stderr = subprocess.STDOUT else: stderr = None check = False if 'ignore-error' in options else True cmd = '\n'.join(self.content) out = cmd, shell=True, check=check, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, ).stdout.decode('utf-8') return self.parse_nested(out, cmd)
directives.register_directive('run-command', RunCommandDirective)
[docs] def is_test(method): """ Check if a method is a test method. """ if not callable(method): return False with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): if method.__name__.startswith('test_'): return True # Tests are methods with an annotated return type, with at least # one base class with a name containing 'result' try: ret_type = inspect.signature(method).return_annotation base_cls_list = inspect.getmro(ret_type) except (ValueError, AttributeError, KeyError): return False else: return any( 'result' in cls.__qualname__.casefold() for cls in base_cls_list )
[docs] def autodoc_process_test_method(app, what, name, obj, options, lines): # Append the list of available test methods for all classes that appear to # have some. if what == 'class': test_list = [ member for member_name, member in inspect.getmembers(obj, is_test) ] if test_list: test_list_doc = '\n:Test methods:\n\n{}\n\n'.format('\n'.join( ' * :meth:`~{}`'.format( method.__module__ + '.' + method.__qualname__ ) for method in test_list )) lines.extend(test_list_doc.splitlines())
[docs] def autodoc_process_analysis_events(app, what, name, obj, options, lines): """ Append the list of required trace events """ # We look for events in the getter method of properties if what == 'property': obj = obj.fget try: used_events = obj.used_events except AttributeError: return else: if not isinstance(used_events, TraceEventCheckerBase): return events_doc = f"\n:Required trace events:\n\n{used_events.doc_str()}\n\n" lines.extend(events_doc.splitlines())
[docs] def autodoc_skip_member_handler(app, what, name, obj, skip, options, default_exclude_members=None): """ Enforce the "exclude-members" option, even in cases where it seems to be ignored by Sphinx. """ excluded = options.get('exclude-members', set()) if excluded: # Either it's a one-item set with the string passed in try: excluded, = excluded # Or it's an already-processed set except ValueError: pass else: excluded = exclude_members_option(excluded) default_excluded = exclude_members_option(default_exclude_members) excluded = excluded | default_excluded name = name.split('.')[-1] unwrapped = inspect.unwrap(obj) # Get rid of the default implementation of dunder names, since it adds no # value in the documentation if any( hasattr(cls, name) and getattr(cls, name) in (obj, unwrapped) # providers of "uninteresting" methods that are useless in our # documentation for cls in ( object, type, abc.ABC, abc.ABCMeta, ) ): return True # Some classes like ABCMeta are more sneaky so also ban things that are # just builtin functions elif any( type_ in map(type, (obj, unwrapped)) for type_ in ( # Work with multiple Python versions getattr(types, type_name) for type_name in ( 'BuiltinFunctionType', 'BuiltinMethodType', 'WrapperDescriptorType', 'MethodWrapperType', 'MethodDescriptorType', 'ClassMethodDescriptorType', 'GetSetDescriptorType', 'MemberDescriptorType', ) if hasattr(types, type_name) ) ): return True # Dunder names without any doc are of no interest, they are probably just # implementation details elif name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__') and not inspect.getdoc(obj): return True elif name in excluded: return True else: return skip
[docs] class DocPlotConf(SimpleMultiSrcConf): """ Analysis plot method arguments configuration for the documentation. {generated_help} {yaml_example} """ STRUCTURE = TopLevelKeyDesc('doc-plot-conf', 'Plot methods configuration', ( # Avoid deepcopy of the value, since it contains a Trace object that we # don't want to duplicate for speed reasons KeyDesc('plots', 'Mapping of function qualnames to their settings', [Mapping], deepcopy_val=False), ))
