Miscellaneous utilities

Configuration management

Configuration files are managed by subclasses of lisa.conf.MultiSrcConf. It allows loading from a YAML file (not to be confused with serializing the instance).

class lisa.conf.DeferredValue(callback, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper similar to functools.partial() allowing to defer computation of the value until the key is actually used.

Once computed, the deferred value is replaced by the value that was computed. This is useful for values that are very costly to compute, but should be used with care as it means it will usually not be available in the offline lisa.platforms.platinfo.PlatformInfo instances. This means that client code such as submodules of lisa.analysis will typically not have it available (unless eval_deferred() was called) although they might need it.


Call self as a function.

class lisa.conf.FilteredDeferredValue(callback, sentinel=None)[source]

Bases: DeferredValue

Same as lisa.conf.DeferredValue except that the given sentinel value will be interpreted as no value .

class lisa.conf.DeferredExcep(excep)[source]

Bases: DeferredValue

Specialization of DeferredValue to lazily raise an exception.


excep (BaseException) – Exception to raise when the value is used.

exception lisa.conf.TopLevelKeyError(key)[source]

Bases: ValueError

Exception raised when no top-level key matches the expected one in the given configuration file.

class lisa.conf.KeyDescBase(name, help)[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class for configuration files key descriptor.

This allows defining the structure of the configuration file, in order to sanitize user input and generate help snippets used in various places.

property qualname

“Qualified” name of the key.

This is a slash-separated path in the config file from the root to that key: <parent qualname>/<name>

property path

Path in the config file from the root to that key.


This includes the top-level key name, which must be removed before it’s fed to MultiSrcConf.get_nested_key().

abstract get_help(style=None, last=False)[source]

Get a help message describing the key.

  • style – When “rst”, ResStructuredText formatting may be applied

  • style – str

  • last (bool) – True if this is the last item in a list.

abstract validate_val(val)[source]

Validate a value to be used for that key.

  • TypeError – When the value has the wrong type

  • ValueError – If the value does not comply with some other constraints. Note that constraints should ideally be encoded in the type itself, to make help message as straightforward as possible.

class lisa.conf.KeyDesc(name, help, classinfo, newtype=None, deepcopy_val=True)[source]

Bases: KeyDescBase

Key descriptor describing a leaf key in the configuration.

  • name – Name of the key

  • help – Short help message describing the use of that key

  • classinfo (collections.abc.Sequence) – sequence of allowed types for that key. As a special case, None is allowed in that sequence of types, even though it is not strictly speaking a type.

  • newtype (str or None) – If specified, a type with the given name will be created for that key with that name. Otherwise, a camel-case name derived from the key name will be used: toplevel-key/sublevel/mykey will give a type named SublevelMykey. This class will be exposed as an attribute of the parent MultiSrcConf (which is why the toplevel key is omitted from its name). A getter will also be created on the parent configuration class, so that the typed key is exposed to exekall. If the key is not present in the configuration object, the getter will return None.

  • deepcopy_val (bool) – If True, the values will be deepcopied upon lookup. This prevents accidental modification of mutable types (like lists) by the user.

property newtype

Check that the value is an instance of one of the type specified in the self.classinfo.

If the value is not an instance of any of these types, then a TypeError is raised corresponding to the first type in the tuple, which is assumed to be the main one.

get_help(style=None, last=False)[source]

Get a help message describing the key.

  • style – When “rst”, ResStructuredText formatting may be applied

  • style – str

  • last (bool) – True if this is the last item in a list.

static pretty_format(v)[source]

Format the value for pretty printing.


v (object) – Value of the key that is being printed


A string

exception lisa.conf.ConfigKeyError(msg, key=None, src=None)[source]

Bases: KeyError

Exception raised when a key is not found in the config instance.

exception lisa.conf.MissingBaseKeyError(msg, key=None, src=None)[source]

Bases: ConfigKeyError

Exception raised when a base key needed to compute a derived key is missing.

exception lisa.conf.DeferredValueComputationError(msg, excep, key=None, src=None)[source]

Bases: ConfigKeyError

Raised when computing the value of DeferredValue lead to an exception.

exception lisa.conf.KeyComputationRecursionError(msg, key=None, src=None)[source]

Bases: ConfigKeyError, RecursionError

Raised when DerivedKeyDesc.compute_val() is reentered while computing a given key on a configuration instance, or when a DeferredValue callback is reentered.

class lisa.conf.DerivedKeyDesc(name, help, classinfo, base_key_paths, compute, newtype=None)[source]

Bases: KeyDesc

Key descriptor describing a key derived from other keys

Derived keys cannot be added from a source, since they are purely computed out of other keys. It is also not possible to change their source priorities. To achieve that, set the source priorities on the keys it is based on.

  • base_key_paths (list(list(str))) – List of paths to the keys this key is derived from. The paths in the form of a list of string are relative to the current level. To reference a level above the current one, use the special key ...

  • compute (collections.abc.Callable) – Function used to compute the value of the key. It takes a dictionary of base keys specified in base_key_paths as only parameter and is expected to return the key’s value.

property help
static make_get_key(conf, **kwargs)[source]

Get the KeyDescBase of base keys that have a DeferredValue value.

compute_val(conf, eval_deferred=True)[source]
class lisa.conf.LevelKeyDesc(name, help, children, value_path=None)[source]

Bases: KeyDescBase, Mapping

Key descriptor defining a hierarchical level in the configuration.

  • name – name of the key in the configuration

  • help – Short help describing the use of the keys inside that level

  • children (collections.abc.Sequence) – collections.abc.Sequence of KeyDescBase defining the allowed keys under that level

  • value_path (list(str) or None) –

    Relative path to a sub-key that will receive assignment to that level for non-mapping types. This allows turning a leaf key into a level while preserving backward compatibility, as long as:

    • The key did not accept mapping values, otherwise it would be ambiguous and is therefore rejected.

    • The old leaf key has a matching new leaf key, that is a sub-key of the new level key.

    In practice, that allows turning a single knob into a tree of settings.

Children keys will get this key assigned as a parent when passed to the constructor.

property key_desc

Checks that a given key is allowed under that levels


Validate a mapping to be used as a configuration source

get_help(style=None, last=False)[source]

Get a help message describing the key.

  • style – When “rst”, ResStructuredText formatting may be applied

  • style – str

  • last (bool) – True if this is the last item in a list.

class lisa.conf.VariadicLevelKeyDesc(name, help, child, value_path=None)[source]

Bases: LevelKeyDesc

Level key descriptor that allows configuration-source-defined sub-level keys.


child (lisa.conf.LevelKeyDesc) – Variadic level. Its name will only be used for documentation purposes, the configuration instances will be able to hold any string.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to lisa.conf.LevelKeyDesc.

This allows “instantiating” a whole sub-configuration for variable level keys.

class lisa.conf.DelegatedLevelKeyDesc(name, help, conf, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: LevelKeyDesc

Level key descriptor that imports the keys from another MultiSrcConfABC subclass.


conf (MultiSrcConfABC) – Configuration class to extract keys from.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to lisa.conf.LevelKeyDesc.

This allows embedding a configuration inside another one, mostly to be able to split a configuration class while preserving backward compatibility.


Only the children keys are taken from the passed level, other information such as value_path are ignored and must be set explicitly.

class lisa.conf.TopLevelKeyDescBase(levels, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: LevelKeyDesc

Top-level key descriptor, which defines the top-level key to use in the configuration files.


levels (list(str)) – Levels of the top-level key, as a list of strings. Each item specifies a level in a mapping, so that multiple classes can share the same actual top-level without specific cooperation.

This top-level key is omitted in all interfaces except for the configuration file, since it only reflects the configuration class

get_help(style=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get a help message describing the key.

  • style – When “rst”, ResStructuredText formatting may be applied

  • style – str

  • last (bool) – True if this is the last item in a list.

class lisa.conf.TopLevelKeyDesc(name, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: TopLevelKeyDescBase

Regular top-level key descriptor, with only one level.


name (str) – Name of the top-level key, as a string.

class lisa.conf.NestedTopLevelKeyDesc(levels, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: TopLevelKeyDescBase

Top-level key descriptor, with an arbitrary amount of levels.

class lisa.conf.MultiSrcConfABC[source]

Bases: Serializable, ABC


Arbitrary code can be executed while loading an instance from a YAML or Pickle file. To include untrusted data in YAML, use the !untrusted tag along with a string

abstract to_map()[source]
abstract classmethod from_map(mapping, add_default_src=True)[source]
classmethod from_yaml_map(path, add_default_src=True)[source]

Allow reloading from a plain mapping, to avoid having to specify a tag in the configuration file. The content is hosted under the top-level key specified in STRUCTURE.

  • path (str) – Path to the YAML file

  • add_default_src (bool) – Add a default source if available for that class.


Only load YAML files from trusted source as it can lead to arbitrary code execution.

classmethod from_yaml_map_list(path_list, add_default_src=True)[source]

Create a mapping of configuration classes to instance, by loading them from the list of paths using from_yaml_map() and merging them.

  • path_list (list(str)) – List of paths to YAML configuration files.

  • add_default_src – See from_yaml_map().


When merging, the configuration coming from the rightmost path will win if it defines some keys that were also defined in another file. Each file will be mapped to a different sources, named after the basename of the file.


Only load YAML files from trusted source as it can lead to arbitrary code execution.

property as_yaml_map

Give a mapping suitable for storing in a YAML configuration file.


Write a configuration file, with the key descriptions in comments.


path (str) – Path to the file to write to.


Return the content of the file that would be create by to_yaml_map() in a string.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to to_yaml_map()

classmethod __init_subclass__(**kwargs)[source]

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

class lisa.conf.MultiSrcConf(conf=None, src='user', add_default_src=True)[source]

Bases: MultiSrcConfABC, Loggable, Mapping

Base class providing layered configuration management.

  • conf (collections.abc.Mapping) – collections.abc.Mapping to initialize the configuration with. This must be optional, in which case it is assumed the object will contain a default base configuration.

  • src – Name of the source added when passing conf

  • src – str

The class inherits from collections.abc.Mapping, which means it can be used like a readonly dict. Writing to it is handled by a different API that allows naming the source of values that are stored.

Each configuration key can be either a leaf key, that holds a value, or a level key that allows to defined nested levels. The allowed keys is set by the STRUCTURE class attribute.

Each leaf key can hold different values coming from different named sources. By default, the last added source will have the highest priority and will be served when looking up that key. A different priority order can be defined for a specific key if needed.

See also


This base class will modify the docstring of subclasses, using it as an str.format template with the following placeholders:

  • {generated_help}: snippet of ResStructuredText containing the list of allowed keys.

  • {yaml_example}: example snippet of YAML

It will also create the types specified using newtype in the KeyDesc, along with a getter to expose it to exekall.


Since the dosctring is interpreted as a template, “{” and “}” characters must be doubled to appear in the final output.


The layout of the configuration is typically guaranteed to be backward-compatible in terms of accepted shape of input, but layout of the configuration might change. This means that the path to a given key could change as long as old input is still accepted. Types of values can also be widened, so third party code re-using config classes from lisa might have to evolve along the changes of configuration.


Arbitrary code can be executed while loading an instance from a YAML or Pickle file. To include untrusted data in YAML, use the !untrusted tag along with a string

abstract STRUCTURE()[source]

Class attribute defining the structure of the configuration file, as a instance of TopLevelKeyDescBase


Source added automatically using add_src() under the name ‘default’ when instances are built.

classmethod get_help(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Shallow copy of the nested configuration tree, without duplicating the leaf values.


Export the configuration as a mapping.

The return value should preserve key-specific priority override list, which is not done if directly passing that instance to dict().

classmethod from_map(mapping, add_default_src=True)[source]

Create a new configuration instance, using the output of to_map()

add_src(src, conf, filter_none=False, fallback=False, inplace=True)[source]

Add a source of configuration.

  • src (str) – Name of the soruce to add

  • conf (collections.abc.Mapping) – Nested mapping of key/values to overlay

  • filter_none (bool) – Ignores the keys that have a None value. That simplifies the creation of the mapping, by having keys always present. That should not be used if None value for a key is expected, as opposit to not having that key set at all.

  • fallback (bool) – If True, the source will be added as a fallback, which means at the end of the priority list. By default, the source will have the highest priority and will be used unless a key-specific priority override is setup.

  • inplace (bool) – If True, the object is modified. If False, a mutated copy is returned and the original object is left unmodified.

This method provides a way to update the configuration, by importing a mapping as a new source.


Set the default source priority list.


src_prio (collections.abc.Sequence(str)) – list of source names, first is the highest priority

Adding sources using add_src() in the right order is preferable, but the default priority order can be specified using that method.


Force the source priority list for all the keys defined in the nested mapping key_src_map


key_src_map (collections.abc.Mapping) – nested mapping of keys to priority list of sources

force_src(key, src_prio)[source]

Force the source priority list for a given key

  • key (str) – name of the key. Only leaf keys are allowed here, since level keys have no source on their own.

  • src_prio (collections.abc.Sequence(str) or None) – List of sources in priority order (first is highest priority). Special value None can be used to remove the key-specific priority override, so the default priority list will be used instead.


Get the source name that will be used to serve the value of key.

eval_deferred(cls=<class 'lisa.conf.DeferredValue'>, src=None, resolve_src=True, error='raise')[source]

Evaluate instances of DeferredValue that can be used for values that are expensive to compute.

  • cls (subclass of DeferredValue) – Only evaluate values of instances of that class. This can be used to have different categories of DeferredValue by subclassing.

  • src (str or None) – If not None, only evaluate values that were added under that source name.

  • resolve_src (bool) – If True, resolve the source of each key and only compute deferred values for this source.

  • error (str or None) – If 'raise' or None, exception are raised as usual. If log, the exception is logged at error level.


Filter instances of DeferredValue that are not computed already since their runtime parameters will probably not be available after deserialization.

If needed, call eval_deferred() before serializing.

get_key(key, src=None, eval_deferred=True, quiet=False)[source]

Get the value of the given key. It returns a deepcopy of the value.

The special key .. can be used to refer to the parent in the hierarchy.

  • key (str) – name of the key to lookup

  • src (str or None) – If not None, look up the value of the key in that source

  • eval_deferred (bool) – If True, evaluate instances of DeferredValue if needed

  • quiet (bool) – Avoid logging the access


Using the indexing operator self[key] is preferable in most cases , but this method provides more parameters.

get_nested_key(key, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Same as get_key() but works on a list of keys to access nested mappings.


key (list(str)) – List of nested keys.


Get a mapping of all sources for the given key, in priority order (first item is the highest priority source).


Give a pretty string representation of the configuration.


eval_deferred (bool) – If True, evaluate all deferred values before printing.