[docs] def autodoc_pre_make_plots(conf): def spec_of_meth(conf, meth_name): plot_conf = conf['plots'] default_spec = plot_conf.get('default', {}) spec = plot_conf.get(meth_name, {}) spec = {**default_spec, **spec} return spec def preload_events(conf, methods): """ Preload the events in the traces that will be used so that they can be preloaded in parallel rather than invoking the parser several times. """ methods = { meth.__qualname__: meth for meth in methods } def events_of(name): meth = methods[name] spec = spec_of_meth(conf, name) trace = spec['trace'] try: events = meth.used_events except AttributeError: events = set() else: events = events.get_all_events() return (trace, events) traces = collections.defaultdict(set) for name in conf['plots'].keys(): try: trace, events = events_of(name) except KeyError: pass else: traces[trace].update(events) for trace, events in traces.items(): trace.get_view(events=events) def _make_plot(meth): spec = spec_of_meth(conf, meth.__qualname__) kwargs = spec.get('kwargs', {}) trace = spec['trace'] if spec.get('hide'): return None else: print(f'Generating plot for {meth.__qualname__} ...') # Suppress deprecation warnings so we can still have them in the doc with warnings.catch_warnings(), measure_time() as m: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) rst_figure = TraceAnalysisBase.call_on_trace(meth, trace, { 'backend': 'bokeh', 'output': 'sphinx-rst', 'interactive': False, **kwargs }) print(f'Plot for {meth.__qualname__} generated in {}s') rst_figure = f'\n:Example plot:\n\n{rst_figure}' return rst_figure plot_methods = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable( subclass.get_plot_methods() for subclass in TraceAnalysisBase.get_analysis_classes().values() )) preload_events(conf, plot_methods) plots = { meth.__qualname__: plot for meth in plot_methods if (plot := _make_plot(meth)) is not None } return plots
[docs] def autodoc_process_analysis_plots(app, what, name, obj, options, lines, plots): if what != 'method': return try: rst_figure = plots[obj.__qualname__] except KeyError: return else: lines.extend(rst_figure.splitlines())
[docs] def autodoc_process_analysis_methods(app, what, name, obj, options, lines): """ Append the list of required trace events """ methods = { func: subclass for subclass in TraceAnalysisBase.get_analysis_classes().values() for name, func in inspect.getmembers(subclass, callable) } try: cls = methods[obj] except (KeyError, TypeError): return else: on_trace_name = f'trace.ana.{}.{obj.__name__}' extra_doc = f"\n*Called on* :class:`~lisa.trace.Trace` *instances as* ``{on_trace_name}()``\n\n" # prepend lines[:0] = extra_doc.splitlines()
[docs] def get_analysis_list(meth_type): rst_list = [] deprecated = { entry['obj'] for entry in get_deprecated_map().values() } # Ensure all the submodules have been imported TraceAnalysisBase.get_analysis_classes() assert issubclass(TraceAnalysisBase, AnalysisHelpers) for subclass in get_subclasses(AnalysisHelpers): class_path = f"{subclass.__module__}.{subclass.__qualname__}" if meth_type == 'plot': meth_list = subclass.get_plot_methods() elif meth_type == 'df': meth_list = ( subclass.get_df_methods() if isinstance(subclass, TraceAnalysisBase) else [] ) else: raise ValueError() meth_list = [ f.__name__ for f in meth_list if f not in deprecated ] rst_list += [ f":class:`{}<{class_path}>`::meth:`~{class_path}.{meth}`" for meth in meth_list ] joiner = '\n* ' return joiner + joiner.join(sorted(rst_list))
[docs] def get_deprecated_map(): """ Get the mapping of deprecated names with some metadata. """ # Import everything there is to import, so the map is fully populated import_all_submodules(lisa, best_effort=True) return DEPRECATED_MAP
[docs] def get_deprecated_table(): """ Get a reStructuredText tables with titles for all the deprecated names in :mod:`lisa`. """ def indent(string, level=1): idt = ' ' * 4 return string.replace('\n', '\n' + idt * level) def make_entry(entry): msg = entry.get('msg') or '' removed_in = entry.get('removed_in') if removed_in is None: removed_in = '' else: removed_in = f'*Removed in: {format_version(removed_in)}*\n\n' name = get_sphinx_name(entry['obj'], style='rst') replaced_by = entry.get('replaced_by') if replaced_by is None: replaced_by = '' else: replaced_by = f"*Replaced by:* {get_sphinx_name(replaced_by, style='rst')}\n\n" return "* - {name}{msg}{replaced_by}{removed_in}".format( name=indent(name + '\n\n'), msg=indent(msg + '\n\n' if msg else ''), replaced_by=indent(replaced_by), removed_in=indent(removed_in), ) def make_table(entries, removed_in): if entries: entries = '\n'.join( make_entry(entry) for entry in sorted(entries, key=itemgetter('name')) ) if removed_in: if removed_in > lisa.version.version_tuple: remove = 'to be removed' else: remove = 'removed' removed_in = f' {remove} in {format_version(removed_in)}' else: removed_in = '' table = ".. list-table:: Deprecated names{removed_in}\n :align: left{entries}".format( entries=indent('\n\n' + entries), removed_in=removed_in, ) header = f'Deprecated names{removed_in}' header += '\n' + '+' * len(header) return header + '\n\n' + table else: return '' entries = [ {'name': name, **info} for name, info in get_deprecated_map().items() ] unspecified_removal = [ entry for entry in entries if not entry['removed_in'] ] other_entries = [ entry for entry in entries if entry not in unspecified_removal ] tables = [] tables.append(make_table(unspecified_removal, removed_in=None)) tables.extend( make_table(entries, removed_in=removed_in) for removed_in, entries in groupby(other_entries, itemgetter('removed_in'), reverse=True) ) return '\n\n'.join(tables)