Override the default definition of collections.abc.Mapping.items() to allow not evaluating deferred values if necessary.

class lisa.conf.SimpleMultiSrcConf(conf=None, src='user', add_default_src=True)[source]

Bases: MultiSrcConf

Like MultiSrcConf, with a simpler config file.

conf and source are not available, and the behaviour is as all keys were located under a conf key. We do not allow overriding source for this kind of configuration to keep the YAML interface simple and dict-like


Arbitrary code can be executed while loading an instance from a YAML or Pickle file. To include untrusted data in YAML, use the !untrusted tag along with a string

classmethod from_map(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new configuration instance, using the output of to_map()


Export the configuration as a mapping.

The return value should preserve key-specific priority override list, which is not done if directly passing that instance to dict().

to_yaml_map(path, add_placeholder=False, placeholder='<no default>')[source]

Write a configuration file, with the key descriptions in comments.

  • path (str) – Path to the file to write to.

  • add_placeholder (bool) – If True, a placeholder value will be used for keys that don’t have values. This allows creating template configuration files that list all keys.

  • placeholder (object) – Placeholder to use for missing values when add_placeholder is used.

class lisa.conf.Configurable[source]

Bases: ABC

Pair a regular class with a configuration class.

The pairing is achieved by inheriting from Configurable and setting CONF_CLASS attribute. The benefits are:

  • The docstring of the class is processed as a string template and {configurable_params} is replaced with a Sphinx-compliant list of parameters. The help and type of each parameter is extracted from the configuration class.

  • The DEFAULT_SRC attribute of the configuration class is updated with non-None default values of the class __init__ parameters.

  • The conf_to_init_kwargs() method allows turning a configuration object into a dictionary suitable for passing to __init__ as **kwargs.

  • The check_init_param() method allows checking types of __init__ parameters according to what is specified in the configuration class.

Most of the time, the configuration keys and __init__ parameters have the same name (modulo underscore/dashes which are handled automatically). In that case, the mapping between config keys and __init__ parameters is done without user intervention. When that is not the case, the INIT_KWARGS_KEY_MAP class attribute can be used. Its a dictionary with keys being __init__ parameter names, and values being path to configuration key. That path is a list of strings to take into account sublevels like ['level-key', 'sublevel', 'foo'].


A given configuration class must be paired to only one class. Otherwise, the DEFAULT_SRC conf class attribute will be updated multiple times, leading to unexpected results.


Some services offered by Configurable are not extended to subclasses of a class using it. For example, it would not make sense to update DEFAULT_SRC using a subclass __init__ parameters.

classmethod __init_subclass__(**kwargs)[source]

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

classmethod conf_to_init_kwargs(conf)[source]

Turn a configuration object into a dictionary suitable for passing to __init__ as **kwargs.

classmethod check_init_param(**kwargs)[source]

Take the same parameters as __init__, and check their types according to what is specified in the configuration class.


TypeError – When the wrong type is detected for a parameter.

Regression testing

class lisa.regression.ResultCount(passed, failed)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of ResultCount(passed, failed)


Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

__match_args__ = ('passed', 'failed')
static __new__(_cls, passed, failed)

Create new instance of ResultCount(passed, failed)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class lisa.regression.RegressionResult(testcase_id, old_count, new_count, alpha=None)[source]

Bases: object

Compute failure-rate regression between old and new series.

The regression is checked using Fisher’s exact test.

  • testcase_id (str) – ID of the testcase, used for pretty-printing

  • old_count (ResultCount) – number of times the test passed and failed in the old series

  • new_count (ResultCount) – number of times the test passed and failed in the new series

  • alpha (float) – Alpha risk when carrying the statistical test

classmethod from_result_list(testcase_id, old_list, new_list, alpha=None)[source]

Build a RegressionResult from two list of lisa.tests.base.Result, or objects that can be converted to bool.


Only FAILED and PASSED results are taken into account, other results are ignored.

property sample_size

Tuple of sample sizes for old and new series.

property failure_pc

Tuple of failure rate in percent for old an new series.

property failure_delta_pc

Delta between old and new failure rate in percent.

property significant

True if there is a significant difference in failure rate, False otherwise.

property p_val

P-value of the statistical test.


Compute the p-value of the statistical test, with the given alternative hypothesis.

property fix_validation_min_iter_nr

Number of iterations required to validate a fix that would “revert” a regression.

Assuming that the “fixed” failure rate is exactly equal to the “old” one, this gives the number of iterations after which comparing the “fixed” failure rate with the “new” failure rate will give a statistically significant result.

lisa.regression.compute_regressions(old_list, new_list, remove_tags=None, **kwargs)[source]

Compute a list of RegressionResult out of two lists of exekall.engine.FrozenExprVal.

The tests are first grouped by their ID, and then a RegressionResult is computed for each of these ID.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to RegressionResult.from_result_list().


Miscellaneous utilities that don’t fit anywhere else.

Also used as a home for everything that would create cyclic dependency issues between modules if they were hosted in their “logical” module. This is mostly done for secondary utilities that are not used often.

lisa.utils.LISA_HOME = '/home/ubuntu/builds/geaCGQ5B/0/tooling/lisa/tmp/tmp.Qrlyz2fzfJ-worktree'

The detected location of your LISA installation

lisa.utils.LISA_CACHE_HOME = '/home/ubuntu/builds/geaCGQ5B/0/tooling/lisa/tmp/tmp.Qrlyz2fzfJ-worktree/cache/git-9ec857989228ca524baa96060134692ae95a86c1'

Base folder used for caching files.

lisa.utils.LISA_HOST_ABI = 'x86_64'

ABI of the machine that imported that module.

lisa.utils.TASK_COMM_MAX_LEN = 15

Value of TASK_COMM_LEN - 1 macro in the kernel, to account for \ terminator.


Register an object with a name that cannot be resolved and therefore cross referenced by Sphinx.


Set of objects to ignore without warning when cross referencing in Sphinx.

class lisa.utils.UnboundMethodType[source]

Bases: object

Dummy class to be used to check if a function is a method defined in a class or not:

class C:
    def f(self):
    def f_class(cls):

    def f_static():

def g():

assert     isinstance(C.f,        UnboundMethodType)
assert     isinstance(C.f_class,  UnboundMethodType)
assert     isinstance(C.f_static, UnboundMethodType)
assert not isinstance(g,          UnboundMethodType)
class lisa.utils.bothmethod(f)[source]

Bases: object

Decorator to allow a method to be used both as an instance method and a classmethod.

If it’s called on a class, the first parameter will be bound to the class, otherwise it will be bound to the instance.

class lisa.utils.instancemethod(f)[source]

Bases: object

Decorator providing a hybrid of a normal method and a classmethod:

  • Like a classmethod, it can be looked up on the class itself, and the class is passed as first parameter. This allows selecting the class “manually” before applying on an instance.

  • Like a normal method, it can be looked up on an instance. In that case, the first parameter is the class of the instance and the second parameter is the instance itself.

class lisa.utils.Loggable[source]

Bases: object

A simple class for uniformly named loggers

property logger

Convenience short-hand for self.get_logger().

classmethod get_logger(suffix=None)[source]
classmethod log_locals(var_names=None, level='debug')[source]

Debugging aid: log the local variables of the calling function

  • var_names (list(str)) – List of variable names to display, or all of them if left to default.

  • level (str) – log level to use.


Currify the given function such that f(x, y) == curry(f)(x)(y)


Compose multiple functions such that compose(f, g)(x) == g(f(x)).


This handles well functions with arity higher than 1, as if they were curried. The functions will consume the number of parameters they need out of the parameters passed to the composed function. Innermost functions are served first.

class lisa.utils.mappable(f)[source]

Bases: object

Decorator that allows the decorated function to be mapped on an iterable:

def f(x):
    return x * 2

f @ [1, 2, 3] == map(f, [1, 2, 3])
__call__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Call self as a function.

lisa.utils.get_subclasses(cls, only_leaves=False, cls_set=None)[source]

Get all indirect subclasses of the class.

lisa.utils.get_cls_name(cls, style=None, fully_qualified=True)[source]

Get a prettily-formated name for the class given as parameter

  • cls (type) – Class or typing hint to get the name from.

  • style – When “rst”, a RestructuredText snippet is returned

  • style – str


Pick the most derived common ancestor between the classes, assuming single inheritance.


classes (list(type)) – List of classes to look at.

If multiple inheritance is used, only the first base of each class is considered.

class lisa.utils.HideExekallID[source]

Bases: object

Hide the subclasses in the simplified ID format of exekall.

That is mainly used for uninteresting classes that do not add any useful information to the ID. This should not be used on domain-specific classes since alternatives may be used by the user while debugging for example. Hiding too many classes may lead to ambiguity, which is exactly what the ID is fighting against.


Decorator to memoize the result of a callable, based on functools.lru_cache()


The first parameter of the callable is cached with a weak reference. This suits well the method use-case, since we don’t want the memoization of methods to prevent garbage collection of the instances they are bound to.

lisa.utils.lru_memoized(first_param_maxsize=None, other_params_maxsize=1024)[source]

Decorator to memoize the result of a callable, based on functools.lru_cache()

  • first_param_maxsize (int or None) – Maximum number of cached values for the first parameter, if the decorated function is a method.

  • other_params_maxsize (int or None) – Maximum number of cached combinations of all parameters except the first one.


The first parameter of the callable is cached with a weak reference when the function is a method. This suits well the method use-case, since we don’t want the memoization of methods to prevent garbage collection of the instances they are bound to.


Only resolve names where __qualname__ == __name__, i.e the callable is a module-level name.

lisa.utils.import_all_submodules(pkg, best_effort=False)[source]

Import all submodules of a given package.

  • pkg (types.ModuleType) – Package to import.

  • best_effort (bool) – If True, modules in the hierarchy that cannot be imported will be silently skipped.

class lisa.utils.UnknownTagPlaceholder(tag, data, location=None)[source]

Bases: object


Create a class to inherit from in order to add a snippet of doc at the end of the docstring of all direct and indirect subclasses:

class C(docstring_update('world')):

assert C.__doc__ == 'hello


class lisa.utils.Serializable[source]

Bases: Loggable, _DocstringAppend

A helper class for YAML serialization/deserialization

The following YAML tags are supported on top of what YAML provides out of the box:

  • !call: call a Python callable with a mapping of arguments:

    # will execute:
    # package.module.Class(arg1='foo', arg2='bar', arg3=42)
    # NB: there is no space after "call:"
        arg1: foo
        arg2: bar
        arg3: 42
  • !include: include the content of another YAML file. Environment variables are expanded in the given path:

    !include /foo/$ENV_VAR/bar.yml

    Relative paths are treated as relative to the file in which the !include tag appears.

  • !include-untrusted: Similar to !include but will disable custom tag interpretation when loading the content of the file. This is suitable to load untrusted input. Note that the env var interpolation and the relative path behavior depends on the mode of the YAML parser. This means that the path itself must be trusted, as this could leak environment variable values. Only the content of the included file is treated as untrusted.

  • !env: take the value of an environment variable, and convert it to a Python type:

    !env:int MY_ENV_VAR

    If interpolate is used as type, the value will be interpolated using os.path.expandvars() and the resulting string returned:

    !env:interpolate /foo/$MY_ENV_VAR/bar
  • !var: reference a module-level variable:

    !var package.module.var
  • !untrusted: Interpret the given string as a YAML snippet, without any of the special constructor being enabled. This provides a way of safely including untrusted input in the YAML document without running the risk of the user being able to use e.g. !call.

    # Note the "|": this allows having a multiline string, leaving
    # its interpretation to the untrusted loader.
    !untrusted |
       foo: bar


Not to be used on its own - instead, your class should inherit from this class to gain serialization superpowers.


Arbitrary code can be executed while loading an instance from a YAML or Pickle file. To include untrusted data in YAML, use the !untrusted tag along with a string

ATTRIBUTES_SERIALIZATION = {'allowed': [], 'ignored': [], 'placeholders': {}}

Encoding used for YAML files


Default format used when serializing objects

to_path(filepath, fmt=None)[source]

Serialize the object to a file

  • filepath (str or io.IOBase) – The path of the file or file-like object in which the object will be dumped.

  • fmt (str) – Serialization format.


Return a YAML string with the serialized object.

classmethod from_path(filepath, fmt=None)[source]

Deserialize an object from a file

  • filepath (str) – The path of file in which the object has been dumped

  • fmt (str) – Serialization format.


AssertionError – if the deserialized object is not an instance of the class.


Only deserialize files from trusted source, as both pickle and YAML formats can lead to arbitrary code execution.


Filter the instance’s attributes upon serialization.

The following keys in ATTRIBUTES_SERIALIZATION can be used to customize the serialized content:

  • allowed: list of attribute names to serialize. All other attributes will be ignored and will not be saved/restored.

  • ignored: list of attribute names to not serialize. All other attributes will be saved/restored.

  • placeholders: Map of attribute names to placeholder values. These attributes will not be serialized, and the placeholder value will be used upon restoration.

If both allowed and ignored are specified, ignored is ignored.


Make sure that copying the class still works as usual, without dropping some attributes by defining __copy__

lisa.utils.setup_logging(filepath='logging.conf', level=None)[source]

Initialize logging used for all the LISA modules.

  • filepath (str) – the relative or absolute path of the logging configuration to use. Relative path uses lisa.utils.LISA_HOME as base folder.

  • level (int or str) – Override the conf file and force logging level. Defaults to logging.INFO.

class lisa.utils.ArtifactPath(root, relative, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: str, Loggable, HideExekallID

Path to a folder that can be used to store artifacts of a function. This must be a clean folder, already created on disk.

static __new__(cls, root, relative, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Helper for pickle.

classmethod join(path1, path2)[source]

Join two paths together, similarly to os.path.join().

If path1 is a ArtifactPath, the result will also be one, and the root of path1 will be used as the root of the new path.

lisa.utils.value_range(start, stop, step=None, nr_steps=None, inclusive=False, type_=None, clip=False)[source]

Equivalent to builtin range function, but works for floats as well.

  • start (numbers.Number) – First value to use.

  • stop (numbers.Number) – Last value to use.

  • step (numbers.Number) – Mutually exclusive with nr_steps: increment. If None, increment defaults to 1.

  • nr_steps (int or None) – Mutually exclusive with step: number of steps.

  • inclusive (bool) – If True, the stop value will be included (unlike the builtin range)

  • type (collections.abc.Callable) – If specified, will be mapped on the resulting values.

  • clip (bool) – If True, the last value is set to stop, rather than potentially be different if inclusive=True.


Unlike range, it will raise ValueError if start > stop and step > 0.

lisa.utils.filter_values(iterable, values)[source]

Yield value from iterable unless they are in values.

lisa.utils.groupby(iterable, key=None, reverse=False)[source]

Equivalent of itertools.groupby(), with a pre-sorting so it works as expected.

  • iterable – Iterable to group.

  • key – Forwarded to sorted()

  • reverse – Forwarded to sorted()

lisa.utils.grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None)[source]

Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks

lisa.utils.group_by_value(mapping, key_sort=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Group a mapping by its values

Return type:


The idea behind this method is to “reverse” a mapping, IOW to create a new mapping that has the passed mapping’s values as keys. Since different keys can point to the same value, the new values will be lists of old keys.


>>> group_by_value({0: 42, 1: 43, 2: 42})
OrderedDict([(42, [0, 2]), (43, [1])])
lisa.utils.deduplicate(seq, keep_last=True, key=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Deduplicate items in the given sequence and return a list. :param seq: Sequence to deduplicate :type Seq: collections.abc.Sequence

  • key (collections.abc.Callable) – Key function that will be used to determine duplication. It takes one item at a time, returning a hashable key value

  • keep_last (bool) – If True, will keep the last occurence of each duplicated items. Otherwise, keep the first occurence.

lisa.utils.order_as(items, order_as, key=None)[source]

Reorder the iterable of items to match the sequence in order_as. Items present in items and not in order_as will be appended at the end, in appearance order.


key (collections.abc.Callable) – If provided, will be called on each item of items before being compared to order_as to determine the order.

lisa.utils.fold(f, xs, init=None)[source]

Fold the given function over xs, with init initial accumulator value.

This is very similar to functools.reduce(), except that it is not assumed that the function returns values of the same type as the item type.

This means that this function enforces non-empty input.

lisa.utils.foldr(f, xs, init=None)[source]

Right-associative version of fold().


This requires reversing xs. If reversing is not supported by the iterator, it will be first converted to a tuple.


Same as sum() but works on any object that defines __add__

lisa.utils.is_monotonic(iterable, decreasing=False)[source]

Return True if the given sequence is monotonic, False otherwise.


decreasing (bool) – If True, check that the sequence is decreasing rather than increasing.

lisa.utils.fixedpoint(f, init, limit=None)[source]

Find the fixed point of a function f with the initial parameter init.


limit (int or None) – If provided, set a limit on the number of iterations.


Return the common prefix of the passed iterables as an iterator.

lisa.utils.take(n, iterable)[source]

Yield the first n items of an iterator, if n positive, or last items otherwise.

Yield nothing if the iterator is empty.

lisa.utils.consume(n, iterator)[source]

Advance the iterator n-steps ahead. If n is None, consume entirely.

lisa.utils.unzip_into(n, iterator)[source]

Unzip a given iterator into n variables.


orig_a = [1, 3]
orig_b = [2, 4]
a, b = unzip(zip(orig_a, orig_b))
assert a == orig_a
assert b == orig_b


n is needed in order to handle properly the case where an empty iterator is passed.

lisa.utils.get_nested_key(mapping, key_path, getitem=<built-in function getitem>)[source]

Get a key in a nested mapping

lisa.utils.set_nested_key(mapping, key_path, val, level=None)[source]

Set a key in a nested mapping

  • mapping (collections.abc.MutableMapping) – The mapping to update

  • key_path (list) – Path to the key in the mapping, in the form of a list of keys.

  • level (collections.abc.Callable) – Factory used when creating a level is needed. By default, type(mapping) will be called without any parameter.


Try to factor an iterable into a prefix that is repeated a number of times.

Returns a tuple (N, prefix) with N such that N * prefix == list(items).

lisa.utils.get_call_site(levels=0, exclude_caller_module=False)[source]

Get the location of the source that called that function.


(caller, filename, lineno) tuples. Any component can be None if nothing was found. Caller is a string containing the function name.

  • levels (int) – How many levels to look at in the stack

  • exclude_caller_module – Return the first function in the stack that is not defined in the same module as the direct caller of get_call_site().


That function will exclude all source files that are not part of the lisa package. It will also exclude functions of lisa.utils module.


Returns True if the module is imported when Sphinx is running, False otherwise.


Returns True if running in IPython console or Jupyter notebook, False otherwise.


Create a property that raises an AttributeError if it is re-entered.


This only guards against single-thread accesses, it is not threadsafe.

lisa.utils.get_short_doc(obj, strip_rst=False)[source]

Get the short documentation paragraph at the beginning of docstrings.


strip_rst (bool) – If True, remove reStructuredText markup.


Decorator used to allow another decorator to both take keyword parameters when called, and none when not called:

def decorator(func, xxx=42):

# Both of these work:

def foo(...):

def foo(...):


This only works for keyword parameters.


When decorating classmethods, optional_kwargs() must be above @classmethod so it can handle it properly.

lisa.utils.update_params_from(f, ignore=None)[source]

Decorator to update the signature of the decorated function using annotation and default values from the specified f function.

If the parameter already has a default value, it will be used instead of copied-over. Same goes for annotations.

lisa.utils.kwargs_forwarded_to(f, ignore=None)[source]

Similar to functools.wraps(), except that it will only fixup the signature.


ignore (list(str) or None) – List of parameter to not include in the signature.

The signature is modified in the following way:

  • Variable keyword parameters are removed

  • All the parameters that f take are added as keyword-only in the decorated function’s signature, under the assumption that **kwargs in the decorated function is used to relay the parameters to f.


def f(x, y, z):

def g(z, **kwargs):
    return z

# The signature of g() is now "(z, *, x, y)", i.e. x and y are
# keyword-only.
lisa.utils.update_wrapper_doc(func, added_by=None, sig_from=None, description=None, remove_params=None, include_kwargs=False)[source]

Equivalent to functools.wraps() that updates the signature by taking into account the wrapper’s extra keyword-only parameters and the given description.

  • func (collections.abc.Callable) – callable to decorate

  • added_by (collections.abc.Callable or str or None) – Add some kind of reference to give a sense of where the new behaviour of the wraps function comes from.

  • sig_from (collections.abc.Callable) – By default, the signature containing the added parameters will be taken from func. This allows overriding that, in case func is just a wrapper around something else.

  • description (str or None) – Extra description output in the docstring.

  • remove_params (list(str) or None) – Set of parameter names of func to not include in the decorated function signature. This can be used to hide parameters that are only used as part of a decorated/decorator protocol, and not exposed in the final decorated function.

  • include_kwargs (bool) – If True, variable keyword parameter (**kwargs) of the decorator is kept in the signature. It is usually removed, since it’s mostly used to transparently forward arguments to the inner func, but can also serve other purposes.


functools.wraps() is applied by this decorator, which will not work if you applied it yourself.

lisa.utils.sig_bind(sig, args, kwargs, partial=True, include_defaults=True)[source]

Similar to inspect.Signature.bind() but expands variable keyword arguments so that the resulting dictionary can be used directly in a function call.

The function returns a (kwargs, missing) with:
  • missing a set of the missing mandatory parameters.

  • kwargs a dictionary of parameter names to values, ready to be used to call a function.

lisa.utils.dispatch_kwargs(funcs, kwargs, call=True, allow_overlap=False)[source]

Dispatch the provided kwargs mapping to the funcs functions, based on their signature.

  • funcs (list(collections.abc.Callable)) – List of functions to dispatch to.

  • kwargs (dict(str, object)) – Dictionary of arguments to pass to the functions.

  • call (bool) – If True, the functions are called and the return value is a {f: result} with f functions of funcs. If False, the result is just a mapping of arguments ready to be used to call the given function.

  • allow_overlap (bool) – If False, the provided functions are not allowed to have overlapping parameters. If they do, a TypeError is raised.

lisa.utils.kwargs_dispatcher(f_map, ignore=None, allow_overlap=True)[source]

Decorate a function so that it acts as an argument dispatcher between multiple other functions.

  • f_map (dict(collections.abc.Callable, str) or list(collections.abc.Callable)) – Mapping of functions to name of the parameter that will receive the collected parameters. None values will be replaced with f'{f.__name__}_kwargs' for convenience. If passed an non-mapping iterable, it will be transformed into {f: None, f2: None, ...}.

  • ignore (list(str) or None) – Set of parameters to ignore in the f_map functions. They will not be added to the signature and not be collected.

  • allow_overlap (bool) – If True, the functions in f_map are allowed to have overlapping parameters. If False, an TypeError will be raised if there is any overlap.


def f(x, y):
    print('f', x, y)

def g(y, z):
    print('g', y, z)

# f_kwargs will receive a dict of parameters to pass to "f", same for
# g_kwargs.
# The values will also be passed to the function directly in x, y and z
# parameters.
@kwargs_dispatcher({f: "f_kwargs", g: "g_kwargs"})
def h(x, y, f_kwargs, g_kwargs, z):
    print('f', f_kwargs)
    print('g', g_kwargs)
    print(x, y, z)

h(y=2, x=1, z=3)
lisa.utils.DEPRECATED_MAP = {'lisa.analysis.base.AnalysisHelpers.cycle_colors': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', 'obj': <function AnalysisHelpers.cycle_colors>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.analysis.base.AnalysisHelpers.do_plot': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', 'obj': <function AnalysisHelpers.do_plot>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.analysis.base.AnalysisHelpers.get_next_color': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', 'obj': <function AnalysisHelpers.get_next_color>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.analysis.base.AnalysisHelpers.set_axis_cycler': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', 'obj': <function AnalysisHelpers.set_axis_cycler>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.analysis.base.AnalysisHelpers.set_axis_rc_params': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', 'obj': <function AnalysisHelpers.set_axis_rc_params>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.analysis.base.AnalysisHelpers.setup_plot': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Made irrelevant by the use of holoviews', 'obj': <function AnalysisHelpers.setup_plot>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.analysis.load_tracking.LoadTrackingAnalysis.df_cpus_signals': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <function LoadTrackingAnalysis.df_cpus_signals>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function LoadTrackingAnalysis.df_cpus_signal>}, 'lisa.analysis.load_tracking.LoadTrackingAnalysis.df_tasks_signals': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <function LoadTrackingAnalysis.df_tasks_signals>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function LoadTrackingAnalysis.df_tasks_signal>}, 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_task_by_pid': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'This function raises exceptions when faced with ambiguity instead of giving the choice to the user', 'obj': <function TasksAnalysis.get_task_by_pid>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function TasksAnalysis.get_task_pid_names>}, 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_task_pid': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <function TasksAnalysis.get_task_pid>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function TasksAnalysis.get_task_id>}, 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.plot_task_activation': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Deprecated since it does not provide anything more than plot_tasks_activation', 'obj': <function TasksAnalysis.plot_task_activation>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function TasksAnalysis.plot_tasks_activation>}, 'lisa.datautils.SignalDesc.from_event': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'No new signals will be added to this list, use explicit signal description where appropriate in the Trace API', 'obj': <function SignalDesc.from_event>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.datautils.series_tunnel_mean': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <function series_tunnel_mean>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function series_envelope_mean>}, 'lisa.energy_meter.ACME': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'LISA energy meters are deprecated, please use devlib instruments or contribute the instrument to devlib', 'obj': <class 'lisa.energy_meter.ACME'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.energy_meter.AEP': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'LISA energy meters are deprecated, please use devlib instruments or contribute the instrument to devlib', 'obj': <class 'lisa.energy_meter.AEP'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.energy_meter.Gem5EnergyMeter': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'LISA energy meters are deprecated, please use devlib instruments or contribute the instrument to devlib', 'obj': <class 'lisa.energy_meter.Gem5EnergyMeter'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.energy_meter.HWMon': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'LISA energy meters are deprecated, please use devlib instruments or contribute the instrument to devlib', 'obj': <class 'lisa.energy_meter.HWMon'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.energy_meter.Monsoon': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'LISA energy meters are deprecated, please use devlib instruments or contribute the instrument to devlib', 'obj': <class 'lisa.energy_meter.Monsoon'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}, 'lisa.energy_model.EnergyModel.from_debugfsEM_target': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <staticmethod(<function EnergyModel.from_debugfsEM_target>)>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.energy_model.LinuxEnergyModel.from_target'}, 'lisa.energy_model.EnergyModel.from_sd_target': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <staticmethod(<function EnergyModel.from_sd_target>)>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.energy_model.LegacyEnergyModel.from_target'}, 'lisa.fuzz.Gen.lift': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Note that GenMonad.do() will not automatically await on arguments if they are Gen instances, this must be done manually.', 'obj': <function Gen.lift>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <bound method MonadTrans.do of <class 'lisa.fuzz.GenMonad'>>}, 'lisa.trace.CollectorBase.get_trace': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <function CollectorBase.get_trace>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function CollectorBase.get_data>}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.df_events': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.df_events>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'df_event'}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.get_task_by_name': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.get_task_by_name>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function TraceBase.get_task_name_pids>}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.get_task_by_pid': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.get_task_by_pid>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_task_by_pid'}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.get_task_id': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.get_task_id>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_task_id'}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.get_task_ids': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.get_task_ids>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_task_ids'}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.get_task_name_pids': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.get_task_name_pids>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_task_name_pids'}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.get_task_pid': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.get_task_pid>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_task_pid'}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.get_task_pid_names': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.get_task_pid_names>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_task_pid_names'}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.get_tasks': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <function TraceBase.get_tasks>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.get_tasks'}, 'lisa.trace.TraceBase.task_ids': {'deprecated_in': '3.0', 'msg': 'This property has been deprecated and is an alias', 'obj': <property object>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TasksAnalysis.task_ids'}, 'lisa.trace._InternalTraceBase.add_events_deltas': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Prefer adding delta once signals have been extracted from the event dataframe for correctness', 'obj': <function _InternalTraceBase.add_events_deltas>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <function df_add_delta>}, 'lisa.trace._InternalTraceBase.df_all_events': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'This method has been deprecated and is an alias for "trace.ana.notebook.df_all_events()"', 'obj': <function _InternalTraceBase.df_all_events>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': 'lisa.analysis.notebook.NotebookAnalysis.df_all_event'}, 'lisa.wlgen.rta.Periodic': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Replaced by :class:`lisa.wlgen.rta.RTAPhase` along with :class:`lisa.wlgen.rta.PeriodicWload` workload', 'obj': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.Periodic'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RTAPhase'>}, 'lisa.wlgen.rta.Pulse': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.Pulse'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RTAPhase'>}, 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RTA.by_profile': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <classmethod(<function RTA.by_profile>)>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <lisa.utils.PartialInit._PartialFactory object>}, 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RTA.by_str': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <classmethod(<function RTA.by_str>)>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <lisa.utils.PartialInit._PartialFactory object>}, 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RTATask': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RTATask'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RTAPhase'>}, 'lisa.wlgen.rta.Ramp': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.Ramp'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.DutyCycleSweepPhase'>}, 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RunAndSync': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Replaced by :class:`lisa.wlgen.rta.RTAPhase` along with :class:`lisa.wlgen.rta.RunWload` and :class:`lisa.wlgen.rta.BarrierWload` workloads', 'obj': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RunAndSync'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.RTAPhase'>}, 'lisa.wlgen.rta.Step': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': None, 'obj': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.Step'>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': <class 'lisa.wlgen.rta.DutyCycleSweepPhase'>}, 'lisa.wlgen.workload.Workload.output': {'deprecated_in': '2.0', 'msg': 'Processed output is returned by run() or by the ".output" attribute of the value returned by the run_background() context manager', 'obj': <function Workload.output>, 'removed_in': (4, 0), 'replaced_by': None}}

Global dictionary of deprecated classes, functions and so on.

lisa.utils.deprecate(msg=None, replaced_by=None, deprecated_in=None, removed_in=None, parameter=None)[source]

Mark a class, method, function etc as deprecated and update its docstring.