[docs] def get_xref_type(obj): """ Infer the Sphinx type a cross reference to ``obj`` should have. For example, ``:py:class`FooBar`` has the type ``py:class``. """ if isinstance(obj, type): if issubclass(obj, BaseException): t = 'exc' else: t = 'class' elif isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType): t = 'mod' elif callable(obj): try: qualname = obj.__qualname__ except AttributeError: t = 'func' else: if len(qualname.split('.')) > 1: t = 'meth' else: t = 'func' else: raise ValueError(f'Cannot infer the xref type of {obj}') return f'py:{t}'
[docs] def get_subclasses_bullets(cls, abbrev=True, style=None, only_leaves=False): """ Return a formatted bullet list of the subclasses of the given class, including a short description for each. """ return '\n'.join( f'* {subcls}: {doc}' for subcls, doc in sorted( ( get_sphinx_name(subcls, style=style, abbrev=abbrev), get_short_doc(subcls) ) for subcls in get_subclasses(cls, only_leaves=only_leaves) ) )
[docs] def make_changelog(repo, since=None, head_release_name='Next release', fmt='rst'): """ Generate a reStructuredText changelog to be included in the documentation. .. note:: The git repository cannot be a shallow clone, as the changelog is extracted from the git history. .. note:: The ``refs/notes/changelog`` notes is concatenated at the end of commit messages, and the resulting text is parsed. This allows fixing up changelog entries if markers were forgotten without rewriting the history. """ if fmt == 'rst': escape_fmt = escape_rst else: escape_fmt = lambda x: x notes_ref = 'refs/notes/changelog' release_refs = ( ['HEAD'] + ( [since] if since else lisa._git.find_tags(repo, 'v*') ) ) def update_release_name(name): if name == 'HEAD': return head_release_name else: return name MARKERS = ['FEATURE', 'FIX', 'BREAKING CHANGE'] # Filtering on the patterns we look for provides a considerable speedup commit_pattern = '(' + '|'.join(map(re.escape, MARKERS)) + ')' release_sha1s = { update_release_name(y): lisa._git.find_commits( repo=repo, ref=f'{x}..{y}', grep=commit_pattern, regex=True, notes_ref=notes_ref, ) for x, y in zip(release_refs[1:], release_refs) } release_msgs = { release: [ lisa._git.get_commit_message( repo=repo, ref=ref, notes_ref=notes_ref, format='%B%N', ).strip() for ref in refs ] for release, refs in release_sha1s.items() } def parse_msg(msg): selected = tuple(sorted({ marker for marker in MARKERS if marker in msg })) for marker in selected: pattern = rf'^\s*{re.escape(marker)}\s*$' msg = re.sub(pattern, '', msg, flags=re.MULTILINE) return (msg, selected) def expand(msg, markers): for marker in markers: yield (marker, msg) release_msgs = { release: dict( map( lambda x: (x[0], list(map(itemgetter(1), x[1]))), groupby( ( entry for msg in msgs for entry in expand(*parse_msg(msg)) ), key=itemgetter(0) ) ) ) for release, msgs in release_msgs.items() } def indent(level, content): idt = level * ' ' return idt + content.replace('\n', f'\n{idt}') def format_release(name, sections): title = f'{name}\n{len(name) * "="}\n' body = '\n\n'.join( format_section(marker, _msgs) for marker, _msgs in order_as( sections.items(), order_as=MARKERS, key=itemgetter(0), ) ) return f'{title}\n{body}' def format_section(name, msgs): title = f'{name.capitalize()}\n{len(name) * "+"}\n' body = '\n\n'.join(map(format_msg, sorted(msgs))) body = indent(4, body) return f'{title}\n{body}' def format_msg(msg): subject = escape_fmt(msg.splitlines()[0].strip()) return f'- {subject}' rst = '\n\n'.join( format_release(name, sections) for name, sections in release_msgs.items() ) return rst
[docs] class PlaceHolderRef: """ If you got redirected to here, this means that the reference points to something private and undocumented, or is not expected to be even documentable. """
[docs] def escape_rst(s): """ Escape the string so that it's considered plain reStructuredText input, without any markup even if it contains some. This avoids having to use a literal block that is displayed differently. """ # return re.sub(r'(?=[^\s])([^\\])', r'\\\1', s)
# vim :set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80