  • msg (str or None) – Message to tell more about this deprecation.

  • replaced_by (object) – Other object the deprecated object is replaced by.

  • deprecated_in (str) – Version in which the object was flagged as deprecated.

  • removed_in (str) – Version in which the deprecated object will be removed.

  • parameter (str or None) – If not None, the deprecation will only apply to the usage of the given parameter. The relevant :param: block in the docstring will be updated, and the deprecation warning will be emitted anytime a caller gives a value to that parameter (default or not).


In order to decorate all the accessors of properties, apply the decorator once the property is fully built:

class C:
    def foo(self):

    def foo(self, val):

    # Once all getters/setter/deleters are set, apply the decorator
    foo = deprecate()(foo)

Return an URL to the documentation about the given object.

lisa.utils.show_doc(obj, iframe=False)[source]

Show the online LISA documentation about the given object.

  • obj (object) – Object to show the doc of. It can be anything, including instances.

  • iframe (bool) – If True, uses an IFrame, otherwise opens a web browser.


Split string into a list of paragraphs.

A paragraph is delimited by empty lines, or lines containing only whitespace characters.


Guess the file format from a path, using the mime types database.

lisa.utils.ignore_exceps(exceps, cm, callback=None)[source]

Wrap a context manager and handle exceptions raised in __enter__() and __exit__().


exceps (BaseException or tuple(BaseException)) – Tuple of exceptions to catch.


If the __enter__() method failed, __exit__() will not be called.

exception lisa.utils.ContextManagerExit[source]

Bases: Exception

Dummy exception raised in the generator wrapped by destroyablecontextmanager() when anything else than GeneratorExit happened during yield.

exception lisa.utils.ContextManagerExcep(e)[source]

Bases: ContextManagerExit

Exception raised when an exception was raised during yield in a context manager created with destroyablecontextmanager().

The e attribute holds the original exception.

exception lisa.utils.ContextManagerNoExcep[source]

Bases: ContextManagerExit

Exception raised when no exception was raised during yield in a context manager created with destroyablecontextmanager().

exception lisa.utils.ContextManagerDestroyed[source]

Bases: GeneratorExit

Exception raised in context managers created by destroyablecontextmanager() when no exception was raised during yield per say but the context manager was destroyed without calling __exit__.


Similar to contextlib.contextmanager() but treats all cases of yield as an exception.

This forces the user to handle them as such, and makes it more apparent that the finally clause in try/yield/finally also catches the case where the context manager is simply destroyed.

The user can handle ContextManagerExit to run cleanup code regardless of exceptions but not when context manager is simply destroyed without calling __exit__() (standard behavior of context manager not created with contextlib.contextmanager()).

Handling exceptions is achieved by handling ContextManagerExcep, with the original exception stored in the e attribute.

Handling destruction is achieved with ContextManagerDestroyed.

Unlike contextlib.contextmanager() and like normal __exit__(), swallowing exceptions is achieved by returning a truthy value. If a falsy value is returned, destroyablecontextmanager() will re-raise the exception as appropriate.

class lisa.utils.ExekallTaggable[source]

Bases: object

Allows tagging the objects produced in exekall expressions ID.

abstract get_tags()[source]

Dictionary of tags and tag values

Return type:

dict(str, object)


Build a PEP484 __annotations__ dictionary from a inspect.Signature.

lisa.utils.namedtuple(*args, module, **kwargs)[source]

Same as collections.namedtuple(), with collections.abc.Mapping behaviour.


Iterating over instances will yield the field names rather the values, unlike regular collections.namedtuple().


module (str) – Name of the module the type is defined in.

lisa.utils.measure_time(clock=<built-in function monotonic>)[source]

Context manager to measure time in seconds.


clock (collections.abc.Callable) – Clock to use.


with measure_time() as measure:
print(measure.start, measure.stop, measure.exclusive_delta, measure.exclusive_delta)


The exclusive_delta discount the time spent in nested measure_time context managers.

lisa.utils.checksum(file_, method)[source]

Compute a checksum on a given file-like object.

  • file (io.IOBase) – File-like object, as returned by open() for example.

  • method (str) – Checksum to use. Can be any of md5, sha256, crc32.

The file is read block by block to avoid clogging the memory with a huge read.


Return the reStructuredText Sphinx role of a given object.

lisa.utils.get_sphinx_name(obj, style=None, abbrev=False)[source]

Get a Sphinx-friendly name of an object.

  • obj (object or type) – The object to take the name from

  • style (str or None) – If rst, a reStructuredText reference will be returned. Otherwise a bare name is returned.

  • abbrev (bool) – If True, a short name will be used with style='rst'.

lisa.utils.newtype(cls, name, doc=None, module=None)[source]

Make a new class inheriting from cls with the given name.

  • cls (type) – Class to inherit from.

  • name (str) – Qualified name of the new type.

  • doc (str or None) – Content of docstring to assign to the new type.

  • module (str or None) – Module name to assign to __module__ attribute of the new type. By default, it’s inferred from the caller of newtype().

The instances of cls class will be recognized as instances of the new type as well using isinstance.

class lisa.utils.FrozenDict(x, deepcopy=True, type_=<class 'dict'>)[source]

Bases: Mapping

Read-only mapping that is therefore hashable.

  • deepcopy (bool) – If True, a deepcopy of the input will be done after applying type_.

  • type (collections.abc.Callable) – Called on the input to provide a suitable mapping, so that the input can be any iterable.


The content of the iterable passed to the constructor is deepcopied to ensure non-mutability.


Hashability allows to use it as a key in other mappings.


Return hash(self).

class lisa.utils.SimpleHash[source]

Bases: object

Base class providing a basic implementation of __eq__ and __hash__: two instances are equal if their __dict__ and __class__ attributes are equal.

HASH_COERCE(x, coerce)[source]

Used to coerce the values of self.__dict__ to hashable values.

  • x (object) – the value to coerce to a hashable value

  • coerce (collections.abc.Callable) –

    Function to be used to recurse, rather than self.HASH_COERCE. This takes care of memoization to avoid infinite recursion.


    The coerce function should only be called on values that will be alive after the call has ended, i.e. it can only be passed parts of the x structure. If temporary objects are passed, memoization will not work as it relies on id(), which is only guaranteed to provide unique ID to objects that are alive.


Return hash(self).

class lisa.utils.PartialInit(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Allow partial initialization of instances with curry-like behaviour for the constructor.

Subclasses will be able to be used in this way:

class Sub(PartialInit):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    # This decorator allows the classmethod to be partially applied as
    # well.
    # Note: since PartialInit relies on accurate signatures, **kwargs
    # cannot be used, unless the signature is patched-up with something
    # like lisa.utils.kwargs_forwarded_to()
    def factory(cls, x, y):
        return cls(x=x, y=y)

# Bind x=1
# Sub.__init__ not yet called
obj = Sub(1)

# Provide a value for "y", which will trigger a call to the
# user-provided __init__
obj = obj(y=2)

# Make a new instance with value of x=42, and all the other parameters
# being the same as what was provided to build "obj"
obj2 = obj(x=42)


any attribute access on a partially initialized instance will result in a TypeError exception.

classmethod factory(f)[source]

Decorator to use on alternative constructors, i.e. classmethods that return instances of the class.

Once decorated, the classmethod can be partially applied just like the class itself.


@classmethod is applied automatically if not already done by the user.


Return getattr(self, name).


Call self as a function.

classmethod __init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

class lisa.utils.ComposedContextManager(cms)[source]

Bases: object

Compose context managers together.


cms (list(contextlib.AbstractContextManager or collections.abc.Callable)) – Context manager factories to compose. Each item can either be a context manager already, or a function that will be called to produce one.


with ComposedContextManager([cm1, cm2]):

# Equivalent to
with cm1() as _cm1:
    with cm2() as _cm2:

Chain the context managers returned by the given callables.

This is equivalent to:

def combined(x):
    fs = list(reversed(fs))

    with fs[0](x) as y:
        with fs[1](y) as z:
            with fs[2](z) as ...:
                with ... as final:
                    yield final

It is typically used instead of regular function composition when the functions return a context manager

def f(a, b):
    print(f'f a={a} b={b}')
    yield a * 2

def g(x):
    print(f'g x={x}')
    yield f'final x={x}'

combined = chain_cm(g, f)
with combined(a=1, b=2) as res:

# Would print:
#  f a=1 b=2
#  g x=2
#  final x=2
class lisa.utils.DirCache(category, populate)[source]

Bases: Loggable

Provide a folder-based cache.

  • category (str) – Unique name for the cache category. This allows an arbitrary number of categories to be used under lisa.utils.LISA_CACHE_HOME.

  • populate (collections.abc.Callable) –

    Callback to populate a new cache entry if none is found. It will be passed the following parameters:

    • The key that is being looked up

    • The path to populate

    It must return a subfolder of the passed path to populate, or None, which is the same as returning the passed path.

The cache is managed in a process-safe way, so that there can be no race between concurrent processes or threads.


Return the token associated with the given key.


Check if the given key is already present in the cache. If the key is present, return the path, otherwise returns None.


key – Same as for get_entry().


Return the folder of a cache entry.

If no entry is found, a new one is created using the populate() callback.


key (object) –

Key of the cache entry. All the components of the key must be isomorphic to their repr(), otherwise the cache will be hit in cases where it should not. For convenience, some types are normalized:

  • Mapping is only considered for its keys and values and type name. Keys are sorted are sorted. If the passed object contains other relevant metadata, it should be rendered to a string first by the caller.

  • Iterable keys are normalized and the object is only considered as an iterable. If other relevant metadata is contained in the object, it should be rendered to a string by the caller.


The return folder must never be modified, as it would lead to races.

lisa.utils.subprocess_log(cmd, level=None, name=None, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Similar to subprocess.check_output() but merges stdout and stderr and logs them using the logging module as it goes.

  • cmd (str or list(str)) – Command passed to subprocess.Popen

  • level (int or None) – Log level to use (e.g. logging.INFO).

  • name (str or None) – Name of the logger to use. Defaults the the beginning of the command.

  • logger (logging.Logger) – Logger to use.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to subprocess.Popen.

class lisa.utils.SerializeViaConstructor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Base class providing serialization to objects that typically cannot due to unpicklable attributes.

This works by recording the constructor that was used and the parameters passed to it in order to recreate an equivalent object, under the assmuption that the constructor arguments will be picklable.

Alternative constructors (e.g. classmethod) can be decorated with SerializeViaConstructor.constructor() in order to record the parameters passed to them if necessary.

classmethod constructor(f)[source]

Decorator to apply on alternative constructors if arguments passed to the class are not serializable, or if the alternative constructor makes necessary initialization.


class Foo(SerializeViaConstructor):
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

    def from_path(cls, path):
        return cls(x=open(path))


This only works on classmethods. staticmethods are not supported.


Helper for pickle.

class lisa.utils.LazyMapping(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Mapping

Lazy Mapping dict-like class for elements evaluated on the fly.

It takes the same set of arguments as a dict with keys as the mapping keys and values as closures that take a key and return the value. The class does no automatic memoization but memoization can easily be achieved using functools.lru_cache(), as shown in the example below.


    x: lru_cache()(lambda k: k + 42)
    for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]
lisa.utils.mp_spawn_pool(import_main=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create a context manager wrapping multiprocessing.pool.Pool using the spawn method, which is safe even in multithreaded applications.


import_main (bool) – If True, let the spawned process import the __main__ module. This is usually not necessary when the functions executed in the pool are small and not importing __main__ saves a lot of time (actually, unbounded amount of time).

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to multiprocessing.pool.Pool.

Check if link is dead. If dead, returns a truthy value, otherwise a falsy one.


Context manager that will replace subprocess.CalledProcessError by a subclass that shows more details.

Kernel modules

This module provides classes to build kernel modules from source on the fly.

Here is an example of such module:

import time

from lisa.target import Target
from lisa.trace import DmesgCollector
from lisa._kmod import KmodSrc

from lisa.utils import setup_logging

target = Target(

# Example module from: https://tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x279.html
code = r'''
*  hello-4.c - Demonstrates module documentation.
#include <linux/module.h> /* Needed by all modules */
#include <linux/kernel.h> /* Needed for KERN_INFO */
#include <linux/init.h>   /* Needed for the macros */
#define DRIVER_DESC   "A sample driver"

static int __init init_hello(void)
    printk(KERN_INFO "Hello, world\n");
    return 0;

static void __exit cleanup_hello(void)
    printk(KERN_INFO "Goodbye, worldn");


*  You can use strings, like this:

* Get rid of taint message by declaring code as GPL.

* Or with defines, like this
MODULE_AUTHOR(DRIVER_AUTHOR);    /* Who wrote this module? */
MODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRIVER_DESC); /* What does this module do */

# This object represents the kernel sources, and needs to be turned into a
# DynamicKmod to be compiled and run.
src = KmodSrc({'hello.c': code})

# Create a DynamicKmod from the target and the module sources.
kmod = target.get_kmod(src=src)

# Collect the dmesg output while running the module
dmesg_coll = DmesgCollector(target, output_path='dmesg.log')

# kmod.run() will compile the module, install it and then uninstall it at the
# end of the "with" statement.
with dmesg_coll, kmod.run():

for entry in dmesg_coll.entries:
exception lisa._kmod.KmodVersionError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when the kernel module is not found with the expected version.

lisa._kmod.make_alpine_chroot(version, **kwargs)[source]
class lisa._kmod.OverlayResource[source]

Bases: ABC

Resource to be applied as an overlay in an existing folder.

abstract write_to(dst)[source]

Write the resource to the dst path.

class lisa._kmod._FileOverlayBase[source]

Bases: OverlayResource

Base class for file overlays.

class lisa._kmod.FileOverlay[source]

Bases: _FileOverlayBase

Overlay representing a file content.

classmethod from_content(content)[source]

Build the file from its content.

classmethod from_path(path, decompress=False)[source]

Build the file from an existing path.


decompress (bool) – If True, the file will be decompressed according to its extension. E.g. an .gz file would be inferred as gzip and decompressed. If False, the extension is ignored.

class lisa._kmod._PathOverlayBase[source]

Bases: _FileOverlayBase

Base class for path-based overlays.

class lisa._kmod._PathFileOverlay(path)[source]

Bases: _PathOverlayBase


Write the resource to the dst path.

class lisa._kmod._CompressedPathFileOverlay(path)[source]

Bases: _PathOverlayBase


Write the resource to the dst path.

class lisa._kmod._ContentFileOverlay(content)[source]

Bases: _FileOverlayBase


Write the resource to the dst path.

class lisa._kmod.TarOverlay(path)[source]

Bases: _PathOverlayBase

The __init__ constructor is considered private. Use factory classmethod to create instances.

classmethod from_path(path)[source]

Build the overlay from the path to an existing tar archive.


Write the resource to the dst path.

class lisa._kmod.PatchOverlay(overlay)[source]

Bases: OverlayResource

Patch to be applied on an existing file.


overlay (_FileOverlayBase) – Overlay providing the content of the patch.


Write the resource to the dst path.

class lisa._kmod.KmodSrc(src, name=None)[source]

Bases: Loggable

Sources of a kernel module.

  • src (dict(str, str)) – Mapping of source path to file content.

  • name (str or None) – If provided, sets the name of the module. If None, a name will be created using a checksum of the sources.

property code_files
property c_files
property checksum

Checksum of the module’s sources & Makefile.

property mod_name

Name of the module.

property makefile
compile(kernel_build_env, make_vars=None)[source]

Compile the module and returns the bytestring content of the .ko file.

  • kernel_build_env (_KernelBuildEnv) – kernel build env to build the module against.

  • make_vars (dict(str, object) or None) – Variables passed on make command line. This can be used for variables only impacting the module, otherwise it’s better to set them when creating the kernel_build_env.

classmethod from_path(path, extra=None, **kwargs)[source]

Build an instance from the path to the sources.


extra (dict(str, str)) – Extra sources to use, same as src parameter lisa._kmod.KmodSrc.

exception lisa._kmod.CannotLoadModuleError[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when a kernel module cannot be loaded (or will not be loaded because of nasty side effects).

class lisa._kmod.DynamicKmod(target, src, kernel_build_env=None)[source]

Bases: Loggable

Dynamic kernel module that can be compiled on the go by LISA.

property mod_name
classmethod from_target(target, **kwargs)[source]

Build a module from the given target. Use this constructor on subclasses rather than making assumptions on the signature of the class.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to __init__.

property kernel_build_env

Install and load the module on the target.


kmod_params (dict(str, object) or None) – Parameters to pass to the module via insmod. Non-string iterable values will be turned into a comma-separated string following the module_param_array() kernel API syntax.


Unload the module from the target.


Context manager used to run the module by loading it then unloading it.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to install().

class lisa._kmod.FtraceDynamicKmod(target, src, kernel_build_env=None)[source]

Bases: DynamicKmod

Dynamic module providing some custom ftrace events.

property defined_events

Ftrace events defined in that module.

property possible_events

Ftrace events possibly defined in that module.

Note that this is based on crude source code analysis so it’s expected to be a superset of the actually defined events.

class lisa._kmod.LISADynamicKmod(target, src, kernel_build_env=None)[source]

Bases: FtraceDynamicKmod

Module providing ftrace events used in various places by lisa.

The kernel must be compiled with the following options in order for the module to be created successfully:

classmethod from_target(target, **kwargs)[source]

Build a module from the given target. Use this constructor on subclasses rather than making assumptions on the signature of the class.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to __init__.


Install and load the module on the target.


kmod_params (dict(str, object) or None) – Parameters to pass to the module via insmod. Non-string iterable values will be turned into a comma-separated string following the module_param_array() kernel API syntax.

Generic types

Generic types inspired by the typing module.

lisa._generic.check_type(x, classinfo)[source]

Equivalent of isinstance() that will also work with typing hints.

lisa._generic.is_instance(obj, classinfo)[source]

Same as builtin isinstance() but works with type hints.


Heuristic to check if a given obj is a typing hint or anything else. This function will return False for classes.


Since there is currently no way to identify hints for sure, the check might return False even if it is a hint.


Convert a typing hint to a class that will do a runtime check against the hint when isinstance() is used.

class lisa._generic.SortedSequence[source]

Bases: Generic[T], _TypeguardCustom

Same as typing.List but enforces sorted values when runtime checked using typeguard.

__orig_bases__ = (typing.Generic[~T], <class 'lisa._generic._TypeguardCustom'>)
__parameters__ = (~T,)


This module provides a trait system known as typeclasses in Haskell and Scala, and known as trait in Rust.

The fundamental idea is to decouple the followings:

  1. definition of an interface as a set of methods to implement.

  2. implementation of the aforementioned methods for a given class.

  3. the class definitions themselves.

Decoupling 2. and 3. allows providing implementation of the interface on any type, including foreign types coming from other libraries, or even builtin types. This is the core benefit from typeclasses as opposed to regular classes in Object Oriented Programming. They allow extending existing types without having to modify their inheritance hierarchy.


The names of the concepts are drawn from Haskell typeclasses:

  • typeclass: This is the description of an interface, as a set of mandatory methods to implement, and optionally helper functions with default implementations. It’s pretty close in concept to abstract base classes.

  • superclass: The mother typeclass of a given typeclass.

  • instance: This is the implementation of a given typeclass for a given (set of) type.

  • values: Values as opposed to types. Since instance is already used to refer to the implementation of a typeclass, we use the word value.

  • type: That is just a type, also known as class in Python.

Here is an example on how to work with typeclasses as provided by this module:

from lisa._typeclass import TypeClass

class FooBar(TypeClass):
    "Foobar interface"

    # TypeClass.required is an equivalent of abc.abstractmethod: It forces
    # implementations of a given set of method
    def my_method(self):

    # This helper can be used in the implementation of the typeclass, and
    # can be overriden by any instance.
    def extra_helper(self):
        return 42

class ARandomClass:
    "Just a random class, it could be anything"

# ``types`` can be either a tuple of types or a single type
class ARandomClassFooBarInstance(FooBar, types=(ARandomClass, int)):
    "Implement the FooBar typeclass for both ARandomClass type and int at once."
    def my_method(self):
        return 'ARandomClass or int value'

value = ARandomClass()

# Both are equivalent
# The @ version is more useful when combining multiple typeclasses on the fly
value_as_foobar = FooBar(value)
value_as_foobar = value @ FooBar

# Inplace variant allows to "cast" the value directly.
# These are all equivalent:
# value @= FooBar
# value = value @ FooBar
# value = FooBar(value)

# The typeclass machinery will dispatch the call to my_method() to the
# right implementation

# We also implemented FooBar for int type

# Raises a TypeError, since there is no instance for float

# Add an instance of FooBar for float type
class FloatFooBarInstance(FooBar, types=float):
    def my_method(self):
        return 'float'

# Now works once we added the instance

Classmethod also work, so typeclasses can be used to define factory interfaces:

from lisa._typeclass import TypeClass

class FromString(TypeClass):
    "Build a value by parsing a string"

    def from_str(cls, string):

class IntFromStringInstance(FromString, types=int):
    def from_str(cls, string):
        # Although cls is a value of type TypeProxy, it can be called just
        # like a regular class
        return cls(string)

# Types can be cast just like values, so we can use the classmethods and
# the staticmethods on them as well
assert 33 == FromString(int).from_str('33')

A more advanced usage can involve a hierarchy of typeclasses that gets combined together:

from lisa._typeclass import TypeClass

class MyTP1(TypeClass):
    def meth1(self):

    def another_meth(self):

class MyTP2(TypeClass):
    def meth2(self):

class IntTP1Instance(MyTP1, types=int):
    def meth1(self):
        return 'int'

    def another_meth(self):
        return 42

class IntTP2Instance(MyTP2, types=int):
    def meth2(self):
        return 'int'

    # Reuse an existing function implementation
    another_meth = IntTP1Instance.another_meth

# Both are equivalent and allow creating a typeclass that provides
# interfaces of both MyTP1 and MyTP2. If some methods are required by both
# MyTP1 and MyTP2, the conflict is detected and a TypeError is raised:
MyTP1AndMyTP2 = MyTP1 & MyTP2

# This combined typeclass will automatically get the instances from its
# superclasses
class MyTP1AndMyTP2(MyTP1, MyTP2):

# All are equivalent
value = 2 @ (MyTP1 & MyTP2)
value = 2 @ MyTP1AndMyTP2
value = MyTP1AndMyTP2(2)
value = (MyTP1 & MyTP2)(2)

# We can now use the API of both MyTP1 and MyTP2

Note that it’s possible to implement a typeclass for a type that has no values, but for which isinstance(value, thetype) will return true. This can be achieved using __instancecheck__ or __subclasscheck__ and is used in particular by the abstract base classes provided by collections.abc. lisa._generic.SortedSequence is another example. Typing hints from the typing module can also be used. Casting values “registered” as instances of these types is expensive though, as validity of the cast depends on the value itself. That means it’s not possible to memoize the result of the cast associated it with the type of the value.

One might wonder what casting a value to a typeclass gives. When possible, a new value with a synthetic type is returned. That is implemented using a shallow copy of the value, and then updating its __class__ attribute. This will provide native attribute lookup speed, and casting will be efficient. If that is not possible (non-heap types, types using __slots__ etc), an instance of lisa._typeclass.ValueProxy will be returned for values, and a synthetic type will be created for types.

class lisa._typeclass.TypeClassMeta(name, bases, dct, *args, types=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: type

Metaclass of all typeclasses.

This implements most of the typeclass magic.

  • name (str) – Name of the typeclass or instance being created.

  • bases (tuple(type)) – tuple of superclasses of the typeclass being defined. When an instance is created, bases must have exactly one element, which is the typeclass being implemented.

  • dct (dict(str, object)) – Dictionary of attributes defined in the body of the class statement.

  • types (type or tuple(type) or None) – Type or tuple of types for which the typeclass instance is provided.

static __new__(cls, name, bases, dct, *args, types=None, **kwargs)[source]
static required(f)[source]

Decorator used in a typeclass to flag a method to be required to be implemented by all instances.

This is very similar to abc.abstractmethod().


Use the matrix multiplication operator (@) as a “cast” operator, to cast a value or a type to a typeclass.


Use the matrix multiplication operator (@) as a “cast” operator, to cast a value or a type to a typeclass.


Allow quick combination of multiple typeclasses with bitwise & operator.

class lisa._typeclass.TypeClass(obj)[source]

Bases: object

Base class to inherit from to define a new typeclass.

static __new__(cls, obj)[source]
class lisa._typeclass.ValueProxy(obj, dct)[source]

Bases: object

Values of this class are returned when casting a value to a typeclass, if the value does not support shallow copy or __class__ attribute assignment.

It implements the modified attribute lookup, so we can use the typeclass methods. All other attribute lookups will go through untouched, except magic methods lookup (also known as dunder names).


Return getattr(self, name).

class lisa._typeclass.FromString(obj)[source]

Bases: TypeClass

Build values by parsing a string.

classmethod from_str(string)[source]

Parse the given string into a value of cls.

classmethod get_format_description(short)[source]

Returns the description of the format parsed by from_str().


short (bool) – If True, a short description should be returned. Otherwise a more more lengthy description is acceptable

INSTANCES = {<class 'bool'>: (<class 'lisa._typeclass._BoolFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Parse boolean from a string.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa._typeclass', '__qualname__': '_BoolFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _BoolFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _BoolFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'float'>: (<class 'lisa._typeclass._BuiltinFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Parse the following types from a string:\n        * ``int``\n        * ``float``\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa._typeclass', '__qualname__': '_BuiltinFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _BuiltinFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _BuiltinFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'int'>: (<class 'lisa._typeclass._BuiltinFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Parse the following types from a string:\n        * ``int``\n        * ``float``\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa._typeclass', '__qualname__': '_BuiltinFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _BuiltinFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _BuiltinFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa._generic.List'>: (<class 'lisa._typeclass._IntSeqFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Instance of :class:`lisa._typeclass.FromString` for :class:`int` type.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa._typeclass', '__qualname__': '_IntSeqFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _IntSeqFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _IntSeqFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa._generic.List'>: (<class 'lisa._typeclass._StrSeqFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Instance of :class:`lisa._typeclass.FromString` for :class:`str` type.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa._typeclass', '__qualname__': '_StrSeqFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _StrSeqFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _StrSeqFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa._generic.List'>: (<class 'lisa.trace._CPUSeqFromStringInstance'>, {'__module__': 'lisa.trace', '__qualname__': '_CPUSeqFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <bound method _IntSeqFromStringInstance.from_str of <class 'lisa._typeclass.Sequence'>>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _CPUSeqFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa._generic.List'>: (<class 'lisa.analysis.tasks._TaskIDSeqFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Instance of :class:`lisa._typeclass.FromString` for lists :class:`TaskID` type.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa.analysis.tasks', '__qualname__': '_TaskIDSeqFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _TaskIDSeqFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _TaskIDSeqFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa._generic.Sequence'>: (<class 'lisa._typeclass._IntSeqFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Instance of :class:`lisa._typeclass.FromString` for :class:`int` type.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa._typeclass', '__qualname__': '_IntSeqFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _IntSeqFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _IntSeqFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa._generic.Sequence'>: (<class 'lisa._typeclass._StrSeqFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Instance of :class:`lisa._typeclass.FromString` for :class:`str` type.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa._typeclass', '__qualname__': '_StrSeqFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _StrSeqFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _StrSeqFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa._generic.Sequence'>: (<class 'lisa.trace._CPUSeqFromStringInstance'>, {'__module__': 'lisa.trace', '__qualname__': '_CPUSeqFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <bound method _IntSeqFromStringInstance.from_str of <class 'lisa._typeclass.Sequence'>>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _CPUSeqFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa._generic.Sequence'>: (<class 'lisa.analysis.tasks._TaskIDSeqFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Instance of :class:`lisa._typeclass.FromString` for lists :class:`TaskID` type.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa.analysis.tasks', '__qualname__': '_TaskIDSeqFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _TaskIDSeqFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _TaskIDSeqFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'lisa.analysis.tasks.TaskID'>: (<class 'lisa.analysis.tasks._TaskIDFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Instance of :class:`lisa._typeclass.FromString` for :class:`TaskID` type.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa.analysis.tasks', '__qualname__': '_TaskIDFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _TaskIDFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _TaskIDFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>}), <class 'str'>: (<class 'lisa._typeclass._StrFromStringInstance'>, {'__doc__': '\n    Instance of :class:`lisa._typeclass.FromString` for :class:`str` type.\n    ', '__module__': 'lisa._typeclass', '__qualname__': '_StrFromStringInstance', 'from_str': <classmethod(<function _StrFromStringInstance.from_str>)>, 'get_format_description': <classmethod(<function _StrFromStringInstance.get_format_description>)>})}
REQUIRED = {'from_str': <class 'lisa._typeclass.FromString'>, 'get_format_description': <class 'lisa._typeclass.FromString'>}


Monads with syntactic sugar.

All monads share the following API:

# for a given monad Monad

# Turns a regular function into a function returning an instance of Monad,
# and able to await on monadic values. Similar to the "do notation" in
# Haskell.
async def foo(x, y):
    # Inside a decorated function, await can be used to "extract" the value
    # contained in the monad, like ``<-`` in Haskell.
    z = await Monad.something()
    return x

# Equivalent to
async def foo(x, y):
    # note: await is used automatically if x is an instance of Monad
    x_ = await x
    y_ = await y
    # Monad.pure() is called if x_ is not an instance of Monad
    return Monad.pure(x_)

This allow composing decorated functions easily


There currently is no overridable bind operation, since nothing in Python currently allows getting a proper continuation without explicit manipulations of lambdas. The closest thing that is used is coroutine functions, where await somewhat provides a continuation using coroutine.send(). The limitation comes from that it can only be called at most once (preventing anything like the list monad). Early-return control flow such as the maybe monad are typically not necessary as Python has exceptions already.


async/await is used as syntactic sugar instead of yield since the grammar works better for await. yield cannot be used in comprehensions, which prevents some idiomatic functional patterns based on generator expressions.

class lisa.monad.Monad[source]

Bases: _MonadBase

classmethod __init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

map(self, f)[source]

Takes a monadic value Monad[A], a function that takes an A and returns B, and returns a Monad[B].


Takes a monadic value Monad[Monad[A]], and returns a Monad[A].

exception lisa.monad.AlreadyCalledError[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception raised by _CallOnce when the wrapped function has already been called once.

class lisa.monad.MonadTrans[source]

Bases: Monad, ABC

Base class for monad transformers.

Heavily inspired by transformers as defined by: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers

And stack manipulation inspired by: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmorph

classmethod __init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.

abstract classmethod lift(m)[source]

Lift a monadic value m by one level in the stack, i.e.: Given a stack for 3 transformers T1(T2(T3(Identity))), a value m = T3(Identity).pure(42). we have T2.lift(m) == T2(T3(Identity)).pure(42).

abstract classmethod hoist(self, nat)[source]

Lift a monadic value m by one level in the stack, i.e.: Given a stack for 3 transformers T1(T2(T3(Identity))), a value m = T2(Identity).pure(42). we have T2.hoist(m, T3.pure) == T2(T3(Identity)).pure(42).

In other words, it allows adding a level “from below”, whereas lift adds a level “from above”. It’s similar to map, except that instead of traversing all the nested functor layers, it stops at the first one.


See also

hoist as defined in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmorph


Note for implementers: A monad transformers t m a (t is the transformer HKT, m is the base monad and a is the “contained type) usually ends up containing an “m (f a)” (f being some kind of functor). For example, MaybeT in Haskell (Option here) is more or less defined as data MaybeT m a = MaybeT (m (Maybe a)). What the hoist implementation must do is to “rebuild” a value with a call to nat() around the m (...) part. For MaybeT, this gives hoist nat (MaybeT (m (Maybe a))) = MaybeT(nat(m (Maybe a))).

classmethod pure(x)[source]

Turn a regular value of type A into a monadic value of type Monad[A].

classmethod do(f)[source]

Decorate a coroutine function so that awaits gains the powers of the monad.

See also

This decorator is very similar to the do-notation in Haskell.

abstract bind(continuation)

Takes a monadic value Monad[A], a function that takes an A and returns Monad[B], and returns a Monad[B].


It is allowed to return a _TailCall instance.


Allows stacking together multiple MonadTrans, e.g.:

class Stack(TransformerStack(T1, T2, T3)):

async def foo():

    # Any monadic value from the stack's direct components can be used.
    await T1.pure(42)
    await T2.pure(42)
    await T3.pure(42)
class lisa.monad.Some(x)[source]

Bases: _Optional

Wraps an arbitrary value to indicate its presence.

__slots__ = ('x',)
lisa.monad.Nothing = Nothing

Similar to Some but indicating the absence of value.

class lisa.monad.Option(x)[source]

Bases: MonadTrans, _AddPureNothing

Monad transformer that manipulates Some and Nothing.

Option.bind() will short-circuit if Nothing is passed, much like the Rust or Javascript ? operator, or the MaybeT monad transformer in Haskell.

__slots__ = ('_x',)
property x

Wrapped value, of type Base[_Optional[A]] with Base the base monad of the transformer.


Takes a monadic value Monad[A], a function that takes an A and returns Monad[B], and returns a Monad[B].


It is allowed to return a _TailCall instance.

classmethod lift(m)[source]

Lift a monadic value m by one level in the stack, i.e.: Given a stack for 3 transformers T1(T2(T3(Identity))), a value m = T3(Identity).pure(42). we have T2.lift(m) == T2(T3(Identity)).pure(42).

hoist(self, nat)[source]

Lift a monadic value m by one level in the stack, i.e.: Given a stack for 3 transformers T1(T2(T3(Identity))), a value m = T2(Identity).pure(42). we have T2.hoist(m, T3.pure) == T2(T3(Identity)).pure(42).

In other words, it allows adding a level “from below”, whereas lift adds a level “from above”. It’s similar to map, except that instead of traversing all the nested functor layers, it stops at the first one.


See also

hoist as defined in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmorph


Note for implementers: A monad transformers t m a (t is the transformer HKT, m is the base monad and a is the “contained type) usually ends up containing an “m (f a)” (f being some kind of functor). For example, MaybeT in Haskell (Option here) is more or less defined as data MaybeT m a = MaybeT (m (Maybe a)). What the hoist implementation must do is to “rebuild” a value with a call to nat() around the m (...) part. For MaybeT, this gives hoist nat (MaybeT (m (Maybe a))) = MaybeT(nat(m (Maybe a))).

class lisa.monad.State(f)[source]

Bases: MonadTrans

Monad transformer analogous to Haskell’s StateT transformer.

It manipulates state-transforming functions of type state -> (value, new_state). This allows simulating a global state, without actually requiring one.

__slots__ = ('_f',)
property f

State-transforming function of type state -> (value, new_state)

classmethod make_state(x)[source]

Create an initial state. All the parameters of State.__call__() are passed to State.make_state().

__call__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Allow calling monadic values to run the state-transforming function, with the initial state provided by State.make_state().


Takes a monadic value Monad[A], a function that takes an A and returns Monad[B], and returns a Monad[B].


It is allowed to return a _TailCall instance.

classmethod lift(m)[source]

Lift a monadic value m by one level in the stack, i.e.: Given a stack for 3 transformers T1(T2(T3(Identity))), a value m = T3(Identity).pure(42). we have T2.lift(m) == T2(T3(Identity)).pure(42).

hoist(self, nat)[source]

Lift a monadic value m by one level in the stack, i.e.: Given a stack for 3 transformers T1(T2(T3(Identity))), a value m = T2(Identity).pure(42). we have T2.hoist(m, T3.pure) == T2(T3(Identity)).pure(42).

In other words, it allows adding a level “from below”, whereas lift adds a level “from above”. It’s similar to map, except that instead of traversing all the nested functor layers, it stops at the first one.


See also

hoist as defined in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmorph


Note for implementers: A monad transformers t m a (t is the transformer HKT, m is the base monad and a is the “contained type) usually ends up containing an “m (f a)” (f being some kind of functor). For example, MaybeT in Haskell (Option here) is more or less defined as data MaybeT m a = MaybeT (m (Maybe a)). What the hoist implementation must do is to “rebuild” a value with a call to nat() around the m (...) part. For MaybeT, this gives hoist nat (MaybeT (m (Maybe a))) = MaybeT(nat(m (Maybe a))).

classmethod from_f(f)[source]

Build a monadic value out of a state modifying function of type state -> (value, new_state).

classmethod get_state()[source]

Returns a monadic value returning the current state.

classmethod set_state(new)[source]

Returns a monadic value setting the current state and returning the old one.

classmethod modify_state(f)[source]

Returns a monadic value applying f on the current state, setting the new state and then returning it.

class lisa.monad.StateDiscard(f)[source]

Bases: State

Same as State except that calling monadic values will return the computed value instead of a tuple (value, state).

This is useful for APIs where the final state is of no interest to the user.

__call__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Allow calling monadic values to run the state-transforming function, with the initial state provided by State.make_state().


Takes a monadic value Monad[A], a function that takes an A and returns Monad[B], and returns a Monad[B].


It is allowed to return a _TailCall instance.

class lisa.monad.Async(coro)[source]

Bases: MonadTrans

Monad transformer allowing the decorated coroutine function to await on non-monadic values. This is useful to mix any monad transformer defined in this module with other async APIs, such as asyncio.

__slots__ = ('_coro',)
property coro

Coroutine that will only yield non-monadic values. All the monadic values will be processed by the monad transformer stack as expected and will stay hidden.

property x

Run the coroutine to completion in its event loop.

classmethod lift(x)[source]

Lift a monadic value m by one level in the stack, i.e.: Given a stack for 3 transformers T1(T2(T3(Identity))), a value m = T3(Identity).pure(42). we have T2.lift(m) == T2(T3(Identity)).pure(42).

hoist(self, nat)[source]

Lift a monadic value m by one level in the stack, i.e.: Given a stack for 3 transformers T1(T2(T3(Identity))), a value m = T2(Identity).pure(42). we have T2.hoist(m, T3.pure) == T2(T3(Identity)).pure(42).

In other words, it allows adding a level “from below”, whereas lift adds a level “from above”. It’s similar to map, except that instead of traversing all the nested functor layers, it stops at the first one.


See also

hoist as defined in https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mmorph


Note for implementers: A monad transformers t m a (t is the transformer HKT, m is the base monad and a is the “contained type) usually ends up containing an “m (f a)” (f being some kind of functor). For example, MaybeT in Haskell (Option here) is more or less defined as data MaybeT m a = MaybeT (m (Maybe a)). What the hoist implementation must do is to “rebuild” a value with a call to nat() around the m (...) part. For MaybeT, this gives hoist nat (MaybeT (m (Maybe a))) = MaybeT(nat(m (Maybe a))).


Takes a monadic value Monad[A], a function that takes an A and returns Monad[B], and returns a Monad[B].


It is allowed to return a _TailCall instance.

class lisa.monad.AsyncIO(coro)[source]

Bases: Async

Specialization of lisa.monad.Async to asyncio event loop.


Takes a monadic value Monad[A], a function that takes an A and returns Monad[B], and returns a Monad[B].


It is allowed to return a _TailCall instance.


Fuzzing API to build random constrained values.


The following example shows a direct use of the Gen monad, but be aware that lisa.wlgen.rta API allows mixing both Gen and RTA DSL into the same coroutine function using lisa.wlgen.rta.task_factory().


from lisa.platforms.platinfo import PlatformInfo
from lisa.fuzz import GenMonad, Choice, Int, Float, retry_until

# The function must be decorated with GenMonad.do() so that "await" gains
# its special meaning.
async def make_data(duration=None):
    # Draw a value from an iterable.
    period = await Choice([16e-3, 8e-3])
    nr = await Choice(range(1, 4))
    duration = duration or (await Float(1, 2))

    # Arbitrary properties can be enforced. If they are not satisfied, the
    # function will run again until the condition is true.
    await retry_until(0 < nr <= 2)

    return (nr, duration, period)

# seed (or rng) can be fixed for reproducible results
data = make_data(duration=42)(seed=1)
exception lisa.fuzz.RetryException[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception raised to signify to lisa.fuzz.Gen to retry the random draw.


Returns an awaitable that will signify to the lisa.fuzz.Gen monad to retry the computation until cond is True. This is used to enforce arbitrary constraints on generated data.


If possible, it’s a better idea to generate the data in a way that satisfy the constraints, as retrying can happen an arbitrary number of time and thus become quite costly.

class lisa.fuzz.GenMonad(f, name=None)[source]

Bases: StateDiscard, Loggable

Random generator monad inspired by Haskell’s QuickCheck.

classmethod make_state(*, rng=None, seed=None)[source]

Initialize the RNG state with either an rng or a seed.


Takes a monadic value Monad[A], a function that takes an A and returns Monad[B], and returns a Monad[B].


It is allowed to return a _TailCall instance.

class lisa.fuzz.Gen(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

classmethod lift(f)[source]


Deprecated since version 2.0.

lift() is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0, use lisa.monad.MonadTrans.do() instead: Note that GenMonad.do() will not automatically await on arguments if they are Gen instances, this must be done manually.

class lisa.fuzz.Choices(n, xs, typ=None)[source]

Bases: Gen

Randomly choose n values among xs.

  • n (int) – Number of values to yield every time.

  • xs (collections.abc.Iterable) – Finite iterable of values to choose from.

  • typ (type) – Callable used to build the output from an iterable.

class lisa.fuzz.Set(n, xs, typ=None)[source]

Bases: Choices

Same as lisa.fuzz.Choices but returns a set.


The values are drawn without replacement to ensure the set is of the correct size, assuming the input contained no duplicate.

class lisa.fuzz.Tuple(n, xs, typ=None)[source]

Bases: Choices

Same as lisa.fuzz.Choices but returns a tuple.

class lisa.fuzz.SortedList(n, xs, typ=None)[source]

Bases: Choices

Same as lisa.fuzz.Choices but returns a sorted list.

class lisa.fuzz.Shuffle(xs)[source]

Bases: Choices

Randomly shuffle the given sequence.


xs (collections.abc.Sequence) – Finite sequence of values to shuffle.

class lisa.fuzz.Bool[source]

Bases: Gen

Draw a random bool.

class lisa.fuzz.Int(min_=0, max_=0)[source]

Bases: Gen

Draw a random int fitting within the [min_, max_] range.

class lisa.fuzz.Float(min_=0, max_=0)[source]

Bases: Gen

Draw a random float fitting within the [min_, max_] range.

class lisa.fuzz.Dict(n, xs, typ=None)[source]

Bases: Choices

Same as lisa.fuzz.Choices but returns a dictionary.


The input must be an iterable of tuple(key, value).


The values are drawn without replacement to ensure the dict is of the correct size, assuming the input contained no duplicate.

class lisa.fuzz.Choice(xs)[source]

Bases: Gen

Randomly choose one values among xs.


xs (collections.abc.Iterable) – Finite iterable of values to choose from.

Dataframe and Series handling utilities

class lisa.datautils.Timestamp(ts, unit='s', rounding='down')[source]

Bases: float

Nanosecond-precision timestamp. It inherits from float and as such can be manipulating as a floating point number of seconds. The nanoseconds attribute allows getting the exact timestamp regardless of the magnitude of the float, allowing for more precise computation.

  • unit (str) – Unit of the ts value being passed. One of "s", "ms", "us" and "ns".

  • rounding (str) – How to round the value when converting to float. Timestamps of large magnitude will suffer from the loss of least significant digits in their float value which will not have nanosecond precision. The rounding determines if a value below or above the actual nanosecond-precision timestamp should be used. One of "up" or "down".

__slots__ = ('as_nanoseconds', '_Timestamp__rounding')
static __new__(cls, ts, unit='s', rounding='down')[source]

Return hash(self).


Return self<=value.


Return self>=value.


Return self<value.


Return self>value.


Return self!=value.


Return self+value.


Return self-value.


Return self*value.


Return self%value.


Return self/value.


Return self//value.







class lisa.datautils.DataAccessor(data)[source]

Bases: object

Proxy class that allows extending the pandas.DataFrame API.


# Define and register a dataframe accessor
def df_foobar(df, baz):

df = pandas.DataFrame()
# Use the accessor with the "lisa" proxy
classmethod register_accessor(f)[source]

Decorator to register an accessor function.

The accessor name will be the name of the function, without the series_ or df_ prefix.


Default dir() implementation.

class lisa.datautils.DataFrameAccessor(data)[source]

Bases: DataAccessor

FUNCTIONS = {'add_delta': <function df_add_delta>, 'combine_duplicates': <function df_combine_duplicates>, 'convert_to_nullable': <function df_convert_to_nullable>, 'deduplicate': <function df_deduplicate>, 'delta': <function df_delta>, 'filter': <function df_filter>, 'filter_task_ids': <function df_filter_task_ids>, 'find_redundant_cols': <function df_find_redundant_cols>, 'make_empty_clone': <function df_make_empty_clone>, 'refit_index': <function df_refit_index>, 'split_signals': <function df_split_signals>, 'squash': <function df_squash>, 'update_duplicates': <function df_update_duplicates>, 'window': <function df_window>, 'window_signals': <function df_window_signals>}
class lisa.datautils.SeriesAccessor(data)[source]

Bases: DataAccessor

FUNCTIONS = {'align_signal': <function series_align_signal>, 'convert': <function series_convert>, 'deduplicate': <function series_deduplicate>, 'derivate': <function series_derivate>, 'envelope_mean': <function series_envelope_mean>, 'integrate': <function series_integrate>, 'local_extremum': <function series_local_extremum>, 'mean': <function series_mean>, 'refit_index': <function series_refit_index>, 'rolling_apply': <function series_rolling_apply>, 'window': <function series_window>}
lisa.datautils.series_refit_index(series, start=None, end=None, window=None, method='inclusive', clip_window=True)[source]

Slice a series using series_window() and ensure we have a value at exactly the specified boundaries, unless the signal started after the beginning of the required window.

  • df (pandas.Series) – Series to act on

  • start (object) – First index value to find in the returned series.

  • end (object) – Last index value to find in the returned series.

  • window (tuple(float or None, float or None) or None) – window=(start, end) is the same as start=start, end=end. These parameters styles are mutually exclusive.

  • method (str) – Windowing method used to select the first and last values of the series using series_window(). Defaults to inclusive, which is suitable for signals where all the value changes have a corresponding row without any fixed sample-rate constraints. If they have been downsampled, nearest might be a better choice.).


If end is past the end of the data, the last row will be duplicated so that we can have a start and end index at the right location, without moving the point at which the transition to the last value happened. This also allows plotting series with only one item using matplotlib, which would otherwise be impossible.


clip_window – Passed down to series_refit_index().

lisa.datautils.df_refit_index(df, start=None, end=None, window=None, method='inclusive')[source]

Same as series_refit_index() but acting on pandas.DataFrame

lisa.datautils.df_split_signals(df, signal_cols, align_start=False, window=None)[source]

Yield subset of df that only contain one signal, along with the signal identification values.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The dataframe to split.

  • signal_cols (list(str)) – Columns that uniquely identify a signal.

  • window (tuple(float or None, float or None) or None) – Apply df_refit_index() on the yielded dataframes with the given window.

  • align_start (bool) – If True, same as window=(df.index[0], None). This makes sure all yielded signals start at the same index as the original dataframe.

lisa.datautils.df_squash(df, start, end, column='delta')[source]

Slice a dataframe of deltas in [start:end] and ensure we have an event at exactly those boundaries.

The input dataframe is expected to have a “column” which reports the time delta between consecutive rows, as for example dataframes generated by df_add_delta().

The returned dataframe is granted to have an initial and final event at the specified “start” (“end”) index values, which values are the same of the last event before (first event after) the specified “start” (“end”) time.


Slice a dataframe to [start:end], and work on the time data so that it makes sense within the interval.

Examples to make it clearer:

df is:
Time len state
15    1   1
16    1   0
17    1   1
18    1   0

df_squash(df, 16.5, 17.5) =>

Time len state
16.5  .5   0
17    .5   1

df_squash(df, 16.2, 16.8) =>

Time len state
16.2  .6   0

a new df that fits the above description

lisa.datautils.df_filter(df, filter_columns, exclude=False)[source]

Filter the content of a dataframe.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame to filter

  • filter_columns (dict(str, object)) – Dict of {“column”: value) that rows has to match to be selected.

  • exclude (bool) – If True, the matching rows will be excluded rather than selected.

lisa.datautils.df_merge(df_list, drop_columns=None, drop_inplace=False, filter_columns=None)[source]

Merge a list of pandas.DataFrame, keeping the index sorted.

  • drop_columns (list(str)) – List of columns to drop prior to merging. This avoids ending up with extra renamed columns if some dataframes have column names in common.

  • drop_inplace (bool) – Drop columns in the original dataframes instead of creating copies.

  • filter_columns (dict(str, object)) – Dict of {“column”: value) used to filter each dataframe prior to dropping columns. The columns are then dropped as they have a constant value.

lisa.datautils.df_delta(pre_df, post_df, group_on=None)[source]

pre_df and post_df containing paired/consecutive events indexed by time, df_delta() merges the two dataframes and adds a delta column containing the time spent between the two events. A typical usecase would be adding pre/post events at the entry/exit of a function.

Rows from pre_df and post_df are grouped by the group_on columns. E.g.: ['pid', 'comm'] to group by task. Except columns listed in group_on, pre_df and post_df must have columns with different names.

Events that cannot be paired are ignored.

  • pre_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the events that start a record.

  • post_df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe containing the events that end a record.

  • group_on (list(str)) – Columns used to group pre_df and post_df. E.g.: This would be ['pid', 'comm'] to group by task.


a pandas.DataFrame indexed by the pre_df dataframe with:

  • All the columns from the pre_df dataframe.

  • All the columns from the post_df dataframe.

  • A delta column (duration between the emission of a ‘pre’ event

    and its consecutive ‘post’ event).

lisa.datautils.series_derivate(y, x=None, order=1)[source]

Compute a derivative of a pandas.Series with respect to another series.


A series of dy/dx, where x is either the index of y or another series.

  • y (pandas.DataFrame) – Series with the data to derivate.

  • x (pandas.DataFrame or None) – Series with the x data. If None, the index of y will be used. Note that y and x are expected to have the same index.

  • order (int) – Order of the derivative (1 is speed, 2 is acceleration etc).

lisa.datautils.series_integrate(y, x=None, sign=None, method='rect', rect_step='post')[source]

Compute the integral of y with respect to x.


A scalar \(\int_{x=A}^{x=B} y \, dx\), where x is either the index of y or another series.

  • y (pandas.DataFrame) – Series with the data to integrate.

  • x (pandas.DataFrame or None) – Series with the x data. If None, the index of y will be used. Note that y and x are expected to have the same index.

  • sign (str or None) –

    Clip the data for the area in positive or negative regions. Can be any of:

    • +: ignore negative data

    • -: ignore positive data

    • None: use all data

  • method – The method for area calculation. This can be any of the integration methods supported in numpy or rect

  • rect_step (str) – The step behaviour for rect method

Rectangular Method

  • Step: Post

    Consider the following time series data:

    2            *----*----*----+
                 |              |
    1            |              *----*----+
    0  *----*----+
       0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
    import pandas as pd
    a = [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1]
    s = pd.Series(a)

    The area under the curve is:

    \[\begin{split}\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} (x_{k+1} - {x_k}) \times f(x_k) \\ (2 \times 3) + (1 \times 2) = 8\end{split}\]
  • Step: Pre

    2       +----*----*----*
            |              |
    1       |              +----*----*----+
    0  *----*
       0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
    import pandas as pd
    a = [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1]
    s = pd.Series(a)

    The area under the curve is:

    \[\begin{split}\sum_{k=1}^{N} (x_k - x_{k-1}) \times f(x_k) \\ (2 \times 3) + (1 \times 3) = 9\end{split}\]
lisa.datautils.series_mean(y, x=None, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the average of y by integrating with respect to x and dividing by the range of x.


A scalar \(\int_{x=A}^{x=B} \frac{y}{| B - A |} \, dx\), where x is either the index of y or another series.

  • y (pandas.DataFrame) – Series with the data to integrate.

  • x (pandas.DataFrame or None) – Series with the x data. If None, the index of y will be used. Note that y and x are expected to have the same index.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to series_integrate().

lisa.datautils.series_window(series, window, method='pre', clip_window=True)[source]

Select a portion of a pandas.Series

  • series (pandas.Series) – series to slice

  • window (tuple(object)) – two-tuple of index values for the start and end of the region to select.

  • clip_window (bool) – Only True value is now allwed: clip the requested window to the bounds of the index, otherwise raise exceptions if the window is too large.

  • method

    Choose how edges are handled:

    • inclusive: When no exact match is found, include both the previous

      and next values around the window.

    • exclusive: When no exact match is found, only index values within

      the range are selected. This is the default pandas float slicing behavior.

    • nearest: Not supported with polars objects: when no exact match is found, take the nearest index value.

    • pre: When no exact match is found, take the previous index value.

    • post: When no exact match is found, take the next index value.


The index of series must be monotonic and without duplicates.

lisa.datautils.df_window(df, window, method='pre', clip_window=True)[source]

Same as series_window() but acting on a pandas.DataFrame


Make an empty clone of the given dataframe.


df (pandas.DataFrame) – The template dataframe.

More specifically, the following aspects are cloned:

  • Column names

  • Column dtypes

lisa.datautils.df_window_signals(df, window, signals, compress_init=False, clip_window=True)[source]

Similar to df_window() with method='pre' but guarantees that each signal will have a values at the beginning of the window.

  • window (tuple(object)) – two-tuple of index values for the start and end of the region to select.

  • signals (list(SignalDesc)) – List of SignalDesc describing the signals to fixup.

  • compress_init (bool) – When False, the timestamps of the init value of signals (right before the window) are preserved. If True, they are changed into values as close as possible to the beginning of the window.

  • clip_window – See df_window()

lisa.datautils.series_align_signal(ref, to_align, max_shift=None)[source]

Align a signal to an expected reference signal using their cross-correlation.


(ref, to_align) tuple, with to_align shifted by an amount computed to align as well as possible with ref. Both ref and to_align are resampled to have a fixed sample rate.

  • ref (pandas.Series) – reference signal.

  • to_align (pandas.Series) – signal to align

  • max_shift (object or None) – Maximum shift allowed to align signals, in index units.

lisa.datautils.df_filter_task_ids(df, task_ids, pid_col='pid', comm_col='comm', invert=False, comm_max_len=15)[source]

Filter a dataframe using a list of lisa.analysis.tasks.TaskID

  • task_ids (list(lisa.analysis.tasks.TaskID)) – List of task IDs to filter

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe to act on.

  • pid_col (str or None) – Column name in the dataframe with PIDs.

  • comm_col (str or None) – Column name in the dataframe with comm.

  • comm_max_len – Maximum expected length of the strings in comm_col. The task_ids comm field will be truncated at that length before being matched.

  • invert (bool) – Invert selection

lisa.datautils.series_local_extremum(series, kind)[source]

Returns a series of local extremum.

  • series (pandas.Series) – Series to look at.

  • kind (str) – Kind of extremum: min or max.


Compute the average between the mean of local maximums and local minimums of the series.

Assuming that the values are ranging inside a tunnel, this will give the average center of that tunnel.

lisa.datautils.series_tunnel_mean(*args, **kwargs)[source]


Deprecated since version 2.0.

series_tunnel_mean() is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0, use lisa.datautils.series_envelope_mean() instead

lisa.datautils.series_rolling_apply(series, func, window, window_float_index=True, center=False)[source]

Apply a function on a rolling window of a series.


The series of results of the function.

  • series (pandas.Series) – Series to act on.

  • func (collections.abc.Callable) – Function to apply on each window. It must take a pandas.Series as only parameter and return one value.

  • window (float) – Rolling window width in seconds.

  • center (bool) – Label values generated by func with the center of the window, rather than the highest index in it.

  • window_float_index (bool) – If True, the series passed to func will be of type pandas.Index (float64), in nanoseconds. Disabling is recommended if the index is not used by func since it will remove the need for a conversion.

lisa.datautils.series_deduplicate(series, keep, consecutives)[source]

Remove duplicate values in a pandas.Series.

  • keep (str) – Keep the first occurrences if first, or the last if last.

  • consecutives (bool) –

    If True, will only remove consecutive duplicates, for example:

    s = pd.Series([1,2,2,3,4,2], index=[1,2,20,30,40,50])
    s2 = series_deduplicate(s, keep='first', consecutives=True)
    assert (s2 == [1,2,3,4,2]).all()
    s3 = series_deduplicate(s, keep='first', consecutives=False)
    assert (s3 == [1,2,3,4]).all()

lisa.datautils.df_deduplicate(df, keep, consecutives, cols=None, all_col=True)[source]

Same as series_deduplicate() but for pandas.DataFrame.

  • cols (list(str) or None) – Only consider these columns when looking for duplicates. By default, all columns are considered

  • all_col (bool) – If True, remove a row when all the columns have duplicated value. Otherwise, remove the row if any column is duplicated.

lisa.datautils.series_update_duplicates(series, func=None)[source]

Update a given series to avoid duplicated values.

  • series (pandas.Series) – Series to act on.

  • func (collections.abc.Callable or None) – The function used to update the column. It must take a pandas.Series of duplicated entries to update as parameters, and return a new pandas.Series. The function will be called as long as there are remaining duplicates. If None, the column is assumed to be floating point number of seconds and will be updated so that the no duplicated timestamps exist once translated to an integer number of nanoseconds.

lisa.datautils.df_update_duplicates(df, col=None, func=None, inplace=False)[source]

Same as series_update_duplicates() but on a pandas.DataFrame.

lisa.datautils.df_combine_duplicates(df, func, output_col, cols=None, all_col=True, prune=True, inplace=False)[source]

Combine the duplicated rows using func and remove the duplicates.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The dataframe to act on.

  • func (collections.abc.Callable) – Function to combine a group of duplicates. It will be passed a pandas.DataFrame corresponding to the group and must return either a pandas.Series with the same index as its input dataframe, or a scalar depending on the value of prune.

  • prune (bool) –

    If True, func will be expected to return a single scalar that will be used instead of a whole duplicated group. Only the first row of the group is kept, the other ones are removed.

    If False, func is expected to return a pandas.Series that will be used as replacement for the group. No rows will be removed.

  • output_col (str) – Column in which the output of func should be stored.

  • cols (list(str) or None) – Columns to use for duplicates detection

  • all_cols (bool) – If True, all columns will be used.

  • inplace (bool) – If True, the passed dataframe is modified.

lisa.datautils.df_add_delta(df, col='delta', src_col=None, window=None, inplace=False)[source]

Add a column containing the delta of the given other column.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The dataframe to act on.

  • col (str) – The name of the column to add.

  • src_col (str or None) – Name of the column to compute the delta of. If None, the index is used.

  • window (tuple(float or None, float or None) or None) – Optionally, a window. It will be used to compute the correct delta of the last row. If inplace=False, the dataframe will be pre-filtered using df_refit_index(). This implies that the last row will have a NaN delta, but will be suitable e.g. for plotting, and aggregation functions that ignore delta such as pandas.DataFrame.sum().

  • inplace (bool) – If True, df is modified inplace to add the column

lisa.datautils.series_combine(series_list, func, fill_value=None)[source]

Same as pandas.Series.combine() on a list of series rather than just two.

lisa.datautils.df_combine(series_list, func, fill_value=None)[source]

Same as pandas.DataFrame.combine() on a list of series rather than just two.

lisa.datautils.series_dereference(series, sources, inplace=False, method='ffill')[source]

Replace each value in series by the value at the corresponding index by the source indicated by series’s value.

  • series (pandas.Series) – Series of “pointer” values.

  • sources (collections.abc.Mapping or pandas.DataFrame) –

    Dictionary with keys corresponding to series values. For each value of series, a source will be chosen and its value at the current index will be used. If a pandas.DataFrame is passed, the column names will be used as keys and the column series as values.


    Unless series and the sources share the same index, the sources will be reindexed with ffill method.

  • inplace (bool) – If True, modify the series inplace.

  • method (str) – sources is reindexed so that it shares the same index as series. method is forwarded to pandas.Series.reindex().

lisa.datautils.df_dereference(df, col, pointer_col=None, sources=None, inplace=False, **kwargs)[source]

Similar to series_dereference().


df = pd.DataFrame({
    'ptr': ['A', 'B'],
    'A'  : ['A1', 'A2'],
    'B'  : ['B1', 'B2'],
df = df_dereference(df, 'dereferenced', pointer_col='ptr')
#   ptr   A   B dereferenced
# 0   A  A1  B1           A1
# 1   B  A2  B2           B2
Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to series_dereference().

class lisa.datautils.SignalDesc(event, fields)[source]

Bases: object

Define a signal to be used by various signal-oriented APIs.

  • event (str) – Name of the event that this signal is represented by.

  • fields (list(str)) – Fields that identify multiple signals multiplexed into one event. For example, a frequency signal would have a cpu_frequency event and a cpu field since cpu_frequency multiplexes the signals for all CPUs.


Return hash(self).

classmethod from_event(*args, **kwargs)[source]


Deprecated since version 3.0.

from_event() is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0: No new signals will be added to this list, use explicit signal description where appropriate in the Trace API

lisa.datautils.series_convert(series, dtype, nullable=None)[source]

Convert a pandas.Series with a best effort strategy.

Nullable types may be used if necessary and possible, otherwise object dtype will be used.

  • series (pandas.Series) – Series of another type than the target one. Strings are allowed.

  • dtype (str or collections.abc.Callable) –

    dtype to convert to. If it is a string (like "uint8"), the following strategy will be used:

    1. Convert to the given dtype

    2. If it failed, try converting to an equivalent nullable dtype

    3. If it failed, try to parse it with an equivalent Python object constructor, and then convert it to the dtype.

    4. If an integer dtype was requested, parsing as hex string will be attempted too

    If it is a callable, it will be applied on the series, converting all values considered as nan by pandas.isna() into None values. The result will have object dtype. The callable has a chance to handle the conversion from nan itself.


    In some cases, asking for an unsigned dtype might let through negative values, as there is no way to reliably distinguish between conversion failures reasons.

  • nullable (bool or None) –


    • True, use the nullable dtype equivalent of the requested dtype.

    • None, use the equivalent nullable dtype if there is any missing

      data, otherwise a non-nullable dtype will be used for lower memory consumption.


Convert the columns of the dataframe to their equivalent nullable dtype, when possible.


df (pandas.DataFrame) – The dataframe to convert.


The dataframe with converted columns.

lisa.datautils.df_find_redundant_cols(df, col, cols=None)[source]

Find the columns that are redundant to col, i.e. that can be computed as df[x] = df[col].map(dict(...)).

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Dataframe to analyse.

  • col (str) – Reference column

  • cols (str or None) – Columns to restrict the analysis to. If None, all columns are used.

Interactive notebooks utilities

Various utilities for interactive notebooks, plus some generic plot-related functions.

lisa.notebook.COLOR_CYCLE = ['#377eb8', '#ff7f00', '#4daf4a', '#f781bf', '#a65628', '#984ea3', '#999999', '#e41a1c', '#dede00']

Colorblind-friendly cycle, see https://gist.github.com/thriveth/8560036

class lisa.notebook.WrappingHBox(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: HBox

HBox that will overflow on multiple lines if the content is too large to fit on one line.

Public constructor

Link some dataframes to an axis displayed in the interactive matplotlib widget.

  • axis (matplotlib.axes.Axes) – Axis to link to.

  • df_list (list(pandas.DataFrame)) – List of pandas dataframe to link.

  • before (int) – Number of dataframe rows to display before the selected location.

  • after (int) – Number of dataframe rows to display after the selected location.

  • cursor_color (str) – Color of the vertical line added at the clicked location.

  • follow_cursor (bool) – If True, the cursor will be followed without the need to click.

When the user clicks on the graph, a vertical marker will appear and the dataframe slice will update to show the relevant row.


This requires the matplotlib widget enabled using %matplotlib widget magic.

lisa.notebook.axis_cursor_delta(axis, colors=('blue', 'green'), buttons=None)[source]

Display the time delta between two vertical lines drawn on clicks.



This requires the matplotlib widget enabled using %matplotlib widget magic.

lisa.notebook.interact_tasks(trace, tasks=None, kind=None)[source]

Decorator to make a block of code parametrized on a task that can be selected from a dropdown.

  • trace (lisa.trace.Trace) – Trace object in use

  • tasks (list(int or str or lisa.analysis.tasks.TaskID) or None) – List of tasks that are available. See kind for alternative way of specifying tasks.

  • kind (str or None) –

    Alternatively to tasks, a kind can be provided and the tasks will be selected from the trace for you. It can be:

    • rtapp to select all rt-app tasks

    • all to select all tasks.


trace = Trace('trace.dat')

# Allow selecting any rtapp task
@interact_tasks(trace, kind='rtapp')
def do_plot(task):
lisa.notebook.make_figure(width, height, nrows, ncols, interactive=None, **kwargs)[source]

Make a matplotlib.figure.Figure and its axes.

  • width (int) – Width of the figure.

  • height (int) – Height of the figure.

  • interactive (bool or None) – If True, create an interactive figure. Defaults to True when running under IPython, False otherwise.

Variable keyword arguments:

Forwarded to matplotlib.figure.Figure


A tuple of: * matplotlib.figure.Figure * matplotlib.axes.Axes as a scalar, an iterable (1D) or iterable of iterable matrix (2D)

lisa.notebook.plot_signal(series, name=None, interpolation=None, add_markers=True, vdim=None)[source]

Plot a signal using holoviews library.

  • series (pandas.Series) – Series of values to plot.

  • name (str or None) – Name of the signal. Defaults to the series name.

  • interpolation (str or None) – Interpolate type for the signal. Defaults to steps-post which is the correct value for signals encoded as a series of updates.

  • add_markers (bool) – Add markers to the plot.

  • vdim (holoviews.core.dimension.Dimension) – Value axis dimension.

PELT signals simulations

lisa.pelt.PELT_WINDOW = 0.001048576

PELT window in seconds.

lisa.pelt.PELT_HALF_LIFE = 32

PELT half-life in number of windows.

lisa.pelt.simulate_pelt(activations, init=0, index=None, clock=None, capacity=None, windowless=False, window=0.001048576, half_life=32, scale=1024)[source]

Simulate a PELT signal out of a series of activations.

  • activations (pandas.Series) – Series of a task’s activations: 1 == running and 0 == sleeping.

  • init (float) – Initial value of the signal

  • index (pandas.Index) – Optional index at which the PELT values should be computed. If None, a value will be computed when the task starts sleeping and when it wakes up. Note that there is no emulation of scheduler tick updating the signal while it’s running.

  • clock (pandas.Series) – Series of clock values to be used instead of the timestamp index.

  • capacity (pandas.Series or None) – Capacity of the CPU at all points. This is used to fixup the clock on enqueue and dequeue, since the clock is typically provided by a PELT event and not the enqueue or dequeue events. If no clock at all is passed, the CPU capacity will be used to create one from scratch based on the activations index values.

  • window (float) – PELT window in seconds.

  • windowless (bool) – If True, a windowless simulator is used. This avoids the artifacts of the windowing in PELT.

  • half_life (int) – PELT half-life in number of windows.

  • scale (float) – Scale of the signal, i.e. maximum value it can take.


PELT windowing is not time-invariant, i.e. it depends on the absolute value of the timestamp. This means that the timestamp of the activations matters, and it is recommended to use the clock parameter to provide the actual clock used by PELT.

Also note that the kernel uses integer arithmetic with a different way of computing the signal. This means that the simulation cannot perfectly match the kernel’s signal.

lisa.pelt.pelt_swing(period, duty_cycle, window=0.001048576, half_life=32, scale=1024, kind='peak2peak')[source]

Compute an approximation of the PELT signal swing for a given periodic task.

  • period (float) – Period of the task in seconds.

  • duty_cycle (float) – Duty cycle of the task.

  • window (float) – PELT window in seconds.

  • half_life (int) – PELT half life, in number of windows.

  • scale (float) – PELT scale.

  • kind (str) –

    One of:

    • peak2peak: the peak-to-peak swing of PELT.

    • above: the amplitude of the swing above the average value.

    • below: the amplitude of the swing below the average value.


The PELT signal is approximated as a first order filter. This does not take into account the averaging inside a window, but the window is small enough in practice for that effect to be negligible.

lisa.pelt.pelt_step_response(t, window=0.001048576, half_life=32, scale=1024)[source]

Compute an approximation of the PELT value at time t when subject to a step input (i.e running tasks, PELT starting at 0).

  • t (float) – Evaluate PELT signal at time = t.

  • window (float) – PELT window in seconds.

  • half_life (int) – PELT half life, in number of windows.

  • scale (float) – PELT scale.

lisa.pelt.pelt_settling_time(margin=1, init=0, final=1024, window=0.001048576, half_life=32, scale=1024)[source]

Compute an approximation of the PELT settling time.

  • margin – How close to the final value we want to get, in PELT units.

  • init (float) – Initial PELT value.

  • final (float) – Final PELT value.

  • window (float) – PELT window in seconds.

  • half_life (int) – PELT half life, in number of windows.

  • scale (float) – PELT scale.


The PELT signal is approximated as a first order filter. This does not take into account the averaging inside a window, but the window is small enough in practice for that effect to be negligible.

lisa.pelt.kernel_util_mean(util, plat_info)[source]

Compute the mean of a utilization signal as output by the kernel.



It is currently only fully accurate for a task with a 512 utilisation mean.

Sphinx documentation

class lisa._doc.helpers.RecursiveDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[source]

Bases: Directive

Base class helping nested parsing.


  • literal: If set, a literal block will be used, otherwise the text will be interpreted as reStructuredText.

option_spec = {'literal': <function flag>}

Mapping of option names to validator functions.

parse_nested(txt, source=None)[source]

Parse text as reStructuredText if the literal option is not set.

Otherwise, interpret the text as a line block.

class lisa._doc.helpers.ExecDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[source]

Bases: RecursiveDirective

reStructuredText directive to execute the specified python code and insert the output into the document:

.. exec::

    import sys


  • literal: If set, a literal block will be used, otherwise the text will be interpreted as reStructuredText.

has_content = True

May the directive have content?

class lisa._doc.helpers.RunCommandDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[source]

Bases: RecursiveDirective

reStructuredText directive to execute the specified command and insert the output into the document:

.. run-command::

   exekall --help


  • literal: If set, a literal block will be used, otherwise the text will be interpreted as reStructuredText.

  • capture-stderr: If set, stderr will be captured in addition to stdout.

  • ignore-error: The return status of the command will be ignored. Otherwise, it will raise an exception and building the documentation will fail.

has_content = True

May the directive have content?

option_spec = {'capture-stderr': <function flag>, 'ignore-error': <function flag>, 'literal': <function flag>}

Mapping of option names to validator functions.


Check if a method is a test method.

lisa._doc.helpers.autodoc_process_test_method(app, what, name, obj, options, lines)[source]
lisa._doc.helpers.autodoc_process_analysis_events(app, what, name, obj, options, lines)[source]

Append the list of required trace events

lisa._doc.helpers.autodoc_skip_member_handler(app, what, name, obj, skip, options, default_exclude_members=None)[source]

Enforce the “exclude-members” option, even in cases where it seems to be ignored by Sphinx.

class lisa._doc.helpers.DocPlotConf(conf=None, src='user', add_default_src=True)[source]

Bases: SimpleMultiSrcConf

Analysis plot method arguments configuration for the documentation.

  • doc-plot-conf: Plot methods configuration

  • plots (Mapping): Mapping of function qualnames to their settings.

Example YAML:

# Plot methods configuration

    # Mapping of function qualnames to their settings
    # type: Mapping
    plots: _


Arbitrary code can be executed while loading an instance from a YAML or Pickle file. To include untrusted data in YAML, use the !untrusted tag along with a string

STRUCTURE = <lisa.conf.TopLevelKeyDesc object>
class Plots

Bases: HideExekallID

Mapping of function qualnames to their settings

lisa._doc.helpers.autodoc_process_analysis_plots(app, what, name, obj, options, lines, plots)[source]
lisa._doc.helpers.autodoc_process_analysis_methods(app, what, name, obj, options, lines)[source]

Append the list of required trace events


Look for HTTP URLs in content and return a dict of URL to errors when trying to open them.

Check filename for broken links, and raise an exception if there is any.


Get the mapping of deprecated names with some metadata.


Get a reStructuredText tables with titles for all the deprecated names in lisa.


Infer the Sphinx type a cross reference to obj should have.

For example, :py:class`FooBar has the type py:class.

lisa._doc.helpers.get_subclasses_bullets(cls, abbrev=True, style=None, only_leaves=False)[source]

Return a formatted bullet list of the subclasses of the given class, including a short description for each.

lisa._doc.helpers.make_changelog(repo, since=None, head_release_name='Next release', fmt='rst')[source]

Generate a reStructuredText changelog to be included in the documentation.


The git repository cannot be a shallow clone, as the changelog is extracted from the git history.


The refs/notes/changelog notes is concatenated at the end of commit messages, and the resulting text is parsed. This allows fixing up changelog entries if markers were forgotten without rewriting the history.

class lisa._doc.helpers.PlaceHolderRef[source]

Bases: object

If you got redirected to here, this means that the reference points to something private and undocumented, or is not expected to be even documentable.


Escape the string so that it’s considered plain reStructuredText input, without any markup even if it contains some. This avoids having to use a literal block that is displayed differently.


lisa.version.VERSION_TOKEN = 'git-9ec857989228ca524baa96060134692ae95a86c1'

Unique token related to code version.

When LISA_DEVMODE environment variable is set to 1, the git sha1 followed by the uncommitted patch’s sha1 will be used, so that the code of LISA can uniquely be identified even in development state.